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Campaign 02 Lessons LearnedCampaign 02 was a real learning curve for all of us. For many of us, this was the discovery of how the process works, and a lot of groping around in the dark without experienced people to rely upon. The first thing that should be noted is that we were ill prepared for a real challenge to the Majors when we tried to put together our Campaigns in just about 6 months, and with little to no money. They learned long ago to get started on the next election the moment the current election is over. They also have a developed long term plan, which the Reform Party has to develop now. They utilize the entire 2 to 6 year election cycle to build up their bank accounts and have the money necessary for the advertising etc. to win. The Reform Party has now had its teeth cut by a younger group that will be able to build upon their experiences, and pass it on to our next group of leaders. Many of the points brought up by some of our past Candidates were very useful, and I want to thank them now. Darrel King, Alvin Bauman, and anyone I may have missed here, Thank You for all that you taught us. Advertising for Federal Candidates is very inexpensive when buying Run Of Schedule spots (usually $5 - $25 per spot), while the time specific spots cost more (usually starting about $20 and ranging as high as $125). The advertising must get the most Bang for the Buck, and at times (such as the Chiefs game on 580 AM) spending your advertising money on time specific spots is the better Value. Striking the balance isn’t easy, especially when you lack the resources to really advertise. Production costs for advertising are generally Free so long as you are running that ad on the station doing the production. These ads are easily sent from station to station so that reproduction is not necessary. Pay attention at Contract time, because there is an automatic 15% built into Gross Rates for Ad Agencies, that you get discounted if you do not utilize an agency. Negative ads turned voters off, while Positive ads received the best response. Comparison ads are also good, but do NOT mention the opponents name. The name they hear is what they will remember. Mention your own name a minimum of 3 times, and provide contact information. Remember, State your Name at least 3 different times throughout the ad, and provide the contact information. Cues learned from the “Major” parties, advertise during the primaries. People are starting to listen to who wants to lead them during that time frame. We need to get the name out there, so that it is recognized during the General Election. Name Recognition is a BIG Factor. To that end, Yard Signs, Bumper Stickers, etc. should emphasize the NAME. The best visibility of yard signs were larger ones that were taller, being less distractive to drivers. White letters on a Blue/Red/Blue background generally caught the attention of people, and gave them the ability to actually read the signs. Another eye catching feature was the Eagle/Flag on my stickers. People thought it was the most Patriotic theme out there, and received a lot of positive response. One thing that can be done for signs in the future is to put Reflective Tape lettering on them, thus increasing their viewing, especially at night (like the road signs). Billboards are very easy to see, but costs must be researched, as does Television Advertising. The Video Speeches I made were also effective. They allowed people to view in the privacy of their home, a more relaxed atmosphere, my stances on the issues, especially getting the message out to places where the Candidate couldn’t be. They are an easily shared Media source, and provide the Issues and Positions. We need to include Charts and Graphs along with the facts, which help to prove our points the next time out. Forums and Events provided the voter interaction that raised their awareness of the issues and the Candidate. A voter is more likely to vote for someone they have met (which is why I had such a high return of voters during the 2002 Elections). We must get into a Debate. I would suggest a 3rd Party Debate on the Issues during the Off Year. This accomplishes many things at one time: 1) Awareness of the Party, 2) Name Recognition for the Candidates, 3) Issue Awareness to the Public, 4) Party Activity which encourages growth in Membership, 5) Potential Media Coverage, 6) Experience for our Candidates and Speakers in front of an audience as well in debating points. I believe that groups like the Wichita Twelve would love to put on an event like this, with all the parties invited, including the Majors. Fundraising has also come to the forefront of our attention from Campaign 02. The Election Cycle starting at the end of the last election, and running until the Next Election gives us much more time to raise the money we need for our Campaigns. Still, we need to work on raising funds for the Party also, and build the party and our name in the minds of the people. Some suggestions for Fundraising Events include: Union support is a necessary first step. The Party, not just Abner, needs to be getting them in on our side. The Party should also be courting all the Major Endorsers (NAACP, UAW, AFL-CIO, Right to Life, NRA, etc.). It’s time for a Little Less Talk, and a Lot more ACTION. A salesman once told me, “I get 99 no’s for every 1 yes. So each No just helps me to my goal.” If we keep talking to them, they will eventually listen. Consistency and persistence will pay off, like it did for Dawn Bly. This election Proved the Reform Party of KS is not dead. Let’s Capitalize on this Momentum we’ve built, and start our drive toward Campaign 04, as well as plan out for 06, 08, 10, and 12. The majors have a 5 Campaign in advance plan, that they alter as time goes, and we should learn from them. We have the Momentum, let’s keep it going. Reply |
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