
MSNBC Poll - Vote on the New Hampshire Republican debate

Who do you think did the best or worst in the following six categories?

Who stood out from the pack?

Who showed the most leadership qualities?

Who was the most convincing candidate?

Who had the most rehearsed answers?

Who avoided the questions?

Who had the best one-liner?

Chuck Baldwin - Needed: 3-Dimensional Leaders

I recently delivered a Sunday address entitled "The 3-Dimensional Life." This address was motivated by my belief that a major part of America's overall problem today derives from the fact that most people, including our leaders, live 1-dimensional lives. For the most part, they are ignorant of the past and oblivious to the future. Such people are incapable of making wise decisions, because they are only living for the present.

Without an appreciation and awareness of the past, we have no foundation on which to build our lives. Such people have lost all sense of history and heritage, and, without a heritage, they have no understanding or pride in who they are. Neither do they comprehend the morality, convictions, and sacrifices of their ancestors.

Furthermore, without cognizance of the future, we have no rudder or compass to guide us. People who live only for the present have no overriding sense of accountability or consequence. They judge their actions only in the light of immediate results with no regard for the plight of future generations.

Unfortunately, it seems that the vast majority of Americans are living a 1-dimensional life. And there seems to be little doubt that today's civil magistrates are sacrificing the future of America upon the altar of money, power, and ambition. Such conduct will quickly doom our once-great country.

Take a look at the average history book today. Where are the great stories of Washington and America's other Founding Fathers? They are practically nonexistent. Where are the references to the two Great Awakenings that revived spiritual piety in America? Where is the devotion to America's founding principles contained in the Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and Bill of Rights? All of this is totally lost to America's current generation.

[Chuck Baldwin's Web Site|Full Article|Note on Reposting]

Ron Paul - CNN Debate - 6/05/2007 - 6:00 PM CDT

2024-04-20 14:03
2024-04-20 14:03

The third GOP presidential debate will be held tomorrow night at 7:00 pm ET in New Hampshire. CNN will broadcast the debate with Wolf Blitzer as the moderator.

Ron Paul - The Price of Delaying the Inevitable in Iraq

The growing demand by the American people for us to leave Iraq prompts the naysayers to predict disaster in the Middle East if we do. Of course, these merchants of fear are the same ones who predicted that invading and occupying Iraq would be a slam dunk operation; that we would be welcomed as liberators, and oil revenues would pay for the operation with minimal loss of American lives.

Full article here:

Norman Chenoweth - National Media's Criminal Conspiracy

The conduct of the national media and their criminal conspiracy against (Libertarian) Republican Texas congressman Dr. Ron Paul is utterly amazing. For the first time in over one hundred years we have a true "patriot" running for the office of President, and the media is totally ignoring him like he has the plague. It is obvious that those who control our national media also seek a central world government. Also included in this conspiracy are the elite private International Bankers that own the Federal Reserve, who plotted years ago to gain control over the media. They have been very successful with that endeavor.

Let's look at the facts.

  1. Ron Paul stated in the first debate that he would get rid of the IRS.

    That statement alone should have made him the talk of the nation; no other candidate has stated that. Surely this is newsworthy, but not a word about it from our controlled national media.

  2. In the second debate Ron Paul stated he would get rid of the inflation tax. A 1913-dollar now being worth only four cents. That statement implies he would get rid of the Federal Reserve.

    No one has had the courage to do this since 1836 when Andrew Jackson threw out the bankers, calling them exactly what they are, "You are a den of vipers and thieves." This sure seems newsworthy but still no follow-up from our controlled national media.

  3. Ron Paul wants to get back on a Gold standard and actually have money that is worth something other than worthless paper.

    This country became the greatest and most prosperous nation on earth when it was on a gold standard. Again this seems newsworthy but not a word from our controlled national media.

[Invisible Patriots Web Site]

Chuck Baldwin - George W. Bush Is GOP's Bill Clinton

Those of you who heard my radio program back in 2001 know that I predicted then that George W. Bush would do to the Republican Party much the same thing that Bill Clinton did to the Democratic Party. However, I must confess, I could not then realize the magnitude of that prediction.

