Loss of Jobs

First Mexican truck to cross Texas border for U.S. interior Friday

SAN DIEGO — The first Mexican carrier is set to roll over the border into Texas and head along Interstate 35 toward the U.S. interior within days, but the Teamsters union and two California congressmen haven't given up on stopping the cross-border trucking program that had been stalled for years by safety concerns and political wrangling.

U.S. Reps. Duncan Hunter and Bob Filner joined Teamsters President James Hoffa at the border Wednesday to take a bipartisan stand against the pilot project that will let approved Mexican trucks come deep into the U.S. The first Mexican truck will enter Texas on Friday on a route likely to take it through Austin.

The lawmakers and Hoffa were surrounded by more than 75 union members at a news conference near a major border crossing in San Diego. Hunter is a San Diego-area Republican, and Filner is a Democrat whose district includes California's border with Mexico.

Allowing Mexican trucking companies to deliver the goods rather than transfer them to U.S. haulers at the border will put American jobs and highway safety at risk, they said.

"We're literally taking good jobs here in America and passing them over the line to Mexico," Hunter said.

Subjects - Mexican trucking, NAFTA, Texas, Duncan Hunter, safety.

Gutierrez: Record-breaking deportation numbers is nothing to be proud of

The Obama administration might be touting the nearly 400,000 deportations of illegal immigrants last year as evidence that the White House is tough on enforcement and dedicated to reform, but don't try to convince Rep. Luis Gutierrez.

The Illinois Democrat – perhaps the most vocal immigrant-rights advocate on Capitol Hill – said Tuesday that the record-breaking figure is "nothing to be proud of," but instead represents "a symptom of our decades-long neglect in fixing the immigration system."

"We are deporting hundreds of thousands of people who came to the country to work, raise families, contribute to the economy, and want nothing more than to be allowed to live and work here legally," Gutierrez said in a statement. "Setting a record for deportations and incurring the huge expense of sending so many people away is nothing to be proud of as a country."

The comments were a response to new figures from the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) bureau indicating that the government deported 396,906 individuals in fiscal year 2011 — the most in the agency's history. More than half of those individuals (almost 55 percent) had been convicted of felonies or misdemeanors during their stay — nearly doubling the number of criminal deportations under President George W. Bush in 2008, ICE reported.
Subjects: Illegal immigration, deportations, immigration statistics, Democrats, illegal immigrant arrests

Bill to track crimes committed by illegal aliens introduced again

The federal government conducts studies on nearly everything, including one in which the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency spent $2.5 million to track cow flatulence and how it may contribute to global warming as well as a 1981 U.S. Department of the Army study on the proper way to buy Worcestershire sauce (Federal Specification EE-W-600F).

However, the feds have never seen fit to track the number and types of crimes committed by illegal aliens. Of course, given their miserable record on defending this nation’s borders along with the current crime wave which can be attributed to those who enter this nation illegally…it is not surprising that those charged with protecting the citizenry from foreign invaders would not want these numbers made public.

But, they may soon change.

Topics: Illegal immigration, Republicans, immigration bills, illegal alien crimes, Illegal Alien Crime Reporting Act of 2011

Pro-illegal immigrant groups outraged over AZ getting 2015 Super Bowl

Hispanic Activists Cry Foul Over Arizona Being Awarded 2015 Super Bowl

The NFL’s decision to pick Arizona this week to host the Super Bowl in 2015 has outraged some Hispanic activists who had organized a boycott of the state after a controversial immigration law passed last year.

“In light of Arizona’s hate-based legislation, the action taken by the NFL serves as an endorsement of the state’s abhorrent actions against the Latino and migrant communities,” said Margaret Moran, national president of the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC), the largest Hispanic civil rights group in the country.

“Instead of supporting efforts that would encourage stakeholders and community leaders to build alliances and re-direct state politics away from hate-based legislation, the NFL has chosen to prove an economic shot in the arm to state that will only continue to oppress an already disadvantaged community."

Subjects = Illegal immigration, state immigration laws, SB 1070, LULAC, NCLR

New law makes it easier for employers to favor guest workers over US citizens

This article is about HR 3012, a bill to make it much easier for Indian and Chinese temporary guest workers to get green cards and stay here in jobs they were given in preference to American workers.  If this doesn't sound good to you, better contact your representatives fast, as this bill is the outcome of 6 years of stealth lobbying and is being fast-tracked right now.

