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Al Cronkrite - Conniving To Win: It's a Losing PlanMay 31, 2007 This column is archived at By Al Cronkrite Fall is approaching and voters are thinking about elections. Prevailing advice is to omit discussion of political issues because the holders of political opinions are often dangerously dogmatic and bringing up the issue results in acrimony, broken relationships, and jeopardy to cherished sacred cows. However, being interested in seeing truth settle on its deserved high pinnacle, killing sacred cows is often necessary and humbled by ones own potential for error, discussion of the conduct of political affairs should be a truth seeking quest. God has given me a relatively long life, long enough to survive the political indifference of my youth and middle years and to become a student of the demise of the American Democratic Republic. Yes, I know, many still live under the illusion that America is the land of the free and the home of the brave and that our flag still waves above the fray. But, for those who still believe it, it might be good to try and find a single public description of our form of government that includes the word Republic. The Republic part of Democratic Republic refers to the restraints our founders placed on government by binding it with the words contained in the legal documents of our founding, principally the Constitution. A Democracy is rule by the ruled and is characterized by a tyranny of the majority. Democracy was sought by Karl Marx as a prelude to revolution. The administration of President Bush, the younger, has been laced with the promotion of and references to Democracy accompanied by an egregious disregard for our Constitution. There have also been great cries about Freedom concurrent with massive intrusions into the liberty of individual citizens. Barring a major revolt in the electorate, the coroner may soon be called to determine the cause of the death of the American Democratic Republic. The Constitution is no longer a binding document in the high circles of our government. Instead its mandates are considered anachronistic and no longer applicable to our current situation. Yes, once in a while it is dragged out and its passages are sited but only to support some predetermined position. My Biblical studies have taught me that obedience is the primary desire of King Jesus and, as a result I believe, all politicians should be obedient to their oath to obey the Constitution. When they are unable to do so they should resign or be voted out of office. At the present time this would require that our President and almost all of our congressmen and senators with the exception of Texas Representative Ron Paul be voted out of office. The two party political system developed early in Americas history. Federalists who sought a strong and sizeable government presence were opposed by Anti-Federalists who sought to restrict its size and power. Alexander Hamilton was a Federalist while Thomas Jefferson was an anti-Federalist. Jefferson led the Jeffersonian Republicans while Hamilton supported the Federalists. It was this dichotomy that set the stage for the two party system. The Christian posture in relation to government should be to limit its size and authority to Biblical parameters. It was ironic that the Deist, Jefferson, supported limited government against nominal Christian Federalists like Adams and Washington. The checks and balances built into the framework of our government plus the additional checks provided by opposing political parties served the nation well for many decades. However, the same sin that was used to entice our ancient begetters remained in their progeny. Empires are built by leaders who crave power over their peers and are willing to use force to obtain it. Historically, armed invasions have been the instrument of empire but in these latter days a much more subtle and dangerous tool is being used. Agrarian economies provided the fruit of ones labor at harvest but as the industrial revolution took place, more and more people devoted their labor to creating products that were owned by a different entity and received the fruit of their labor in the form of a medium of exchange. Money, the medium of exchange, is now involved in almost every transaction including agrarian occupations. Control of the money offers a high degree of hegemony over both government and business and those who control it have great power. Mayer Amchel Rothchild (1743-1812) reportedly bragged "Let me issue and control a nation's money, and I care not who writes its laws". Mr. Rothschild reasoned that he could overcome the power of legal dominion with the power of money. Although the quest for power is antediluvian the American stage was set by the quasi-surreptitious creation of the Federal Reserve System on Jekyll Island in 1913. Rhode Island Senator Nelson Aldrich, Wall street surrogate and father-in-law to John D. Rockefeller, Jr., set the machinery in motion. Constructed at a clandestine meeting on Jekyll Island the legislation was successfully pushed through congress just before Christmas in 1913. It was signed by President Woodrow Wilson, a professing Reformed Christian and former President of Princeton University, who later lamented saying "I have unwittingly ruined my country." That was over ninety years ago and since that time the clutches of globalism have systematically progressed. Chairman of the House Committee on Banking and Currency from 1920 to 1931, Congressman Louis McFadden said this,
