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Roger Tucker - Candidate for United States Congress, Kansas 2nd C.D.[Roger's Flyers] [Roger's Radio Ad MP3s] YEAR OF BIRTH: 1939 EDUCATION: Kansas City, Kansas, public schools plus electronics technical schools and some college. His education has served to qualify Roger to obtain his F.C.C. 2nd Class Radio Telephone license and also his Master Electrician Contractor's License from Kansas City, Missouri. A good part of his training and experience was received through 8 years active military duty in the U.S.A.F. Serving active duty into 1967 earned Roger the distinguishment of being a Vietnam era veteran. He served his country with a deep sense of patriotism and pride, and he has always held his military oath to defend the U.S. Constitution against all enemies as an oath to be honored with patriotism and lifelong commitment. OCCUPATION: Presently retired. After his military service he worked as an electrical contractor, then as an electrician and union member employed for 25 years in the manufacturing industry. IMMEDIATE FAMILY: Married to Judy Tucker. Between them, counting stepchildren, they have a total of 9 children and 16 grandchildren. All children have moved away and are on their own. Roger understands what is happening to tear our country down with the down-sizing and loss of our nation's manufacturing. He understands the great benefit of having free trade between our 50 equal sovereign states who are all equally protected under the laws of liberty of our United States Constitution. This has enabled the creation of the prosperous middle class American economy. He understands that evil, greedy people have been promoting free trade agreements with other countries so that they can exploit oppressed people in foreign factories for their cheaper product production. If the foreign people in their factories had the benefit of being protected in their rights under the laws of our Constitution, then free trade would benefit an expanding middle class economy for every community. The way it is now, corporations are able to satisfy unbridled greed for profits at the expense of oppressed people. As some have defined it, it is a race to the bottom for our disappearing middle class economy. When elected I will work for the following priorities: To modify "Free Trade" Agreements such as NAFTA and CAFTA that have created laws for international business operations and are the cause of our loss of value-add manufacturing jobs and the dramatically increasing numbers of illegal immigrants, many of whom are refugees from conditions that our international business operations have worsened by exploitation of poor foreign labor and inhuman working conditions to maximize their own profits. To bring the majority of our troops home for the most important role of protecting our sovereign nation and our constitutionally protected rights from invasion of possible armies, terrorism, and other criminals who are now daily crossing our borders by the hundreds and thousands. To ensure the most trusted voting system by legislating that elections nation-wide must use verifiable paper ballots. Questions from Voters
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