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Chuck Baldwin - Not Our Fathers' AmericaBy Chuck Baldwin This column is archived at Every country goes through changes. However, stable countries are able to maintain their basic culture, identity, language, and heritage throughout the various gradations of societal evolution. Hence, through major wars, minor conflicts, turmoil, depression, and dissension, America, for the most part, has been able to maintain the fundamental underpinnings that made our country unique. But, Ladies and Gentlemen, those underpinnings are very quickly disappearing. In a very real sense, this is not our fathers' America. And by that, I am not referring to our modern conveniences, our advanced technologies, or our avant-garde styles of dress and forms of entertainment. I am talking about the principles and values that cut to the very core of who and what we are as a nation. We are fast losing the substance of what it means to be American. For the most part, our fathers' America was a nation that had a firm faith in God and was not ashamed to publicly acknowledge Him. This faith in God was not something worn on the sleeve to parade around every two years during a political campaign; it was something genuine, something that guided practical day-by-day decisions and choices. Can one imagine people in past generations saying that, while they had a "deep and personal" faith, this faith had no place or bearing in the practical decisions they would make. What lunacy! Yet, this is exactly what we hear so many of today's politicians and businessmen routinely say. In fact, one common saying for this generation of Christian businessmen is, "He doesn't let his Christianity get in the way of his business." And for what appears to be a majority of today's commercial leaders, this is not just a maxim; it is a fact. Secondly, our fathers' America enjoyed a strong commitment to the principles of freedom and independence. Through major wars, threats, and terrorist attacks, they never surrendered the principle that our Creator had granted us liberty. Oh, there were times when our commitment to liberty was seriously challenged. However, the resolve of our forebears regarding the principle of freedom was stronger than any foe, whether it was found across the ocean or across the street. But, this is not our fathers' America. Today, many, if not most, Americans seem eager to surrender practically any freedom upon the promise of protection and security. We no longer cherish the idea of liberty. Liberty seems to be no more valuable than a poker chip to be gambled away if the pot is sweetened with the promise that the government will take care of us. For example, political leaders in both parties are allowed to chip away at our Second Amendment freedoms to the point that it is only a matter of time (and maybe a very short time) before the right to keep and bear arms will be forfeited, as has already been done in places such as England, Canada, and Australia (and in many states in the U.S.). This attack on the right to keep and bear arms will certainly intensify if any of the current presidential frontrunners is elected next year. If Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, John Edwards, Rudy Giuliani, John McCain, or Mitt Romney is elected President next year, Americans will have the fight of their life on hand to preserve the little freedom to keep and bear arms that currently exists. (Romney's recent attempt to present himself as pro-gun is mere pretense. Remember that, as Governor of Massachusetts, he supported the Brady gun-control ban. And as recently as 2002, Romney publicly reiterated his support for strict gun control.) Why? Because the elites who control our media, Congress, the White House, and commercial boardrooms are in the process of constructing their New World Order, and a disarmed citizenry is absolutely essential to this end. Make no mistake about it: they want our guns, and they want them badly! Already, big-game hunting is fast becoming a sport that is not only politically incorrect, it is a sport that only the rich can afford. Through hundreds of laws that restrict land usage and the type of game that can be legally taken, the average, middle-class worker can hardly find a place to hunt, and when he does find it, he can barely afford the price. Plus, the rules regulating his hunt are so restrictive that he becomes a lawbreaker practically every time he walks into the woods. In addition, many wildlife officers resemble Gestapo troops more than they do peace officers. Nowhere are there more similarities between the old fascist and socialist regimes than can be found in many of our federal and state fish and wildlife officers. (And before you write me a nasty note of rebuttal, I am very much aware of the very fine and honorable wildlife officers out there. I know several such men personally. However, I stand by my assessment that federal and state wildlife officers are more and more being trained in Gestapo-like tactics.) Can you remember the words of Franklin Roosevelt immediately following the attack on Pearl Harbor? As you listen to his words, remember that FDR was the poster child for the Twentieth Century Big Government liberal. In spite of this, Roosevelt said, "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." However, this is not our fathers', even our liberal fathers', America. Today, even so-called conservative politicians constantly instill nothing but fear in the hearts and psyche of the American people. Ditto for the media, and even the Weather Channel! The American people are constantly beaten down with the spirit of fear. Fear of terrorism. Fear of hurricanes. Fear of wildfires. Fear of tornadoes. Fear of disease. Fear of guns. With no ill will intended toward any of the victims of the recent Virginia Tech shootings, why did not any of the students and teachers charge the shooter? As few as a half-dozen men could have stopped that rampage. Yes, two or three of them might have been killed in the process, but there is no chance that the shooter would have stopped them all. (Of course, the university itself bears the brunt of blame for this carnage for not allowing its faculty and qualified adult students to carry handguns for personal protection on campus.) However, our entire culture is inundated with fear. The only thing we think about is survival. Running away. Staying safe. The concept of standing up and risking personal safety in order to resist the threat of bodily harm never seems to enter our minds. If there is no one around to protect or take care of us, we seem to be absolutely helpless. (I'm not referring to our military forces, obviously. On the whole, their courage under fire is nothing short of magnificent!) Our fathers' motto "We have nothing to fear but fear itself", has been changed to "We have nothing but fear itself." Therefore, we enthusiastically embrace the chains of servitude via the Patriot Act, the Department of Homeland Security, the Transportation Security Administration, complete with hundreds of restrictions and attacks upon our privacy and liberty because we are scared to death and, in a panicked state, are willing to accept the phony promises of protection from the hand of an overbearing and ever-increasingly oppressive Nanny State. Finally, consider the fact that our current leaders cannot even seem to understand the importance of being a nation of one language and culture. In our fathers' America, immigrants were expected to enter the country legally. They were expected to learn the English language. They were expected to assimilate into America's public life and culture. They were expected to learn and appreciate our history and heritage. They were expected to be productive in their newfound country. They came to America, not expecting a handout, but only wanting an opportunity. And, for the most part, they were willing to live by our laws for the benefit of having that opportunity. However, this is not our fathers' America. Today, multiculturalism demands that we tolerate lawbreakers (a.k.a. "undocumented workers"). More than that, it demands that we facilitate and bankroll them. And when we resist the attempts of our leaders to force lawlessness upon us, we are accused of being unpatriotic and un-American. Of course, there is an agenda at work here, folks. Today's leaders do not share the principles and ideals of our fathers. They envision a new America. An America without national borders. An America that exists for the benefit of the elites and super-rich. An America that holds no loyalty to constitutional government or the Bill of Rights. An America that has no distinctively Christian culture. An America that is merged into a North American Community. An America that has forgotten Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson. An America that never heard of the Declaration of Independence. An America that uses its military to enforce the demands of international business interests. An America where the State controls everything we do, say, and even think. And, believe me, this new America is already here and quickly squeezing out the America our fathers fought to preserve. The question is, what will people who believe in our fathers' America do? Our pilgrim fathers fled the New World Order in Europe and founded this great nation. Our patriot fathers fought a war of revolution against the New World Order on our soil and won our nation's freedom and independence. So, what will we do? It seems quite certain that the time will soon come when we will be forced to make the same kind of decisions our fathers were forced to make. But, what exactly will those decisions be? One thing is sure: this is no longer our fathers' America, and people who long for such a place are facing another crossroads in history. (c) Chuck Baldwin Chuck Baldwin's commentaries are copyrighted and may be republished, reposted, or emailed providing the person or organization doing so does not charge for subscriptions or advertising and that the column is copied intact and that full credit is given and that Chuck's web site address is included. Please visit Chuck's web site at |
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