Press Releases

Release - Reform Party of Kansas Announces 2010 State Convention

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Reform Party of Kansas Announces 2010 State Convention

Wichita, Kansas – May 14, 2010 – The 2010 State Convention and Nominating Caucus of the Reform Party of Kansas has been scheduled for Saturday, May 29th, 2010, in Emporia, KS, by the state party's Executive Committee.

The 2010 State Convention is open to members of the Reform Party of Kansas, to Kansans interested in running for office on the Reform ballot, to visitors, and to the media. The convention will be held in a conference room at the Golden Corral Buffet & Grill in Emporia, KS, on Saturday, May 29th, 2010, from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. A conference call number will be available for people to attend across the state.

The announcement can be read online:

Derek Langseth
Ph: 1-316-573-3231

Joseph Martin
Ph: 1-785-xxx-xxxx

Ron Paul - Ron Paul in Kansas City

June 22, 2007

Kansas City enthusiastically welcomed Congressman Ron Paul last Friday, June 15th. [VK Notice]

Dr. Paul started the day with an interview by the editorial board of the Kansas City Star. Afterwards, he spoke to the National Right to Life Convention where he received a standing ovation. A reporter for the Los Angeles Times then interviewed Dr. Paul for over an hour for a major article to be published in a few weeks. After the interview, Missouri State Representative Jim Guest hosted a luncheon for Dr. Paul. They were joined by Missouri State Representative Brian Yates.

Throughout the day, a two-man camera crew from the New York Times photographed Dr. Paul for an upcoming article in the New York Times Sunday magazine. The crew traveled with Dr. Paul to Phoenix the next day.

Photographs of the Kansas City event are posted at 72157600421461719

Thank you Kansas City!

Kent Snyder, Chairman
Ron Paul 2008

Press Release - Sen. Sessions Releases List of 20 Loopholes in the Senate Immigration Bill

Sen. Sessions Releases List of 20 Loopholes in the Senate Immigration Bill

20 Loopholes in the Senate Immigration Bill

  • Loophole 1 – Legal Status Before Enforcement
  • Loophole 2 – U.S. VISIT Exit Not In Trigger
  • Loophole 3 – Trigger Requires No More Agents, Beds, or Fencing Than Current Law
  • Loophole 4 -- Three Additional Years Worth of Illegal Aliens Granted Status, Treated Preferentially To Legal Filers
  • Loophole 5 – Completion of Background Checks Not Required For Probationary Legal Status
  • Loophole 6 – Some Child Molesters Are Still Eligible
  • Loophole 7 – Terrorism Connections Allowed, Good Moral Character Not Required
  • Loophole 8 – Gang Members Are Eligible
  • Loophole 9 – Absconders Are Eligible
  • Loophole 10 – Learning English Not Required For A Decade
  • Loophole 11 – Earned Income Tax Credit Will Cost Taxpayers Billions In Just 10 Years
  • Loophole 12 – Affidavits From Friends Accepted As Evidence
  • Loophole 13 – Taxpayer Funded Legal Counsel and Arbitration
  • Loophole 14 – In-State Tuition and Student Loans
  • Loophole 15 – Inadequacy of the Merit System
  • Loophole 16 – Visas For Individuals That Plan To Overstay
  • Loophole 17 – Chain Migration Tippled Before Being Eliminated
  • Loophole 18 – Back Taxes Not Required
  • Loophole 19 – Social Security Credits Allowed For Some Illegal Work Histories
  • Loophole 20 – Criminal Fines Not Proportional To Conduct

[Press Release of Senator Sessions]

Press Release - Reform Party USA Endorses Summer-Long Gas Boycott

The Reform of the United States of America, through its National Committee, sponsors and endorses a symbolic Summer National Gas Boycott, extending through Aug. 31, 2007 and asks all who are alarmed by the unprecedented gas prices and gas price increases which appear to have little relation to crude oil prices, to join the Reform Party of the United States of America ("RPUSA") and participate in this Summer expression of public outrage by boycotting all gasoline purchases from all major oil companies and purchasing only from independent or locally owned gas stations.

A public press release notice of the endorsement of this Summer 2007 gas boycott is authorized and directed by the RPUSA National Committee for immediate media distribution, e-mail reflector, and website publication by the RPUSA.

All other responsible RPUSA Committees are discharged of this matter.

Press Release - Reform Party USA Endorses 15 May Gas Boycott

2025-03-03 04:49
2025-03-03 04:49


The Reform of the United States of America, through its National Committee,
endorses the Tuesday 15 May 2007 National Gas Boycott and asks all
who are alarmed by the unprecedented gas prices and gas price
increases to join the Reform Party of the United States of America ("RPUSA")
and participate in this one day expression of public outrage by boycotting
all gasoline purchases on Tuesday, 15 May 2007.

Press Release - Candidate, Veteran Ranzau Not Welcome in Debates

To members of the media:

During the rhetoric filled "debate" held at the State Fair between Governor Sebelius and Senator Burnett, the Governor made two comments that may give hope to other gubernatorial candidates left out of the debate.

The Governor stated that she was disappointed in voter turnout because "politics is not a spectator sport" and suggested that people need to get involved. Additionally, she stated that she supports the men and women who serve this country in the military.

Richard Ranzau, the Reform Party candidate for governor and veteran of the Persian Gulf and Iraq Wars, spoke with the Governor after the debate.

Buoyed by the Governor's comments, Richard asked her what actions she was willing to take to ensure that he, a veteran of two wars, would be allowed to participate in future debates, and thus fully participate in the election process.

The Governor feebly responded by saying that it was not up to her to decide who would be allowed in the debates. When Richard reminded her that she was the Governor and suggested that she demonstrate some leadership in this area, she quickly avoided the question and sought refuge amongst her supporters.

So much for supporting veterans and encouraging participation in politics.

Roger Tucker, Candidate For Congress Position On Issues

Federal Government control, illegal immigration, invasion, global war on terrorism. trade deficits and budget busting federal programs. These are areas touched on in a recent news release to the Lawrence Journal-World.

2006-05-29 - Reform Party of Kansas 2006 State Convention

To: Members and Media

From: Chairman of the Reform Party of Kansas

Date: May 29, 2006

Reform Party of Kansas chairman, Joseph Martin, announces that the Party's 2006 State Convention and Nominating Caucus will be on June 3rd, 2006, at 10:00 A.M. in Maple Hill, KS, at the following location:

Puffy's Steak and Ice House
215 Main St.
Maple Hill, KS 66507-9400

2006-02-21 - Reform Party of Kansas 2006 1st Quarter Meeting

To: Members and Media

From: Chairman of the Reform Party of Kansas

Date: February 21, 2006

Reform Party of Kansas chairman, Joseph Martin, announces that the Party's first quarterly meeting of 2006 will be on March 4th, 2006, at 10:00 A.M. in Kansas City, KS.

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