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Voting Pro-Life or Pro-ChoicePRO-LIFE or PRO-CHOICE Every election year voters' emotions run high because politicians use two wedge issues to split the voters, trying to trick voters into voting for them. Conservative Republicans and a few Democrats proudly (and loudly) proclaim to be pro-life. While on the other hand Democrats (and a few Republicans) sheepishly proclaim to be pro-choice. Millions cast their vote for these politicians just for these two issues. Most of these voters to not take into account what both parties are doing to hurt the very people that are voting for them. "In Many Ways These Voters are Voting Against Themselves!" The Conservative Republicans who proudly proclaim to be pro-life aren't really "Pro-Life" - they are "Pro-Birth." They supposedly want a baby to be born (which is good), but then they go to Washington and vote to do harm to this very baby they proclaim they want to have life. They do this harm by attacking this little baby's (and all other children's) parents. They vote for trade policies that have been forcing down wages and losing American jobs, letting multinational corporations out-source American jobs to third world countries. For a few thousand dollars in campaign contributions they make tax laws that shift the tax burden from rich Americans and big, rich corporations onto the backs of middle class Americans that are barely making edges meet. So now the middle class and the working poor pay most of the taxes. They have voted to do harm so effectively that 21% of America's (Yes, I Did Say America's!) children live below the poverty level! Jesus said he wanted us to have an abundant life, but I feel the only abundant life these politicians believe in is for themselves and their rich friends and corporations that give them big, fat contributions. These same politicians must feel they do such a good job of inflicting pain on most of the American people that they give themselves a big, fat pay-raise every year! When a Little Baby is Born, That is Only the Beginning. They Must Follow Through! If these self-serving politicians were truly pro-life, they would make sure this newborn baby's parents could get affordable health-care for themselves and all their children. A good paying job with good benefits so this little baby could have a nice home, plenty of good food, a safe warm bed to sleep in, a safe neighborhood to grow up in, and a good safe school to get a good education in. But sadly, many of America's children go to bed hungry every night as do mom and dad. One can only imagine how these parents must feel. All because a self-serving politician gets a big, fat campaign contribution! The Democrats that weakly proclaim to be pro-choice would probably be more pro-life if we lived in an America that put a lot less stress on expectant mothers. The Democrats are now trying to be more like the Republicans as far as collecting campaign contributions. in the last few years, they have climbed in bed with the rich and the big multinational corporations. Bill Clinton taught them that. Democrats used to be for the American workers, but it seems they are getting to be just like the Republicans. Democrats used to do a lot more than Republicans do for a newborn baby. They fought for higher wages for mom and dad as Republicans voted against the minimum wage. Democrats votes for affordable health-care, less crime, and a lot of good things that made America great, but it doesn't seem that way any more. We vote for politicians because they proclaim to be Pro-Life or Pro-Choice, and we ignore the fact that both parties are in a race to do us harm by voting for policies that destroy family life. Aren't we in fact voting to do harm to ourselves by re-electing these self-serving politicians? I will never vote for either of the major parties as long as they are trying to destroy America. I KNOW THERE IS A REAL AMERICAN WHO BELIEVES IN "AMERICA FIRST" THAT COULD WIN ON A THIRD PARTY TICKET. WILL YOU PLEASE STAND UP AND SAY, "FOLLOW ME"? Darrel King Dear Editor, Thanks, Darrel King By darrel at 2025-03-12 12:34 | add new comment | email this page
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