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No Chipped Beef PleaseKansas City was recently host to a conference on the National Animal Identification System sponsored by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the media was shamefully silent about the conference as well as the hundreds of protestors in the street. Why was not this more news worthy? If NAIS is supposed to protect us from disease then what is the problem? Can a micro chip implant really protect us from any animal disease especially since the FDA has recently approved adding back the live viruses in the food that the NAIS is supposed protect? They are also radiating food without telling us. The Department of Energy has even approved low level radioactive waste metal to be used in consumer goods without having to tell you. Weapons of Mass destruction against innocent women in children are spreading depleted uranium all around globe, maybe even settling in your backyard right now. And the abominations in the name of world population reduction are too numerous to list here. This insanity is not going to stop unless we stand up to stop it. Our foods including many organic foods are losing the nutrient value that they used to have because our farm and range soils are depleted of essential nutrients. They put poison and chemicals in our food and water. They are not required to tell us if genetic modified organisms are in your food. The FDA is trying to shut down organic farmers markets. It is attacking such farms that make any health claims. They are trying to water down our labeling so that organic no longer means that it is free from chemical contaminants or genetically modified organisms. International codex standards threaten to take away our rights to nutritional supplements and alternative medicine. The schools are diagnosing and dispensing psychotropic drugs to our children for commission from drug companies. The federal government pays your school system a bounty on each of your children that is injected with toxic witch’s brew called vaccines. And now a micro chip is supposed to protect us? Can NAIS protect us from an animal disease outbreak when those large populations held in close quarters that are most likely to get rapid outbreaks are exempt from individual chipping? Then why bother? The NAIS is nothing more than backdoor attempt at federal licensing of all farms through premise permits and most assuredly another assault on small family farming. Kansas State University recently published that the NAIS will cost anywhere from $300 per $1200 per animal for the average sized farmer in Kansas. There are draconian fines of $1000 per day proposed for non-compliance despite that it being sold as voluntary program. Least we ever forget that both the income tax and social security are still officially called voluntary? This is nothing more than another salvo against independent farming in a long list of financial assaults, warrant-less land seizures against property owners, and failed farm policies that have changed America into net importer of food. If you are concerned about quality, quantity, and price of your next meal, you need to be concerned about this issue. Most candidates in the current election are also silent on this issue or they support it. Support those who oppose the NAIS and support reform in our entire system. Support those that support health and nutritional freedom. Otherwise, your dogs and cats are next and perhaps even you will be marked like these beasts Reply |
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