Human Events Online

No enthusiasm for Obama

Turnout and enthusiasm is down for the campaigner-in-chief.

Land of the setting sun

The gravest problem facing the land of Japan is that it is dying.

The big hoax

The biggest hoax of the past two generations is still going strong...

Obama's covert plan to raise gas prices

Increasing gas prices in order to wean us off gasoline and onto biofuel alternatives is a ruse.

Would you trust this bunch with your pension?

Proposed new pension system is a metaphor for how California is run -- for the benefit of the government class, which occasionally throws a few crumbs to the rest of us when we get a little unruly.

Feminazis versus Rush

The advocates of women's rights assault First Amendment rights.

Romney may recapture upscale whites for the GOP

A question often asked is whether Republicans generally and Romney in particular can run well among blue-collar whites.

Big lies on Big Oil

How much truth is there in President Obama's latest favorite mantra that we consume a disproportionate share of the world's oil?

The anti-Romney vote

The mixed vote on Super Tuesday is a profound setback for the fragile front-runner.

Those pesky things called laws

Two policies of the Obama administration illustrate an axiom: As government expands, its lawfulness contracts.

Decent citizen behavior

There are times when evil must be confronted and vigorously attacked using very personal terms.

Fed hooey

The Fed is catering to the easy-money crowd on Wall Street that wants the central bank to keep driving the stock market higher and higher.

Who Is a citizen?

A recent study calls into question the motives behind the radical anti-immigration groups that have been trying to make illegal immigration a central issue in the campaign.

Colorado's own green loan sinkhole

Meet Loveland-based Abound Solar, the lucky winner of a $400 million federal loan guarantee from the Obama administration.

Exposing the myth that government eliminates poverty

America has been embroiled in a losing war far longer than any engagement in Afghanistan or Iraq.

Is the GOP becoming a war party?

Denouncing Republican "bluster" about war with Iran, President Obama went on the offensive Tuesday.

Obama is judge, jury and executioner

Attorney General Eric Holder has now made clear what many long suspected...

Race-baiting Democrats do nothing for undocumented citizens

Leading Democrats use vicious racial rhetoric to hammer those who simply want voters to be who they say they are.

Obama vs. Israel: Priority No. 1? Stop Israel

It's Lucy and the football, Iran-style...

On Iran and entitlements, Obama kicks the can down the road

Kicking the can down the road. That's been the Obama administration's response to so many issues.
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