Most of us remember that it was the election of Bill Clinton in 1992 that was the impetus for the Republican revolution of 1994. If you recall, a congressional election sweep of the magnitude of 1994 had not been seen in the previous seventy years. It is a truism that Bill Clinton helped to elect more Republicans than the Republican National Committee could ever dream about. Now, the same thing is happening with George W. Bush. In spades!

[Chuck Baldwin's Web Site|Full Article|Note on Reposting]

Chuck Baldwin - Paul, Not Romney, Won First GOP Debate

No less than ten Republican hopefuls in the 2008 White House race participated in the first national GOP debate last Thursday, May 3. Even before the 90-minute debate had concluded, media pundits were declaring that former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney had won.

Even my friend, MSNBC's Joe Scarborough wrote, "During the debate I was flooded by e-mails from Republican activists and voters who told me Romney was dominating the debate." Scarborough went on to say, "Among those Red State Republicans (who will elect their party's next nominee), Mitt Romney won while McCain and Giuliani failed to meet expectations."

As with most political pundits, the entire focus of the debate centered on only three contenders: Arizona Senator John McCain, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, and Romney. In fact, in his post-debate summary, Scarborough's only reference to anyone other than these three names was a fleeting mention of the "Sam Brownbacks of the world."

Yet, when one looks at MSNBC's own poll, a much different picture emerges. According to this poll, there was a clear winner alright, but his name was not McCain, Giuliani, or Romney. It was Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

Consider the before and after polls, as they appear on MSNBC's web site. See it at:

[Chuck Baldwin's Web Site|Full Article|Note on Reposting]

Ron Paul - Security and Liberty

The senseless and horrific killings last week on the campus of Virginia Tech University reinforced an uneasy feeling many Americans experienced after September 11th: namely, that government cannot protect us. No matter how many laws we pass, no matter how many police or federal agents we put on the streets, a determined individual or group still can cause great harm. Perhaps the only good that can come from these terrible killings is a reinforced understanding that we as individuals are responsible for our safety and the safety of our families.

Although Virginia does allow individuals to carry concealed weapons if they first obtain a permit, college campuses within the state are specifically exempted. Virginia Tech, like all Virginia colleges, is therefore a gun-free zone, at least for private individuals. And as we witnessed, it didnt matter how many guns the police had. Only private individuals on the scene could have prevented or lessened this tragedy. Prohibiting guns on campus made the Virginia Tech students less safe, not more.

Full article here:

Ron Paul - Government and Racism

The controversy surrounding remarks by talk show host Don Imus shows that the nation remains incredibly sensitive about matters of race, despite the outward progress of the last 40 years. A nation that once prided itself on a sense of rugged individualism has become uncomfortably obsessed with racial group identities.

The young women on the basketball team Mr. Imus insulted are over 18 and can speak for themselves. Its disconcerting to see third parties become involved and presume to speak collectively for minority groups. It is precisely this collectivist mindset that is at the heart of racism.

Its also disconcerting to hear the subtle or not-so-subtle threats against free speech. Since the FCC regulates airwaves and grants broadcast licenses, were told its proper for government to forbid certain kinds of insulting or offensive speech in the name of racial and social tolerance. Never mind the 1st Amendment, which states unequivocally that, "Congress shall make NO law."

Full article here:

Ron Paul - We Just Marched In (So We Can Just March Out)

All the reasons given to justify a preemptive strike against Iraq were wrong. Congress and the American people were misled.

Support for the war came from various special interests that had agitated for an invasion of Iraq since 1998. The Iraq Liberation Act, passed by Congress and signed into law by President Clinton, stated that getting rid of Saddam Hussein was official U.S. policy. This policy was carried out in 2003.

Congress failed miserably in meeting its crucial obligations as the branch of government charged with deciding whether to declare war. It wrongly and unconstitutionally transferred this power to the president, and the president did not hesitate to use it.

Full article here:

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