
Press Release - Reform Party USA Endorses Summer-Long Gas Boycott

The Reform of the United States of America, through its National Committee, sponsors and endorses a symbolic Summer National Gas Boycott, extending through Aug. 31, 2007 and asks all who are alarmed by the unprecedented gas prices and gas price increases which appear to have little relation to crude oil prices, to join the Reform Party of the United States of America ("RPUSA") and participate in this Summer expression of public outrage by boycotting all gasoline purchases from all major oil companies and purchasing only from independent or locally owned gas stations.

A public press release notice of the endorsement of this Summer 2007 gas boycott is authorized and directed by the RPUSA National Committee for immediate media distribution, e-mail reflector, and website publication by the RPUSA.

All other responsible RPUSA Committees are discharged of this matter.

Ron Paul - Pro-Life Action Must Originate from Principle

As an obstetrician who has delivered over 4000 children, I have long been concerned with the rights of unborn people. I believe this is the greatest moral issue of our time. The very best of the western intellectual tradition has understood the critical link between moral and political action. Each of these disciplines should strongly inform and support the other.

I have become increasingly concerned over the years that the pro-life movement I so strongly support is getting further off track, both politically and morally. I sponsored the original pro-life amendment, which used a constitutional approach to solve the crisis of federalization of abortion law by the courts. The pro-life movement was with me and had my full support and admiration.

Those who cherish unborn life have become frustrated by our inability to overturn or significantly curtail Roe v. Wade. Because of this, attempts were made to fight against abortion using political convenience rather than principle. There is nothing wrong per se with fighting winnable battles, but a danger exists when political pragmatism requires the pro-life movement to surrender important moral and political principles.

When we surrender constitutional principles, we do untold damage to the moral underpinnings on which our Constitution and entire system of government rest. Those underpinnings are the inalienable right to life, liberty, and property. Commenting upon the link between our most important rights, Thomas Jefferson said “The God which gave us life gave us at the same time liberty. The hands of force may destroy but can never divide these.”

Full article here:

National Grassroots Demonstration (NGD) - Home/DC Offices of Congress/Senate - Jun 4, 2007 or Jun 5, 2007

2025-03-09 21:39
2025-03-09 21:39

[Printable PDF]


  • Solve the Serious Problems of Jobs Exported/Out-sourced, Illegal Immigration/Drugs, Terrorism, Trade/Budget Deficits and Credit Card Debt Problems.
  • Greatly Reduce and Stabilize Gasoline Prices (e.g.: regular 87 Octane close to $1.25/gal.), Utility Bills, Transportation/Other Energy Costs, etc.
  • Improve USA Sovereignty and Solve Other Related National and World Problems.


    June 4th or 5th, 2007 - Between 11:00 am - 2:00 pm.


  • Individuals:
    Preferably, FAX this National Grass-roots Demonstration (NGD) page to these offices, or phone the essence of this page to them.

    Emphasize the Following URGENT Issues to all offices and demand a prompt, written response and the following legislative actions:

    1. By 6/15/2007, U.S.A. Congress must pass legislation to keep all of Mexico's Trucking Companies from having any of their trucks coming beyond the current 2-25 mile limit into the U.S.A. where they exchange freight with U.S.A. trucks. President Bush should enact this legislation by 6/18/2007. By 6/28/2007, the U.S.A. Congress and President Bush should enact the Absolute Advantage Foreign Trade Policy (at least for Mexico) explained below in Urgent Issues 2 and 3.