National Grassroots Demonstration (NGD) - Home/DC Offices of Congress/Senate - Sept. 25, 2007 or Sept. 26, 2007

2025-03-04 07:37
2025-03-04 07:37

[Printable PDF]

WHY: To Stop Mexican Trucks coming beyond the 2 to 25 mile buffer zone along the U.S.A./Mexico border.

WHEN: Sept. 25th or 26th, 2007 -- Between 11:00 am - 2:00 pm.

WHERE: Every office in home states of all 100 Senators and 435 Representatives, or their Washington, DC, offices.


  • Representatives of groups/organizations (with a hundred or more voters): visit the home offices of Senators and Representatives in person to urge the legislative actions below (WHAT).
  • Individuals: Preferably, fax this National Grass-roots Demonstration (NGD) page to these offices, or phone the essence of this page to them.
Joseph Martin
Open to All Attending


Emphasize the Following URGENT Issues to all offices and demand a prompt, written response and the following legislative actions:

  1. By 10/2/2007, U.S.A. Congress must pass legislation to keep all of Mexico's Trucking Companies from having any of their trucks coming beyond the current 2-25 mile limit into the U.S.A. where they exchange freight with U.S.A. trucks. President Bush should enact this legislation by 10/5/2007. By 11/5/2007, the U.S.A. Congress and President Bush should enact the Absolute Advantage Foreign Trade Policy (at least for Mexico) explained below in Urgent Issues 2 and 3.
  2. SUPPORT P.L. 480 Title I LOCAL CURRENCY SALES, including a mutually beneficial trade deal with Mexico involving these P.L. 480 exports of U.S. agricultural products to Mexico and increased oil imports from Mexico (under Absolute Advantage Trade Policy instead of the current "Comparative Advantage" Free Trade Policy) for most of our oil imports.
    • Tell your Congress-persons to add $5 billion to $10 billion in Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 for this P.L. 480 Title I program with Mexico for this concessional loan of pesos to Mexican Government for infrastructure/other economic development very similar to U.S.A.'s WPA and CCC (and other) programs in solving the 1930's economic depression.
    • Also, tell U.S. Congress-persons to correct/improve U.S. true, active, crop-producing family farmer's price support program especially by adding Parity Support Prices.

      A major result of this trade deal and revised trade policy (i.e.: Absolute Advantage) with Mexico would eliminate its "Maquiladora" exports to the U.S.A. and economically force and help it to greatly improve the economic and political conditions for nearly all citizens in Mexico, and stop our open border, illegal immigration, and drug problems. This would also include the willful return of the many million illegal immigrants now in the U.S.A. to proper, good-paying infrastructure and other economic development work in Mexico. This would also keep Mexican truckers transporting goods only within Mexico. It would also cancel the NAFTA Super Highway and "Smart Port" Mexican Customs Office in Kansas City, MO, and prevent combining Mexico, U.S.A., and Canada into one country.

  3. Tell Congress to Legislate by 11/5/2007 to afore-mentioned Absolute Advantage Foreign Trade Policy worldwide with Mexico (and worldwide in early 2008), which means that an importing country imports only complementary, not supplementary, products (in most practicable finished form) that it cannot reasonably produce itself. E.g.: U.S.A. would import finished-form tropical agricultural products and export finished-form temperate agricultural products. This Would Stop All U.S.A. Improper Imports from All Countries and Greatly Help Solve the Disastrous U.S.A. Trade Deficit and Foreign Debt. Also, it would return most or all of the many million good U.S.A. jobs exported/outsourced over the past 35-45 years.
  4. Tell (Instruct) your Federal and State Senators and Representatives, and your Governor, to legislate a paper ballot voting system (in place of the machine/computer systems) for legitimate, accurate voting systems nationwide for the November 2008 election.
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