May 31, 2007
By Norman Chenoweth
The conduct of the national media and their criminal conspiracy against (Libertarian) Republican Texas congressman Dr. Ron Paul is utterly amazing. For the first time in over one hundred years we have a true "patriot" running for the office of President, and the media is totally ignoring him like he has the plague. It is obvious that those who control our national media also seek a central world government. Also included in this conspiracy are the elite private International Bankers that own the Federal Reserve, who plotted years ago to gain control over the media. They have been very successful with that endeavor.
Let's look at the facts.
- Ron Paul stated in the first debate that he would get rid of the IRS.
That statement alone should have made him the talk of the nation; no other candidate has stated that. Surely this is newsworthy, but not a word about it from our controlled national media.
- In the second debate Ron Paul stated he would get rid of the inflation tax. A 1913-dollar now being worth only four cents. That statement implies he would get rid of the Federal Reserve.
No one has had the courage to do this since 1836 when Andrew Jackson threw out the bankers, calling them exactly what they are, "You are a den of vipers and thieves." This sure seems newsworthy but still no follow-up from our controlled national media.
- Ron Paul wants to get back on a Gold standard and actually have money that is worth something other than worthless paper.
This country became the greatest and most prosperous nation on earth when it was on a gold standard. Again this seems newsworthy but not a word from our controlled national media.
- Ron Paul wants to return to Constitutional government.
In view of the many unconstitutional laws passed by congress in the last ninety plus years it seems this would be newsworthy but still not a word from our controlled national media.
- Ron Paul wants to get special interests out of government.
That's a novel idea, but then the media is one of those special interests, so we know they don't want any part of that.
- Ron Paul not only wants to bring our troops home from Iraq, he also wants to bring them home from all over the world.
Since no other candidate has ever mentioned this, it sure seems it should be newsworthy, but still nothing from our national media.
- Ron Paul wants to STOP the North American Union.
The national media don't want to talk about the NAU, at all, period.
- Ron Paul, told a New Hampshire audience this, about the new highway: "They already have a plan for a highway running from Mexico up to Canada, a 12-lane highway with trains running in the middle. It's going to be an international highway. And there's been some secret funding already into our budgets to start this program moving. There's going to be eminent domain powers used to confiscate tens of thousands of acres to build this."
The national media don't want to talk about this highway either; it may interfere with their Imperial one-world government controllers.
- Ron Paul wants to get out of the horrible trade deal, NAFTA.
There should be a little news coverage on that idea but still nothing from our controlled national media.
- Ron Paul wants to get out of CAFTA, another bad trade deal.
This also is not newsworthy to our controlled national media.
- Ron Paul wants to get out of the corrupt World Trade Organization.
Surely this is newsworthy, but not to our controlled national media.
- Ron Paul wants to get out of the United Nations.
Just another novel idea, the controlled media don't want to discuss.
- Ron Paul doesn't believe in amnesty for illegals. He also wants to remove the birthright citizenship for illegals children born here.
Every illegal that has a child here, that child goes on Social Security for eighteen years, no wonder Social Security is in trouble. You guessed it, still nothing from our controlled national media.
- Ron Paul said, "We must end welfare state subsidies for illegal immigrants."
That seems to be a sensible idea but still not newsworthy for our controlled national media.
- Ron Paul wants nothing to do with one-world government.
Of course, that is not a position our controlled media can support.
- Ron Paul wants to really secure our borders.
You would think that with all of the controversy about this, that it would be newsworthy but as you can see, nothing about Ron Paul is newsworthy to our controlled national media!
When Ron Paul finally gets on a national news program, 90% of the time they do everything in the world to discredit him in any way they can including telling lies. Obviously they have been unable to dig up any dirt on Dr. Paul or they wouldn't have to lie about him. It's hard to find a poll that Ron Paul isn't among the top three candidates, yet I just heard a newscaster on CNN state that Ron was at 1% in the polls. What kind of garbage is that? A bold faced lie is what that is.
More Facts about Ron Paul
- He has never voted to raise taxes.
- He has never voted for an unbalanced budget.
- He has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership.
- He has never voted to raise congressional pay.
- He has never taken a government-paid junket.
- He has never voted to increase the power of the executive branch.
- He has never voted for an unconstitutional bill.
- He voted against the Patriot Act.
- He voted against regulating the Internet.
- He voted against the Iraq war.
- He does not participate in the lucrative congressional pension program. (I wonder how many other congressmen can say that, if any?)
- He returns a portion of his annual congressional office budget to the U.S. treasury every year.
If all of this doesn't add up to a criminal conspiracy, I don't know what does. Who wouldn't want a candidate like Ron Paul for president? With an outstanding record like his the media should have been all over him, asking how he intends to accomplish these goals. However as you can see, he is virtually ignored by the criminal conspiracy of our controlled national media.
The really sad part of this conspiracy is that it is extended to the Republican Party itself. The Neocons in the Republican Party are doing everything they can think of to sabotage Ron Paul's efforts to restore this country to the Republic it was intended to be. Let's hope that the Internet has the power to overcome these Traitors and get Ron Paul elected. When you consider that the Mainstream Republican Party figures supported the Democrat, Greg Laughlin that ran against Ron Paul in the 14th congressional district of Texas in 1996, it's not hard to see that even the Neocon branch of the Republican Party want nothing to do with Ron Paul. That leaves it up to We The People to see that Ron Paul gets a fair deal in this campaign.
I consider this our last chance to save our Republic without an armed revolution similar to the one in my fiction book, "The Invisible Patriots - The Second American Revolution". I find myself being a very selfish person, wanting Ron Paul to become president because of his dedication to our constitution and his many other virtues, while at the same time I fear for his life. When you are talking about trillions of dollars the Imperial One-World Order elitists and the criminal International Bankers who own the Federal Reserve are going to loose if Ron Paul does overcome the lack of media attention and become president, you have to fear for his life. May God bless and watch over Ron Paul.
Norman Chenoweth is the author of "The Invisible Patriots - The Second American Revolution" published in April of 2005. He is also a Road Scholar, as opposed to a Rhodes Scholar, spending the 1970's on the road traveling the Eastern U.S. He is a retired businessman now living in Florida.
Norm's web site Where you can get his e-book FREE is, and he can be contacted at
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