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archivesReform Party of Kansas - Non-Election Year - 2006Why Reform? Your family's interests as well as ours are being trampled upon by the self-interests of our elected officials who: Constantly seek to increase the size of our already enormous government; Further raise our taxes any time their pet projects are short of funds; Ignore or scorn our desires for morality and justice in government; Tolerate and even encourage the flood of illegal aliens into our country; Take away our constitutionally protected rights by unethical activity; Allow activist judges to make laws without authority or accountability; Steer us toward centralized federal control and one-world government. Reform Party of Kansas - Election Year - 2006[This Page|Printable PDF|All Flyers] Why Reform? Your family's interests as well as ours are being trampled upon by the self-interests of our elected officials who: Constantly seek to increase the size of our already enormous government; Further raise our taxes any time their pet projects are short of funds; Ignore or scorn our desires for morality and justice in government; Tolerate and even encourage the flood of illegal aliens into our country; Take away our constitutionally protected rights by unethical activity; Allow activist judges to make laws without authority and accountability; Steer us toward centralized federal control and one-world government. Why Reform Eminent Domain?[This Post|Printable PDF|Printable Flyers] Eminent Domain is the issue at our doors today. We know that "the power to tax is the power to destroy." A more direct and immediately destructive power is the power to condemn private property with Eminent Domain. The current abuse of Eminent Domain for private development calls for Reform! The Reform Party of Kansas is against the use of Eminent Domain for private development. In a government "for the people, of the people, and by the people," the power of Eminent Domain in the hands of our elected officials must be carefully scrutinized by the electorate and only tolerated with great trepidation and disappointment that a mutually satisfactory agreement could not be reached - and then only for obviously public works. The attempt to use Eminent Domain to condemn Jerry's Bike Shop did not come from the people. It came from the efforts of a private developer that could have directly negotiated with an existing, well-established, 25-year old Topeka business, or that could have adjusted their plans to work around such a business. To see this developer instead take their case to the city government with designs to become successful with another person's property and with "forward-looking" promises to the city of increased revenue is beyond words! That a city government would even consider such a proposal is outrageous: that one person's business should be handed over to another private entity for the advancement of all but the original owner! Vote Reform into The U.S. Congress![This Page|Printable PDF Flyer] 1. Bring American Manufacturing Back Home! |
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