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SMART PORT OR STUPID PORT?It was only a few months ago that we rose up and said no to the giving away some of our most sensitive ports to the United Arab Emirates. The concept of having any foreign power in control of something that was so critical not only to our economy but to our security and sovereignty was rightfully frightening. Well get your pitch forks and torches ready again, the border is coming to Kansas City with the proposed Franken-port and the treacherous highway corridor to slavery and defeat. The idea is to bring freight directly from the Mexican port of Lazaro Cardenas in sealed containers to Kansas City where it will then finally go through customs. What this means is that tons of even more cheap Chinese and Mexican goods will come into Kansas City at a lower cost and duty free due to NAFTA and CAFTA. What you are not being told is that it is not American workers who work at the port or transport these goods to Kansas City. It will be owned and operated by the Mexican government in Mexican sovereign territory right here is Kansas City. We will allow Mexican trucks and trains access through Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas and we will not be allowed stop, inspect, or even enforce safety inspections of this freight before it reaches the smart port Mexico has already demonstrated that it is a corrupt regime. They have demonstrated no interest in cooperating in stopping the flow of illegal immigrants across the southern border. There have been border violations by Mexican military and gun fire exchanged with the border patrol and sheriff’s deputies in what we used to considered acts of war. We have even Arab terrorists crossing the border dressed as Mexican migrant workers and confessions from those terrorists that the Mexican government was paid cash money to help them cross. Who knows how many we didn’t catch? Is this who we should trust with inspecting cargo coming right into the heart of America? What assurances do we have to prevent the importation of weapons of mass destruction, containers full of illegal aliens or terrorists, weapons, or even foreign invasion troops? And “Homeland Insecurity” even thinks this is a good idea? Most politicians and the media are shamefully silent about this issue. They are trying to tell us that they are protecting American jobs and securing the border while behind our backs in secret they are securing support and financing for the Kansas City Smart Port and the Trans-national highway corridor connecting it. Many of our local and federal representatives are illegally preparing to give over to the Mexican government our tax dollars as well as gift of territory to a foreign power that will operate this port or parts of the highway corridor. Stop the governer from giving away any Kansas highway for this purpose. This will provide strategic choke-holds over our transportation and communication networks by a foreign power. Wake up and smell the treason! They are doing this without our permission, knowledge, and without the proper two-thirds ratification of the U.S. Senate. This by definition makes any politician or businessman an agent of a foreign power. It violates their oaths of office and this used to be called treason. “Lamestream” Democrat or RINO Republican makes no difference, if they support this they need to be removed from office. Vote for reform. According to CFR documents this is just the beginning of what will become a new Pan-American Union in which the United States will cease to exist There is more, you are going to pay for this in lost jobs, higher taxes, toll roads, and even more property stolen under eminent domain. Is your property next? They aren’t even bothering to sell this infrastructure to Mexico like they did with Dubai, they giving it to them! Find out what you can do. Come to the Operation U-turn rally on September 30th at the Kansas City Clarion Hotel 9103 East 39rh, Kansas City, starting at 9 am. Abraham Lincoln said, “At what place shall we expect the approach of danger and if it reach us, it must spring from among us, it can never come from abroad. If destruction be out lot then we ourselves must be it authors and finishers, as a nation of freemen we shall live through all time or die by suicide” If we can not stop this insanity, stick a fork in us we are done. The Smart Port will become a monument to stupidity for which our children’s children will judge us. Reply |
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