
Join Me in Faxing Congress to Stop Fascist ObamaCare and Obey Their Oath of Office

The Fascists and Lobbyists are calling Congress continuously to Vote Against the Constitution and For Fascist National "Health Care"!

Please contact me to give me your name and district info (US Rep district #, zip-code, county, address, whatever), so that I can add you to the list of senders instructing and advising our elected officials to ignore the bankers, corporations, and their lobbyists and minions in the White House; to vote against and stop any unconstitutional acts; and to investigate those officials that are violating their oaths and betraying their constituents, our country, and all of us.

Now is the time to renew our efforts to contact our Representatives and Senators on your behalf and tell them to reject the Illegal, Un-Constitutional, Socialized, Abortion-Funding, Taxing-and-Arresting, End-of-Life-Counseling, Insurance- and Pharmaceutical-Company-Pleasing, Criminally Fraudulent "Health" Care Bill.

Body of Faxed Message

RE: I Instruct You to Stop National HealthCare and Obey Your Oath!

I Instruct you to Stop both the current healthcare plan on the table and plans of using the reconciliation process to make it even easier to sell out America to special interests, including Big Pharma and the Major Insurance companies.






Americans rightly reject any socialized or mandated plan that takes away each one's right to choose (by including a public option; or individual mandates; or imposition of fines, taxes, and/or prison time).

Americans rightly reject any unconstitutional seizure of power that dramatically increases the reach and size of the federal government. We want less government - not more!

The American voters want actions in Congress that are constitutional and that do not sell our country out to banks and corporations!

We are watching your actions in Congress:

Either you will fulfill your oath of office and defend us against these assaults by special-interests, banks, corporations, their lobbyists, and the sell-out traitors among you that are violating their oaths and assisting in the assaults upon their constituents' rights and property,

Or you will join in the ranks of the piratical plunderers that are robbing and enslaving your constituents and all Americans in the service of the anti-American banking, pharmaceutical, chemical, insurance, and penal industries.

Americans are not obliged to obey illegal, unconstitutional acts. We will be working to impeach and/or indict the officials that have conspired to deprive us of our God-given, constitutionally protected rights and freedoms, including life, liberty, property, and pursuit of happiness.

Join Me in Faxing Congress to Reject the Illegal, Un-Constitutional, Socialized "Health" Care Bill

I faxed the following message to several US Representatives and Senators, in my name, and in the name of others that agree.

Please let me know if you want me to send similar faxes to the some or all of the Representatives and Senators on your behalf. Join me in telling them to reject the Illegal, Un-Constitutional, Socialized, Abortion-Funding, Taxing-and-Arresting, End-of-Life-Counseling, Insurance- and Pharmaceutical-Company-Pleasing, Criminally Fraudulent "Health" Care Bill.

Body of Faxed Message

RE: REJECT Illegal, Un-Constitutional, Socialized "Health" Care!

You can Still Stop the Attempt to Force Socialized Health Care with Government-Mandated Health Insurance on American Men and Women and Businesses.

The Plans currently being Pushed by the Democratic Leadership on Behalf of Major Insurance and Pharmaceutical Companies would Impose Rationing through Un-Elected Committees; Force All Americans to Buy High-Priced, Low-Quality, Politically-Created Health Insurance; Establish "End-of-Life" Panels that Recommend Despair and Death; Create an Economically Unsustainable Government-Run Insurance Plan that Will Force Small, Private Companies out of Business; Use Taxpayer Funds to Insure Illegal Aliens; and Impose Economy-Crushing Taxes and Liberty-Killing Prison-Terms.

In Pursuing this Illegal, Un-Constitutional, Corporate-Monopoly-Building Bill, the Tactics for Obtaining Support for this Bill have been Secrecy, Back-Room Deals, Extortion, "Cash for Cloture," and Other Illegal Political Pay-Offs -- Exposing the Bald-Faced Lies that the Health-Care Debates would be Open and Transparent, and Ignoring the Polls showing that the Majority of Americans are OPPOSED to ANY Attempts to Impose Government-Controlled and Mandated Health-Care.

In Your Oath of Office, You Swore to Defend the Constitution Against All Enemies Foreign and Domestic, Including Those that Bribe Elected Officials for Their Own Interests.

Join Me in Telling Senators That Obeying Their Oath of Office is Not "Something Wrong"

I faxed the following instruction/admonition to several US Senators, in my name, and in the name of others that agree.

It is outrageous that Senator Harry Reid would openly bribe US Senators to violate their oath of office with our own tax money, and on Christmas Eve, no less, so that vigilant Americans must choose between family gatherings and instructing treacherous officials. And Harry Reid then stated publicly that there must be "Something Wrong" with any Senators that didn't accept his bribes of specially and Un-Constitutionally appropriated "pork."