Is it time for the U.S. to make it easier for highly skilled foreign nationals -- high-level engineers, medical specialists, research scientists, specialized academics -- to enter the United States for employment? Rep. Jason Chaffetz thinks so. He is a co-sponsor of the Fairness for High Skilled Immigrants Act (HR 3012), which would eliminate the current numerical limitation by country (different countries have different limits) and adjust the limits on family visas without increasing the total number of available visas.

The numerical caps by country mean that an American business that needs a particular worker may not be able to make the hire.

"The current percentage cap has created a backlog of qualified workers," Chaffetz said. "American companies view all highly skilled immigrants as the same regardless of where they are from, and our immigration policy should do the same."

This is a good idea, and long overdue. The per-nation caps on immigration are relics of a bygone era when most people worked on farms or in assembly-line factories. High-level skills were of less importance because it was mainly the Americans who had them.

That is no longer the case. The assumption of the technical superiority of the American worker is long gone. To continue to thrive, American businesses need to tap an outside pool. Government needs to get out of their way.

Subjects:  Immigration, HR 3012, Jason Chaffetz, work visas, skilled workers.

Up to 10,000 children in UK being exploited by immigrant sex gangs

As many as 10,000 children could be the victims of gang-related sexual abuse, it was claimed last night.

And the Children’s Commissioner’s Office said many more could be subjected to exploitation.

It is launching a two-year inquiry aimed at lifting the lid on the scale of the shocking crimes that reach into all parts of society.

The investigation will examine how often vulnerable children are being sexually exploited by organised criminal gangs and other groups.

It will study the appalling phenomenon of Asian men grooming white girls for sex and how teenage girl gang members can be forced into prostitution.

Subjects - Human trafficking, England, sexual abuse, sex gangs, crime, children, Asian, Pakistani, study.

TX Students Made to Recite Mexican National Anthem and Pledge

Students in a Texas public high school were made to stand up and recite the Mexican national anthem and Mexican pledge of allegiance as part of a Spanish class assignment, but the school district maintains there was nothing wrong with the lesson.

It happened last month in an intermediate Spanish class at Achieve Early College High School in McAllen, Texas — a city located about 10 miles from the U.S.-Mexico border.

Wearing red, white and green, students had to memorize the Mexican anthem and pledge and stand up and recite them in individually in front of the class.

That didn’t go over well with sophomore Brenda Brinsdon. The 15-year-old sat down and refused to participate. She also caught it all on video:

“I just thought it was out of hand, I didn’t think it was right,” she told The Blaze. “Reciting pledges to Mexico and being loyal to it has nothing to do with learning Spanish.”

She said she was particularly offended because the presentations in teacher Reyna Santos’s class took place during “Freedom Week,” the week after the 10th anniversary of the Sept. 11 terror attacks, and on U.S. Constitution Day — the same day as Mexico’s Independence Day.

“Why are we doing their independence when it‘s Freedom Week and it’s also Constitution Day?” Brinsdon said.
Topics: Mexico, US Constitution, Mexican National Anthem, Texas

Issa Acknowledges Gun Probes 'Similar' To Fast and Furious'

Rep. Darrell Issa acknowledged Sunday that operations "similar" to the controversial "Fast and Furious" gunrunning probe were conducted under the Bush administration.

But the House Republican spearheading an investigation into the operation under Attorney General Eric Holder's Justice Department claimed the past operations were different in that they were "coordinated with Mexico."

Issa's comments follow fresh reports about gunrunning probes spanning the Bush and Obama administrations.
Newly disclosed documents reveal there was a second Arizona-based investigation during the Bush administration in which the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives allegedly let guns "walk" as a way to target weapons-trafficking suspects.

Holder, in defending himself against charges over "Fast and Furious," has also noted there was another investigation known as "Operation Wide Receiver." From 2006 to about the end of 2007, those investigators "permitted guns to be transferred to suspected gun traffickers and had not interdicted them," according to a current Justice Department official.

