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Al Cronkrite - Be Specific: Label a Provable CulpritFrom This column is archived at By Al Cronkrite There are gaggles of writers, many are patriots, who write about the underbelly of the United States. They regularly churn out factual information on what is happening to our legal structure and often point out influences that seem to be at odds with the best interests of the nation. Some of them are privy to more information than others but none of them can actually prove many of the specifics of their contentions; their contentions are usually derived from visible perceptions and the impetus is obscure. This sort of conviction is similar to circumstantial evidence at a trial and is always subject to questions and rebuttals. The writers to whom I refer are contending with invisible hands that pull the strings that control the conduct of the United States Government. (Myself included.) Some believe it is the Illuminati, some believe it is the Masons, some blame the Federal Reserve System, some opt for Round Table groups, some blame the Jesuites, the Rothschilds are implicated as well as the Rockefellers, the military/industrial complex is often mentioned, and among others elite Zionists and international bankers are regularly named as culprits. There is confusion about who is responsible for the continued slide of United States into World Government and Totalitarianism. A reliable yard stick is needed. When Karl Marx and Frederick Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto they listed ten steps necessary to overthrow the free enterprise system. These principles have all become part of the fabric of the United States Government. 1st Plank of Communism: Abolish Private Property. This is being accomplished by land use laws, property taxes, zoning laws, environmental laws, etc. 2nd Plank of Communism: A heavy progressive income tax. There was NO income tax until 1913 when it began at 1%, never to go above 2%. What are you paying? 3rd Plank of Communism: Abolish all rights of inheritance. Today, we have heavy legal and probate fees plus inheritance taxes. 4th Plank of Communism: Confiscate all property of emigrants and rebels (anyone who speaks out against the government). Unconstitutional Regional Government has been installed which controls all of the physical, social and economic assets of all the counties. 5th Plank of Communism: Centralization of Credit in the hands of the state. In America this was done in 1913 with the Federal Reserve Act. At first, it was simply the International Bankers who controlled the Federal Reserve; but by 1933, the U.S. was bankrupt and these bankers foreclosed on America. They created a new form of government called Socialism that has replaced our once Constitutional Republic. Public Law 91-151 prohibits any person to extend credit without a special license: a $1,000 fine or one year in prison could result (not yet enforced). A Social Security number is required in a business transaction. 6th Plank of Communism: Control all means of Transportation and Communication. The mass media has been in the hands of the Marxist Council on Foreign Relations for years [One of the Communist Rules of Revolution was to get control of all media and use it for their propaganda]. Presidential Executive Orders #10999 and #10995 provide for the take-over of all transportation and communications. They provide for the regulating of airlines, railroads, highways and the news media. Look at Homeland Security and the military at airports. 7th Plank of Communism: All production is to be controlled BY the State. There is a massive number of federal guidelines that industry must follow. The federal government is now involved in over 850 businesses. The Federal Bureaucracy forces farmers to grow [or not grow] specific crops and sell them below production costs. No wonder thousands of farmers leave the land every year and conglomerates take over. We have Corporate Socialism in America!!! 8th Plank of Communism: Equal liability of ALL to labor. Women are forced out of the home to work just to survive. Equal opportunity employment for both sexes. Executive Order #11000 will force civilians into government work brigades. 9th Plank of Communism: Combine agriculture with manufacturing, thus abolishing the distinction between town and country. We have seen the emergence of Urban Renewal, Population Control, Metro Councils, Regional Government Planning Programs, and the plans to eliminate Counties, Local Government and State Borders. 10th Plank of Communism: Control ALL Education. Federal "aid" to education means we have government-controlled schools and curriculum. (The foregoing explanation of the Ten Planks was taken from an internet page. The URL was not available.) The advancement of these socially destructive steps is proof that powerful forces within our nation are working to rob us of our freedom. Today, many additional serious restrictions to our freedoms have been passed since the 9/11 destruction of the World Trade Center. The Department of Homeland Security armed with the Patriot Act and the 50,000 employees of the Transportation Security Administration has almost destroyed our Bill of Rights opening the door to police state tyranny at the will of the President. The NAFTA agreement contained 1700 pages. Not only was it not written by our elected representatives but most of those who voted for it had not read it. Worse yet, Americas citizens have never been privy to its content. Much of the impetus to join United States with the world and overshadow its sovereignty has come from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), a Rockefeller birthed organization to which an overwhelming number of government operatives belong. Read about CFR involvement with our government here. The genesis of much of the present world chaos can be found in the 1944 Bretton Woods meeting which created the International Trade Organization and set up the financial structure for world domination. Involved in this effort were U. S. Treasury executive Harry Dexter White (later found to have been a member of a Soviet Espionage ring.) and Will Clayton, who worked closely with David Rockefeller and Charles Spofford in constructing the ITO and the Marshall Plan. In 1947 Clayton journeyed to Switzerland where he was significant in crafting the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). All of these men were members of the CFR. Read about the planned destruction of United States here. In the years shortly following WWII congress refused to pass this treasonous legislation and it waited in the wings for the Clinton/Gingrich betrayal during the 1990s. Following is a paragraph from the 1999 Hart/ Rudman report entitled New World Coming.
Gary Hart, Warren Rudman and the majority of the other twelve who signed this document were members of the CFR. Read the entire report here, here, and here. There is abundant proof that a conspiracy to meld United States into a World Order has been in the works for many years and is being thrust upon us with great force in this fledgling Twenty First Century. American citizens need to disavow their aversion to conspiracy theories and come to understand that conspiracies are common. Jesus, our Savior and our King, was victim to a conspiracy (Though He willingly sacrificed His life, those who took it conspired to do so.). Our sinful natures are prone to conspire and we do so often. Think of the scores of churches that have been split by conspiracies. Third World nations have everything to gain and nothing to loose by joining in world government; United States has everything to loose and nothing to gain. Look around you, our industry is leaving, our wealth is being depleted, immigration is destroying our culture, Christianity is being marginalized and will soon be legally stifled, our freedoms are being destroyed, and the stage is being set for a huge loss of sovereignty by destroying our borders with Mexico and Canada. Dear reader, if you are a Christian and believe the Bible is the Word of God consider what God did at Babel. And they said, come let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven, and let us make for ourselves a name; lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.And the Lord said, Behold, they are one people, and they all have the same language. And this is what they began to do, and now nothing which they purpose to do will be impossible for them. Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one anothers speech. Genesis 11: 4,6,7. World government is another effort to build a Tower of Babel. It is a consummate evil and should be resisted by every Christian and preached against from every pulpit. There are many different secretive organizations that meet at various intervals, several are listed at the beginning of this article. Several of them probably have pernicious secret agendas but their influence on the policies of the United States is not as easy to prove as with the CFR which has held sway over the highest levels of our government for several decades. It would be helpful if those involved in exposing the conspiracy would attribute it to a source that can be easily identified. "Published originally at republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact." Please visit Reply |
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