Please let me know if you want me to send similar faxes to the some or all of the senators on your behalf. Join me in telling Senators that there is Nothing "Wrong" with obeying their Oath of Office.

Body of Faxed Letter

RE: Obeying Your Oath of Office is NOT "Something Wrong With You"

I Instruct You to STOP the Un-Constitutional, Socialist, Insurance-Company-Serving, Care-Rationing, End-of-Life-Counseling, Un-Affordable Health Care Bill.

  • To Senators other than Harry Reid:
    Harry Reid shamelessly admitted that he believes that "there is Something Wrong" with any senator that didn't benefit from his "pork-fest" of buying treacherous, oath-violating votes with US TaxPayers' money.

  • To Senator Harry Reid:
    Shame on You, Harry Reid! You Lobby Our Elected Officials to Vote Against Our Interests and Against Their Oath of Office to Defend the Constitution Against Domestic Enemies, Like Yourself. You Bribe Our Elected Officials With Special Appropriations, Which is Un-Constitutional. You Publicly State of Senators who Heroicly Rejected Your Treacherous Bribes that "There is Something Wrong With Them."

"Something Wrong" with Obeying Your Oath of Office?! By corollary, that means that accepting Treacherous Un-Constitutional Bribes is "Something Good."

Emergency Alert! Instruct Senators to Vote NO on O-No-Care S.1796 The Healthy Family Act (The Happy Insurance Companies Act)

[This Page|Printable PDF Flyer|Text from O-No-Care S.1796]

Stop S.1796 The Healthy Family Act (aka The Happy Insurance Companies Act aka ObamaCare aka PelosiCare)!

Regarding coverage of abortions: It assures that there will be at least one plan that covers abortions that are prohibited from receiving federal funding! Nice contradiction in a federal bill.

Regarding the power of Congress to impose this fascist assault on our liberties and the Constitution: Pelosi said (of course) that the power is from the "Commerce Clause", and yet I do not see any reference to employers or employees being involved in interstate commerce or not.

  1. Call your SOBs (Servants Of Bankers) at 877 SOB U SOB - Call once for each Senator: ask by name and/or state.
  2. Tell his/her staffer that you are instructing the Senator to vote against this unconstitutional assault upon our personal rights and liberties, upon the privacy of Americans and our employers, and upon state sovereignty.
  3. Tell the staffer that residents and businesses in your state are not the slaves of the federal government, and that they will not be obliged to follow this unconstitutional seizure of power that was never granted to the federal government.
  4. Tell the staffer that you will work to instruct your state legislators to oppose enactment of this unconstitutional, illegal act in your state, and also to instruct them to impeach any Senator from your state that supported or voted for this assault upon the very Constitution that every Senator swears an oath to defend and uphold.

Call 877 SOB U SOB early and often to instruct our SOBs in D.C.

House Betrayal: FDA tyranny to become law: HR.2900 analysis by Mike Adams

On July 11, 2007, the U.S. House of Representatives passed HR 2900, blocking debate on the law and preventing the introduction of any amendments that might have provided meaningful drug safety protections for consumers. This action demonstrates that the House of Representatives, much like the Senate, is utterly controlled by Big Pharma and has abandoned any responsibility to defend the interests of the voters. Drug companies now have complete control over the U.S. Congress, and through a campaign of intense lobbying and financial influence, they have managed to easily water down a law that once proposed to end the American monopoly on pharmaceuticals and ban advertising on new drugs.

Instead of placing new restrictions on Big Pharma and the increasingly dangerous power of the FDA, this new law (a combination of HR.2900 and S.1082, when it is hammered out in conference) grants more power to the FDA while deepening the financial ties between the agency and drug companies. The law effectively surrenders America to a system of medical tyranny under which a criminally-operated FDA will continue to promote pharmaceuticals, censor nutritional education and discredit alternatives that threaten drug company profits. Nothing in the new law protects consumers' access to dietary supplements or natural medicine.

Congress had the potential to pass a really good law here -- one that would have ended direct-to-consumer advertising, banned conflicts of interest at the FDA, required the open source publication of drug trials and ended the U.S. monopoly on pharmaceuticals. Instead, Congress chose to do none of these things. It staged a song and dance about "FDA reform" while selling out the future of America's health to a tiny but powerful group of ultra-wealthy corporations that now virtually rule this country. There is nothing in the new law worth celebrating unless, of course, you are the CEO or major shareholder of a Big Pharma corporation, in which case you will like be stunned at just how cheaply and easily U.S. lawmakers can be bought.

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