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The challenge: Defend The American Standard of Living and Stop Illegal ImmigrationThose who supported the Declaration of Independence in 1776 had the conviction of a positive relationship between mankind and their Creator. Their conviction was that all men are created equal and are endowed with certain unalienable rights including the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The American ideal of equal rights being the unalienable right of all mankind only became more fully practiced everywhere in America after many trials of hardship and sacrifice and even the pains of a civil war. With each victory for the rights of man, America has become a better nation in living up to those ideals of liberty that are expressed in the Declaration of Independence and in our Constitution. We now face another challenge to those great American ideals of liberty. Pandering to the greed for profit of big business interests, our federal government has unfortunately created free trade agreements such as NAFTA and CAFTA that open the door for business interests to seek profits through cheaper production costs based on the foreign oppression of labor rights and lax environment concerns. Passed against the will of the majority of the American people and against the will of the majority of foreign populations, these free trade agreements not only make it possible for business ventures to use the labor of oppressed workers who lack the rights that Americans have under the laws of our Constitution, they also disregard our laws relating to our national sovereignty, all for international business. Just days before the July 28, 2005 House vote that passed CAFTA, U. S. Congressman “Butch” Otter of Idaho said, “I want all 435 members of this House, I want them to be prepared when they go home and explain to their folks at home exactly what they’ve done, for whatever of the 435 members voted for CAFTA, in selling down the drain the sovereignty of this country.” I became a candidate to ask our Congressmen that question. Why did they vote away the sovereignty of this country? America became a sovereign and independent nation only after great sacrifice. Now, we are giving up what we won to allow special interest business to increase profits through workers rights suppression. When our trade policy enable business to profit on the backs of oppressed foreign workers, it is unfair economic advantage against our free society where labor rights are protected by the law of our Constitution. This race to the bottom for the lowest cost production is causing the loss of our nation’s factory jobs. Have you ever questioned why illegal immigration has soared after the federal government passed the NAFTA free trade agreement? Many are as refugees from conditions South of the border that have been made worse because of our trade agreements that enable business to exploit conditions of oppression in foreign nations all the way to China for greater profits. Better trade agreements, as explained in the National Grassroots Demonstration(NGD) letter, in concern for people in oppressed societies will promote better living conditions for many people along with greater human rights, rights with which we are all endowed by right from our Creator, and rights that we, the citizens of America, are only able to hold on to for ourselves by virtue of the honor and vigilance that we are willing to give for our constitutional rights against the constant greed for greater power and social control. When our government fails to have concern for the rights of foreign workers, we are failing to honor our cause of liberty as expressed in our Declaration of Independence. There is no other more important issue, that defines who and what America is, than when the American people stand for what is right, for what is expressed in the Declaration of Independence concerning the rights of all mankind. I, for one, am concerned for other people’s rights, not just my own. Our foreign trade policy needs to be fixed to reflect that we the people, all of us, do honor the value of our rights for ourselves and for all people. Especially so because, until we do stand united for what is right, our factory jobs will continue to be lost to the competition of those who employ workers denied the right to achieve a higher standard of living. This is no better than slavery. In some respects, worse. Please copy and pass copies of this letter to others. (page 2) NATIONAL GRASSROOTS DEMONSTRATION (NGD) WHY: GREATLY REDUCE AND STABILIZE GASOLINE PRICES (e.g. regular 87 octane close to $1.20/gal.), UTILITY BILLS, TRANSPORTATION COSTS, ETC.; SOLVE TRADE/BUDGET DEFICITS AND CREDIT CARD DEBT PROBLEMS; HELP SOLVE THE PROBLEMS OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, TERRORISM, JOBS EXPORTED/OUT-SOURCED, AND OTHER NATIONAL AND WORLD PROBLEMS. WHEN: Now, at regular intervals and again at prearranged coordinated times, until necessary results are achieved. WHERE: Every office in home states of all 100 Senators and 435 Representatives. WHO/HOW: Representatives of groups/organizations: (with a hundred or more voters) should visit these Senators’ / Representatives’ offices in person. Individuals: Preferably, fax this NGD page to these offices, or phone the essence of NGD to them. Emphasize the following URGENT ISSUES to all offices and demand a written response. 