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Ellen Verell - Reform Party of Kansas Candidate for Lt. GovernorEllen Verell is running for Lt. Governor with Richard Ranzau on the Reform Party of Kansas ticket. Ellen and her husband, Dick Verell, are retired and live in Meade on a farm that was her childhood home. A native of Meade County, Ellen graduated from Meade High School and earned a B.A. in both English and Spanish from St. Mary of the Plains in Dodge City. She taught English, Spanish, and journalism until her first husband, Jack Boyd, became terminally ill. After his death, Ellen earned a medical degree from the Autonomous University of Guadalajara in 1979 and worked in Dallas. She married her current husband in 1982. When Dick, a logistics engineer retired in 1987, the couple returned to Ellen's childhood home and began actively farming. Ellen has two grown children by her first marriage and has five grandchildren Ellen has been active in civic affairs throughout her adult life. Ellen served at precinct, county, and district levels of the Republican party before leaving the party in 2000. She has also served as a Farmers Home Administration Committee member, a member of the Cimarron River Basin Area Committee for the Kansas Water Office, and is active in her church as a board member and organist. She belongs to several business and professional organizations and service clubs. She is a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution, a patriotic organization, and was recognized this year by the Cimarron Valley Chapter DAR for her citizenship activities. During the past 15 years of their "retirement", Ellen and Dick have gone on 15 medical missions to Central and South America. They established an optical mission in Joyabaj, Guatemala and currently supports its needs as well as the needs of a medical mission in Canilla, Guatemala. Ellen shares Richard Ranzau's frustration with the current state of politics as well as his vision of returning the government to the people. Her wide range of knowledge and experience coupled with her desire to serve the people of Kansas makes her an excellent candidate for Lt. Governor. Reply |
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