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Joy Holt - Reform Candidate for U.S. Congress, 4th District, KansasJoy Holt, Reform Party of Kansas candidate for U.S. Congress, 4th District. Joy Holt was born in Kansas City, MO, in 1928. She attended many schools in Oklahoma, Texas, Missouri, Kansas, Utah, California, Tennessee, and graduated in Memphis, TN. She retired from AT&T Long Lines as a Staff Supervisor after 37 years. She has experience on a switchboard, as an instructor, and as a Translation Clerk on Western Area #4 Switching Machines. She was a member and steward in Communications Workers of America (CWA) Union until a promotion to management. After promotion to supervisor, she developed a training course for use in training clerks to work in the Traffic Routing Engineering Dept. as it was transferred from New York to Kansas City. She had several years of experience publishing Routing and Rating Pamphlets to all of the Bell System and Independent Telephone Companies. Joy spent the last years before retirement creating thousands of routing records that had to match records submitted electronically by Bell yearly. These and other records were merged used annually to be used in Division of Revenue Settlements between Long Lines, Bell, and Independent Companies. After retirement, she tried to understand why the U.S. began to have so many problems in the mid 1960s, and why it no longer was the country she grew up in where the next generation could do better than the last one. In 1962 the U.S. had been Number One in the civilized world in Education, Health, and Standard of Living with the largest middle class (of the dozen or so countries with any middle class to speak of). As a result Joy became active in Independent politics, since Democrats, assisted by Republicans, were presiding over the destruction of America, ignoring the concerns of their constituents and instead serving the multi-national corporations. For example, after World War II the Marshall Plan encouraged many key industries to move their manufacturing over seas. In 1992, she worked on the Ross Perot for President Petition Drive and Perot's campaign as an Independent Presidential Candidate. From 1993 to 1996, she was a volunteer in United We Stand America (UWSA), a popular non-partisan political activist group that was started by Ross Perot after the 1992 election. UWSA worked to convince Congress to stop their yearly deficit spending and to reduce the total national debt (over $4 trillion in 1993; now over $8.5 trillion in 2006). UWSA also tried to defeat the promoters of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the World Trade Organization (WTO), and all "Free Trade", who have stolen U.S. jobs, eroded the tax-base, and have nearly destroyed our nation's sovereignty. The loss of good jobs due to "Free Trade" can be estimated by the dramatic increase in our yearly Trade Deficit. In 1993, the U.S. Trade Deficit was under $100 billion per year. In 2006, the U.S. Trade Deficit is exceeding $800 billion dollars per year. Economists estimate job loss at 20,000 jobs for each billion dollars in trade deficit. 20,000 X 800 is 16,000,000 jobs. After World War II the U.S. produced over 90% of its goods, and in 2006 we produce about 20% of our goods. The U.S. is rapidly losing the "value-added" jobs necessary to be a great nation, based on Mining, Manufacturing, and Agriculture. Small farms are being destroyed by a policy of exporting one third of U.S. produce and importing one third of the meat, grain, fruit, etc. we consume, "dumped" at cut-throat prices by multi-national Agri-Business and usually uninspected. In 1996, she helped collect petitions to get ballot access for the Reform Party of Kansas, and she has been active in the Party ever since. In the 1990s, following the suggestion of Chuck Harder, a radio talk show host in Florida, Joy also helped found the Concerned Citizens of the Heartland, a group that discusses issues and aims to educate citizens about legislative actions in the U.S. Congress, Kansas Legislature, and Local Government. See Also: Reply |
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