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Chuck Baldwin - My Interview With Ron Paul Now OnlineBy Chuck Baldwin This column is archived at I am pleased to announce that my radio interview with Congressman Ron Paul is now online. As most readers know, Dr. Paul is a Republican candidate for President. He is an Air Force veteran, a ten-term congressman from Texas, and a medical doctor. During the course of the interview, I asked Congressman Paul about his positions on a variety of issues that are critical to the future of our country, including abortion, homosexual marriage, illegal immigration, gun control, the Patriot Act, the war in Iraq, and more. My interview with Dr. Paul runs just over thirty minutes. As always, there is absolutely no charge to access this interview. Plus, the interview may be downloaded as an MP3 file. To hear my interview with Ron Paul, go to: In addition, my fine staff has recently uploaded three new video sermons to our web site. Titles include: "He That Hath An Ear, Let Him Hear," "Preparing The Church For Harvest," and "Know Your Enemy." Other video sermons still online include, "The Remnant," "Independence Now And Forever," and others. As always, there is no charge to view any of my video sermons. Plus, they may be viewed with either a high speed or dial up modem, and may also be downloaded as an MP3 file. To view or download these video sermons, go to: In addition, let me remind readers to regularly visit our Election 2008 Web page, as we are constantly updating the page with pertinent information regarding next year's presidential election. This page is located at: One more thing: FREEDOM DOCUMENTS will be reprinted in November. If you have not already received a copy of this giant collection of America's historic documents, you need to reserve your copy now. These will make great Christmas gifts, too. Go to: Please listen to my radio interview with Ron Paul, and thank you for reading my columns. (c) Chuck Baldwin Chuck Baldwin's commentaries are copyrighted and may be republished, reposted, or emailed providing the person or organization doing so does not charge for subscriptions or advertising and that the column is copied intact and that full credit is given and that Chuck's web site address is included. Please visit Chuck's web site at |
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