At his death there was apparently no suspicion of foul play but there had previously been more than one attempt on his life and suspicion still exists that he may have been poisoned. Few Americans really understand the amount of power necessary to bring about the massive changes our nation has gone through during the Twentieth Century and the beginning of the Twenty First. America was manipulated into World War I, a European conflict, and it was followed by the first seeding of world government, the League of Nations. This pernicious organization failed due to lack of American support. In response to the ravages of a recession engineered by the Federal Reserve, President Franklin D. Roosevelt in dictatorial fashion, confiscated all gold, and created socialist programs that have stifled individual initiative, fostered dependence on government, and transformed the economy of the nation. America has always been manipulated by the financial minions in England. The Rothschilds have been involved in the ownership and conduct of our Federal Reserve and have exerted a powerful influence on the conduct of American affairs. President Roosevelt schemed us into another European conflict by engineering the attack on Pearl Harbor. Following World War II a better seed was planted to grow globalism; the United Nations took the place of the League of Nations. Taxpaying American voters have foolishly allowed our deceitful elected officials to use our tax dollars to finance an organization bent in stealing our wealth and our sovereignty. United States is and has been the major financial supporter of the United Nations. Though it was never publicly acknowledged, since World War II all of our wars have been fought under the auspices of the United Nations. Nine-Eleven, the second Pearl Harbor, created an emergency that has involved our nation in another war in Iraq and allowed our government to codify police state legislation on a grand scale. In 1921, less than a decade after the Federal Reserve was chartered, an organization called the Council on Foreign Relations was formed by a group of wealthy Wall Streeters: J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Bernard Baruch, Otto Kahn, Jacob Schiff and Paul Warburg. With its clandestine financial connections the CFR has for almost a century acted as a shadow government, predetermining presidential candidates, writing legislation for congress, and without a word spoken, exerting heavy influence on voting in both the House and the Senate toward the super-state mentioned by Congressman McFadden. The current CFR agenda is being carried out to the letter by the Bush II Administration. Click up this page then click on the American Version of Building a North American Community. Both major political parties are controlled by the CFR cabal and votes for either the Democrats or the Republicans will result in more of the same. Treason in our government is bought and paid for and the only way around it is to vote out every incumbent and vote in third party candidates that are not beholden to the conspirators. If you love America and want to see freedom and justice survive, voting for the lesser of two evils is no longer an option. It is my contention that American citizens who support either of the two major political parties support the lies and deceit our leaders are using to gain acceptance of world government and are not patriots but accessories to treason in high places! Recently, on the American View radio program, Michael Peroutka and John Lofton presented an interview with Pastor Joe Morecraft of Chalcedon Presbyterian Church in Dunwoody, Georgia. Dr. Morecraft, a former candidate for congress, confirmed that he could only support a political party if its platform was totally Christian. However, he claimed that support for the Republican Party and maybe even the Democratic Party did not involve sin and should be acceptable in Christian circles. I agree with Pastor Morecraft that political parties are not churches but I disagree with his contention that sin is absent when voters in a democratic society choose to cast a ballot for a sin sullied candidate when there is a righteous candidate available and do so because they believe the sin sullied candidate has a better chance of winning. Such reasoning is not only pragmatically evil but precludes the blessing of our righteous Christian God. Consider, dear reader, the blunt power necessary to gain the support of our duly elected president, congressmen, and senators, in passing legislation that has resulted in the loss of our national manufacturing base; NAFTA has almost completely replaced American manufactured goods with Chinese duplicates. Go to any department store and try to find anything made in America. Manufactured goods are wealth, services are not! Our own elected representatives voted for legislation designed to steal our wealth and reduce the standard of living of our citizens by exporting their means of livelihood. If our government was honest and not a treasonous entity, do you think the American electorate would have voted for such a travesty? When you have finished that consideration, think for a moment about a national leader vested specifically with the responsibility of defending our nation who has allowed up to 25 million foreigners to invade our country without firing a shot. Then consider that he has foisted massive freedom robbing legislation on us ostensibly to protect us from terrorists. Try to reconcile that enigma. I understand that the odds against thwarting the demise of our nation are infinitesimal but to consider supporting the parties that have and will continue to destroy our nation and our culture is an insane exercise that every informed citizen should avoid. Now that President Bush, the younger, has seriously devastated the nation with his globalist policies, there will be a big push to replace Republicans with Democrats. Democrats will only bring more of the same loss of sovereignty and freedom. American voters need to quit conniving to change the two major political parties or to use them to bring about some necessary change. Both major political parties are hopelessly manipulated by the New World Order crowd and no longer support the best interests of our nation. Vote out the incumbents, cast a vote for righteousness, vote third party, and forget about who wins the election!
From An Expose of the Federal Reserve Banking System by Gunther K. Russbacher "Published originally at republication allowed with this notice and hyperlink intact." Please visit Reply |
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