"Fast and Furious" was unique for the sheer number of guns that were allowed to cross the U.S.-Mexico border, and the fact that weapons tied to the investigation ended up at the murder scene of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry late last year.
Topics: Fast & Furious, Eric Holder, illegal immigration,

US Court Upholds Parts of Toughest Immigration Law

ATLANTA (AP) — A U.S. appeals court on Friday temporarily blocked parts of what has been called the toughest immigration law in the country, saying the state of Alabama can't require schools to check the immigration status of students but letting stand a provision that allows police to detain immigrants who are suspected of being in the country illegally.

The 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals issued the order after the Obama administration challenged the Alabama law, saying it could strain relations with Latin American countries, and advocacy groups said it had thrown the state into "chaos."

Friday's opinion also blocked a part of the Alabama law that makes it a crime for immigrants to not have proper documentation.

A final decision on the law won't be made for months, to allow time for more arguments.

Many frightened Hispanics have left the state since a U.S. judge upheld much of the law in late September, fearing they could be arrested or targeted by police. Construction workers, landscapers and field hands stopped coming to work, and large numbers of Hispanic students have been absent from public schools.

To cope with the labor shortage, Alabama agriculture commissioner John McMillan at one point suggested farmers should consider hiring inmates in the state's work-release program.
Topics: illegal immigration, Alabama. 11th U Circuit Court of Appeals, 

DPS Releases Report on Border Violence

A detailed report discussing border violence has been released. It documents the spillover violence affecting our border. These stats come from the Department of Public Safety. This is the first time we've seen this kind of detailed evidence.

The stats come from both sides of our border. The DPS reportedly tracked more than 200 decapitations in Mexico since the beginning of 2009. There were 64 decapitations in the first six months of this year alone.

Less gruesome but just as serious crimes are documented on U.S. soil. CHANNEL 5 NEWS has reported many instances right here in the valley. DPS says bullets have crossed from Mexico into the United States at least eight times since 2009. CHANNEL 5 NEWS found a neighborhood in 2010 peppered with fire from across the river. Neighborhoods on the border are high risk.

Topics = Illegal immigration, border violence, smugglers, U.S.-Mexico border, kidnappings, U.S. Border Patrol

Bachman pledges to push a border fence with Mexico

PERRY, Iowa - Minnesota Rep. Michele Bachmann on Saturday signed a pledge to push for construction of a fence along the entire length of the border with Mexico, raising the issue of illegal immigration in an Iowa town where about one third of the residents are Hispanic.

Bachmann also renewed her attacks on the immigration policies of Gov. Rick Perry of Texas, one of the rivals for the Republican nomination, and she criticized President Barack Obama for what she called his failure to control the border.

"President Obama has failed the American people by failing to secure the southern border," said Bachmann. "I will secure that border and that will be job one."

Subjects: Illegal immigration, Republicanscampaigns, national security, border fence, illegal immigration costs

Lawmakers Say Assassination Plot Shows Vulnerability of Border

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Texas lawmakers say an assassination plot by a Texas man shows how vulnerable the border is to terrorism.

Super secretive terrorist trainers is what Iran's Revolutionary Army is. They're called the Quds. They answer to the president of Iran.

Federal prosecutors say Mansoor Arbabsiar got his marching orders to assassinate the Saudi ambassador from the Quds. Arbabsiar thought he was talking to a cartel member in Mexico to arrange the murder for hire plot. He traveled to Reynosa several times from Austin. The cartel member was actually a DEA informant.

Topics = Border security, U.S.-Mexico border, terrorism threat, drug cartels, Iran

"Grenade-walking" part of "Gunwalker" scandal

There's a new twist in the government's "gunwalking" scandal involving an even more dangerous weapon: grenades.

CBS News investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson, who has reported on this story from the beginning, said on "The Early Show" that the investigation into the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)'s so-called "Fast and Furious" operation branches out to a case involving grenades. Sources tell her a suspect was left to traffic and manufacture them for Mexican drug cartels.

Police say Jean Baptiste Kingery, a U.S. citizen, was a veritable grenade machine. He's accused of smuggling parts for as many as 2,000 grenades into Mexico for killer drug cartels -- sometimes under the direct watch of U.S. law enforcement.

Law enforcement sources say Kingery could have been prosecuted in the U.S. twice for violating export control laws, but that, each time, prosecutors in Arizona refused to make a case.

Topics: Fast and Furious: Gunwalking: ATF: DHS

Justice Department Sets Up Hotline for Foes of Alabama Immigration Law

Opponents of Alabama’s new immigration law can now call the Justice Department directly to make complaints about the state’s effort to crack down on illegal immigrants.

