Human Events Online

Recent news could cause panic for Obama campaign

Is it panic time at Obama headquarters in Chicago? You might get that impression from watching events -- and the polls -- over the past few weeks.

Obamacare's patient-dumping, privacy-meddling scheme

A shadowy $10 billion Obamacare agency with zero oversight just awarded first lady Michelle Obama's pet patient-dumping scheme at the University of Chicago Medical Center a $5.9 million taxpayer-funded grant.

Sacrificial scams

The real class warfare in this country isn't rich vs. poor, it's government employees vs. we, the taxpayers, who pay their salaries.

The War Next Door

Every single day, atrocities take place just south of our border in Mexico that are nearly unimaginable in the United States.

Making life fair

A free market will create big differences in wealth. That wealth disparity is simply a byproduct of freedom -- vastly diverse individuals competing to serve consumers will arrive at vastly diverse outcomes.

Should we obey all laws?

Let's think about whether all acts of Congress deserve our respect and obedience...

A gold nugget as big as the White House

F. Scott Fitzgerald once wrote a story about a family that discovered a diamond as big as the Ritz-Carlton Hotel sitting beneath a mountain in a remote corner of Montana.

As the boomers head for the barn

Only 63.6 percent of the U.S. working age population is now in the labor force, the lowest level since December 1981.

A censored race war?

When two white newspaper reporters were driving through Norfolk, and were set upon and beaten by a mob of young blacks, that might seem to have been news that should have been reported, at least by their own newspaper...

Obama is the extremist, not conservative talkers

Some conservatives believe that other conservatives are damaging the cause of conservatism by dishonestly overstating their case against President Obama.

Remembering police officers who gave their lives in the line of duty

We should always be mindful of the good peace officers do to protect our country and her laws.

No time to run from marriage issue

Republicans usually stand to benefit whenever cultural issues arise in an election campaign. But they too often run away from debates over issues related to marriage, life and religion.

Changing the world one city at a time

Given the nation's deep fiscal problems, many Americans of the Right and Left are so frustrated about the political process that they are jumping on Tea Party buses and occupying city parks.

A campaign of shiny objects

The politician who campaigned for change now wants to change the subject.

Three different ways to look at the 2012 campaign

Last week, I wrote about the standings in the presidential race and said it looked like a long, hard slog through about a dozen clearly identified target states, much like the contests in 2000 and 2004.

The American dream in an automobile

The connection between cars and self-image is as American as the anti-Prius, the F-150 pickup truck.

Still making waves

Quick question: What is the most enduring American pop group of all time? Has to be The Beach Boys, right?

The Kansas Two-Step: Secretary Sebelius' Dancing Around the Topic of Religious Liberty

Sebelius gave the congressional committee the old Texas, in this case Kansas, two-step.

N.C. vote proves Rush Limbaugh right on marriage

President Obama is apparently tired of pretending he opposes gay marriage...

Loose lips endanger lives

The U.S. dodged another terrorist bullet when a would-be "underwear bomber" turned out to be a double agent.
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