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Who is Joe Bellis?My name is Joe Bellis; I am a 32 year resident of the state of Kansas. I have been interested in politics since I was a teenager. My journey through the political spectrum has been guided by the insight of many great leaders. I have taken the conviction of Goldwater, the candor of Truman and the values of Reagan to develop a political philosophy that is unique in today's political landscape. I have come to the understanding that our current two-party system is broken. The candidates for both of the parties lie through their teeth and promise anything they can to get elected (or re-elected). Once the election is over, business as usual is the theme. They represent only their own interests. Realizing that change is necessary and seeing that the Republicans were no different than the Democrats, I bolted from the Republican party and tried to push for change. I was an independent candidate for President of the United States in 2000 and again in the early part of the 2004 election cycle. While these campaigns gained ground through use of the internet, they failed to raise the kind of money needed to battle the political machine. In mid 2004, my focus switched gears, and I began an independent campaign for Kansas Third Congressional Seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. I filled the empty ballot slot for the Kansas Libertarian Party. The theme of this campaigns was very simple: I give you a solemn oath:
If elected, I will:
Additionally, in 2004 I was involved with the American Patriot Party and the state party in Kansas. I served as the National Vice Chairman of the American Patriot Party and Chairman of the Kansas Patriot Party. My role in building these organizations included:
Political in-fighting led to the demise of this party. The American Patriot Party has been reorganized in several states and is attempting a come-back. After watching the political landscape and hoping to see promising change, I realized it was not going to happen within the two-party system. I joined the Libertarian Party of Kansas in 2008 and ran for Kansas Third District Congressional seat. I received more than 3 times as many votes as I did in 2004. Since the 2008 election, I have been active in the tea party and 912 movements, as well exploring another independent campaign for KS 03. I am a strong advocate for the use of new media (Internet) in political activity and campaigns. I am active on Facebook and Twitter - My username on both is joebellis. Reply |
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