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Many Facets of A Preemptive Wars PolicyThe only way to continue the U.S. war effort and fix the following problems is by the national draft policy. Our Government has not started the draft, choosing instead to continue using recruitment techniques for a voluntary military in order to maintain its present level of public support for the policy of preemptive wars. The draft would create much greater resistance to the war by bringing the war home to more people who want to stay out of it. From: We are abusing the small population of armed service members with multiple deployments while using inadequate vehicles and equipment. Less than one half of a percent of the American population is serving in the active armed forces, which is the least amount in the last century. Only 25% of the troops in Iraq are there for their first tour, while 50% are there on their second tour, and the remaining 25% are there three times or more. We continue to involuntarily extend soldiers with Stop-Loss, recall them repeatedly for additional service using the Individual Ready Reserve, and send soldiers with diagnosed medical problems into combat. From: "It is a consequence of the consistent churning of our troops," said Bobby Muller, president of Veterans For America. "They are repeatedly exposed to high-intensity combat with insufficient time at home to rest and heal before redeploying." From: "We're looking for high school graduates with no more than one felony on their record," one recruiter said. While confusion exists about whether the boy's mother actually signed a parental consent form allowing her son to enlist, his "father apparently wasn't even at the signing, but his name is on the form too." If you want to bring common sense and integrity back to American politics, be an independent American for the law of our Constitution and American independence. In Kansas, support the Kansas Reform Party. Go to . |
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