
Notable & Quotable

Opinion Journal - Mon, 2024-05-13 05:59
Luigi Zingales on Greece's impossible balance sheet.

Stephens: The Bogus Iran Intelligence Debate

Opinion Journal - Mon, 2024-05-13 05:59
Ignore the media leaks. Tehran's nuke program is hiding in plain sight.

Maikel Nabil Sanad: The Message From Egypt's Generals

Opinion Journal - Mon, 2024-05-13 05:59
Doubling down on thuggishness with help from U.S. money.

Best of the Web Today: Green yet Barren

Opinion Journal - Mon, 2024-05-13 05:59
You can't make a baby by hugging a tree.

After Jackson-Vanik

Opinion Journal - Mon, 2024-05-13 05:59
A bipartisan challenge to Obama's blind spot on rights in Russia.

The Corporate Disclosure Assault

Opinion Journal - Mon, 2024-05-13 05:59
Unions and liberal activists are using proxy rules to attack business political speech.

Notable & Quotable

Opinion Journal - Mon, 2024-05-13 05:59
Peter Ferrara on the country's long-term economic growth prospects.

Melik Kaylan: Russia's Stake in Syria and Iran

Opinion Journal - Mon, 2024-05-13 05:59
If Tehran returns to a pro-Western orientation, Moscow's stranglehold on the central Asian republics will be over.

Alan Blinder: The U.S. Cruises Toward a 2013 Fiscal Cliff

Opinion Journal - Mon, 2024-05-13 05:59
As tax cuts expire and spending falls, the economy will be hit with a 3.5% decline in gross domestic demand.

Harold Ford: A Tax and Energy Plan to Re-elect Obama

Opinion Journal - Mon, 2024-05-13 05:59
The president's achievements may be overshadowed by high gas prices.

Crovitz: Can Britannica Rule the Web?

Opinion Journal - Mon, 2024-05-13 05:59
Despite Wikipedia, more people pay to access the encyclopedia website annually than paid for the print edition in any year.

O'Grady: The Pope's Cuba Gamble

Opinion Journal - Mon, 2024-05-13 05:59
Ignoring those who have suffered for their faith may win some favor for the Church, but risks alienating the island's faithful.

Conflicting Moralities

Opinion Journal - Mon, 2024-05-13 05:59
We possess a dual nature that includes selfish striving and a nobler "groupishness": 90% chimp and 10% bee. Gary Rosen reviews "The Righteous Mind."

UPDATE: Cops beat our cameraman ZD Roberts

Greg Palast - Articles - Mon, 2024-05-13 05:59

[New York Monday March 19]

Our photographer ZD Roberts was beaten by New York City cops with nightsticks while covering Occupy Wall Street's attempt to re-take Zuccotti Park Saturday night.

Zach yelled several times, “I’m PRESS! PRESS!” yet was slammed on the head twice after he’d been thrown to the ground when the police shoved back the protesters. Zach, whose photos of Occupy Wall Street have been seen all over the world on the front page of The Guardian, showed his press badge, an act for which his hair was grabbed, head pulled back and slammed again with a club.

If you remember, Zach was arrested while covering the story three months ago. His trial is coming up (he refused to cop a plea).

We’ve covered the world … but who thought that the toughest combat assignment would be New York?

Here’s Zach story and comment in his own words and photos:

My head hurts. The NYPD did this to me.

3 months after my arrest during an Occupy Wall St. protest on #D17 and two days away from my meeting with the Assistant DA about said arrest - I got beaten by cops just outside of Zuccotti Park.

I wasn't the only one, and I have no doubt I won't be the last. The NYPD has complete authority in this town - I hate using the word police state, but when I saw a girl thrown from a bus, in handcuffs, having a seizure being tossed to the ground - I really am at a loss for any other words.

Cameras documented it. Here's one of the photos I took. There's tons of video. I can tell you from being there that there wasn't a single police officer with a look of concern on his/her face as the girl continued having a seizure on the hard pavement of Broadway.

It took 15 minutes for an ambulance to arrive. I'm told 5 minutes is the usual response time in this part of town.

This is Commissioner Ray Kelly's city, we just live here.

There was no ambulance needed for me. I was lucky… or maybe just stupid.

After the second cleansing of Zuccotti Park, Saturday night, the police continued their pushback under the guise of 'safety concerns' - basically a standard operating procedure to keep protesters and journalists from being allowed to witness arrests and to disperse the crowd in different directions.

It works quite well, that is until it doesn't. The thing is, when you're pushing back with billy clubs and metal barricades, sometimes people can't move back quick enough. Or sometimes, people refuse to move from a public sidewalk. Well as a photographer, I get caught in the middle quite often - usually I'm deft enough to get out of the way - this time I wasn't.

I fell back, and while trying to get up - there was another push from the police - they saw me fall, mind you. Just didn't care.

Two or three people made it over me without falling as well, using me as their sidewalk (they didn't have any other choice) - but then came the rush - four or five people fell on top of me.

The police kept pushing. Then came the batons. I couldn't see if the people that were on top of me previously got hit at all but I certainly did, twice to the back and once on the head.

I'm not quite sure what the logic is of literally beating a man when he's down. But once he saw that his baton beating wasn't getting me going he decided to try to pick me up by my hair. That didn't work either - but by then I was up enough to get my footing under me as I continued screaming "PRESS!!! PRESS!!!" That was enough to get the beating to stop - but I still was pushed/thrown back into the crowd, again almost losing my footing as I had to leap over a pile of garbage into the street.

Checking my bag and camera for damage I moved outside of the crowd to compose myself before pushing back in.

Read the rest at SuicideGirlsblog.com later tomorrow and visit our facebook page for some exclusive photos from the raid.

Please support our kickstarter campaign to support the research and filming of a DVD and book on Billionaires and Ballots.

Greg Palast is the author of Vultures' Picnic: In Pursuit of Petroleum Pigs, Power Pirates and High-Finance Carnivores.


Tom McMillen: A Bitter Lesson in Basketball and Terrorism

Opinion Journal - Mon, 2024-05-13 05:59
Forty years after the Munich Olympics, star player Tom McMillen recalls his stolen gold medal and the murder of innocents.

Department of Injustice

Opinion Journal - Mon, 2024-05-13 05:59
Prosecutors in the Stevens case deserve severe sanctions.

Jenkins: Greg Smith Is Too Sexy for His Cat

Opinion Journal - Mon, 2024-05-13 05:59
A calorie-free denunciation of Goldman to confirm the media's trite conceptions.

Low-Road Conservatives

Opinion Journal - Mon, 2024-05-13 05:59
Indiana insurgents play Mickey-Mouse politics against Dick Lugar.

Afghan Retreat, Cont.

Opinion Journal - Mon, 2024-05-13 05:59
Neither Karzai nor the Taliban seem to believe President Obama.

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