The Justice Department has set up a hotline and email for the public “to report potential civil rights concerns related to the impact of Alabama’s immigration law.”

The Justice Department is seeking to block the enforcement of the law, which is widely considered the toughest in the nation. Justice officials filed a challenge to the law last week, claiming it is “highly likely to expose persons lawfully in the United States, including school children, to new difficulties in routine dealings.”
Topics = Illegal immigration, state immigration laws, Obama administration, Alabama immigration law

CA - Assemblyman Hopes To Block Funds for Illegal Aliens

Donnelly Targets Dream Act

Angered by Gov. Jerry Brown's signing a bill to offer taxpayer assistance to illegal aliens applying to public colleges when the state is strapped for cash, Assemblyman Tim Donnelly said Tuesday he has filed a referendum to repeal the law.

"We need 504,000 valid signatures," said Donnelly (R-Twin Peaks), to qualify for the statewide ballot in either June or November 2012.

Donnelly said he filed papers with the office of Attorney General Kamala Harris on Monday. He estimated he already has lined up some 3,000 volunteer signature gatherers through a new website, his Facebook page and his office e-mail.

Brown's signing of the bill is also expected to add impetus to several already-begun efforts to recall Brown, Donnelly said. "There's chatter all over the Internet" about recall efforts, he said.

Subjects: Illegal immigration, California Dream Act, Gov. Jerry Brown, costs of illegal immigration, illegal alien students

Frederick Co. Sheriff Lauds Immigration Enforcement Program

Maryland - Frederick County Sheriff Chuck Jenkins Wednesday joined other law enforcement officials on Capitol Hill to laud a strict immigration enforcement program that some groups have criticized as ineffective.

"This is about the rule of law," Jenkins said. "This is about saving America. This is about public safety and national security."
In 2008, the Frederick County Sheriff's Office became authorized to act as field agent for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement under the 287(g) program. Since then, 965 individuals have been detained in Frederick County with 940 of those transferred to federal officials, according to Jenkins.

Topics: Illegal immigration, 287(g) program, illegal immigrant arrests, I.C.E., U.S.-Mexico border

Warning: We have three days to avoid disaster

Friends of ALIPAC,

Many thanks to those of you who have already responded to our funds requests over the past week. Unfortunately, the response rate is far too low. We explained to all that we are dangerously low after postponing the start of our final funds drive because we were busy in the fight against illegal immigration.

We have only three days to raise a minimum of $3,000 or we are out of the battle and into full emergency survival mode.

Do you want us fighting for Alabama's HB 56 to come to your state, or do you want us fighting to survive?

Donate now via...

Do you want us fighting for justice against Obama's gun running scheme to aid the importation of illegal aliens headed your way, or fighting to survive as a national organization?...

Illegal alien arrested in human trafficking operation in Charlotte

 A human trafficking operation was going on inside a southwest Charlotte home, according to investigators.

They said a man who is in the country illegally sold women for sex.

“Shouldn't nobody have to go through nothing like that,” neighbor Shelia Caldwell said.

Caldwell lives across the street from the house that federal agents raided this month.

“Five to six carloads of police and two undercover cops, and I seen them bring them out in handcuffs,” she said.

Filemon Guzman-Martinez is charged with human trafficking and forcing women into prostitution.

Subjects:  Illegal immigration, human trafficking, prostitution, DHS.

Do you want the illegals to leave your state too?

Friends of ALIPAC,

Do you want the illegal aliens to leave your state in a peaceful mass exodus like we saw in Arizona when they passed SB 1070? We are seeing this exodus again today in Alabama thanks to the new law HB 56! A federal judge has just upheld this new law that many of our own ALIPAC activists worked hard to pass in the AL legislature. This now clears the way for this type of legislation to be adopted by all states in the nation!

Please spring into action today. We have done this before and our efforts were very successful for the Arizona law before the courts stalled us.

Please take the following simple steps.

Step 1:
Please read and circulate ALIPAC's national press release. You can email it to others, share it with lawmakers and campaigns, post it on Facebook and Twitter, or send extra copies to your favorite local and national media. We release these to the nation using ALIPAC's resources and then you can reinforce our efforts by circulating extra copies! Be the Paul Reveres of our movement!...
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