1. UNCAP AND DRILL US. OIL WELLS - Congress should pass a Windfall Profits Tax bill, similar to S-1631 proposed in 2005; also a bill, added to HR-6 Energy Legislation of 2005, that provides a “price-support” (tax credits, etc.) of $23-25.00/barrel of oil and $3.00/1000 Cu. ft. of natural gas: and that adds incentives to increase USA oil refinery capacity. This would prevent OPEC monopoly (Cartel) from dropping its prices below these price supports to stop or greatly reduce U.S. domestic oil/natural gas production, as it did at $10/barrel in 1998. The President should sign this bill, and it should require him to have his Departments of Interior & Agriculture & the Bureau of Land Management to promptly start properly and increasingly issuing leases for oil/natural gas production on Federal Lands in several western and other USA states - especially on Gull Island and other parts of Alaska’s North Slope Petroleum Reserve separately west of Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). These actions should greatly start increasing our domestic oil/gas production in 2 mos. or so after the President signs this bill - ESPECIALLY from ALASKA’S LONG-CAPPED Gull Island Well - and in a year or so reduce our oil imports from 60 % to 20 % or so (most from Mexico) of our oil consumption, with NO IMPORTS from IRAQ/MIDEAST/OPEC monopoly. EXPORTS OF ALASKAN/OTHER USA OIL or NATURAL GAS production should be prohibited. 2. SUPPORT P.L. 480 Title I LOCAL CURRENCY SALES. including a mutually beneficial trade deal with Mexico involving P.L. 480 exports of U. S. agricultural products to Mexico and increased oil imports from Mexico (under Absolute Advantage Trade Policy instead of the current “Comparative Advantage” Free Trade Policy), for most of the 20 % of our imports. Tell your Congresspersons to add $5 - 10 billion in FY 2006 for this P.L. Title I 480 program with Mexico on concessional loan of pesos to Mexican Government for infrastructure/other economic development. Also, tell U.S. congresspersons to improve U.S. family farmers’ price support program, especially by adding PARITY SUPPORT PRICES. A major result of this trade deal and revised trade policy with Mexico would economically force it to greatly improve economic/political conditions in Mexico and stop our open border/illegal immigration problems. This would also include the willful return of the many million illegal immigrants now in the U.S.A. to proper, good-paying infrastructure/other economic development work in Mexico. This would also keep Mexican truckers transporting goods only within Mexico. 3. Tell Congress to VOTE AGAINST FTAA-TYPE TRADE AGREEMENTS WITH ANY COUNTRY, and LEGISLATE an ABSOLUTE ADVANTAGE TRADE POLICY (i.e., an importing country imports only products - in most practicable finished form - it cannot reasonably produce itself). THIS WOULD SOLVE THE DISASTROUS USA TRADE DEFICIT and FOREIGN DEBT. ALSO, IT WOULD RETURN MOST OR ALL JOBS EXPORTED/OUT-SOURCED OVER THE PAST 35-45 YEARS, AND HELP SOLVE OTHER PROBLEMS UNDER “WHY” ABOVE. 4. In 2007, this Absolute Advantage Trade Policy and PL 480 Title 1 program should be applied to many 3rd world “less developed” Latin America, Asian and African countries. 5. Tell your Federal and State Senators and Representatives, and your Governor, to legislate and enforce a paper ballot voting system for honest, accurate voting systems - in place of the machine/computer systems. ALL ELIGIBLE VOTERS: Get active NOW per WHO/HOW (above)! These accomplishments will buy the time (5-10 or more years) to then develop wide-spread alternative energy sources, (wind, solar, etc.) and better energy conservation over the coming decade; also time to solve the other problems under “WHY” above. Also, these accomplishments will prevent a future economic (e.g. excessive gasoline, heating and other energy prices) disaster and the related terrible human sufferings, such as when the Katrina hurricane hit Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. Through the action of grassroot patriots, voters and Congressmen can be educated to realize that the present “Comparative Advantage” Free Trade Policy is not fair trade for America’s manufacturing industry and good paying jobs, or for the exploited downtrodden people who are employed without the benefit of protection under the United States Constitution. |
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