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Flyer - Judy Tucker - Hold Elected Officials Accountable to We the PeopleExternal Link to this Page: Judy Tucker We the People Vote Judy Tucker For Paid for by Judy Tucker for State Representative Judy Tucker I was born in 1956. I graduated from Washington State. Most of my life, I have been a mother and a domestic engineer, working for people in their homes. I am married to Roger Tucker. We have 9 children and 16 grandchildren between us. All our children have moved away and are on their own. We Must Hold Our Having watched the actions of Government in my many years as a Mother and Grandparent of two beautiful Grandchildren, I am now running for KS State Representative to make our Elected Government Officials accountable to the People instead of serving the Corporations and Special Interest Groups. The fundamental problem behind our Elected Representatives betrayal of our founding principles is the large amount of Money being passed around to many Officials who do not care about We the People. For example, Big Pharmaceutical Companies lobby for trade agreements that would enforce the international agreement called Codex Alimentarius, which will outlaw herbs and natural food supplements, only allowing them by prescription, if at all. “Big Pharma” doesn't want to see a reduction in their profits because of people keeping themselves healthy with healthy food and herbs; they don't want competition. Most people are not yet aware that while laws are being passed to infringe upon our constitutional civil liberties in the name of making us safer from terrorists, our borders are not being defended from the daily invasion of thousands of unidentified illegal immigrants who may well be the very terrorists of which the government and media are constantly warning us, on their way to destroy the future of our children. The contradictions in these policies are obvious. This economic destruction, together with the so-called war on domestic terrorism, is double insanity without representation. We The People, who are supposed to control the people's government, have not asked for this. The money and power of large international corporations have the eyes and ears of our Elected Officials, directing them to ensure greater control, less competition, and increased profits for their wealthy sponsors. Where do the needs and rights of the people fit in? We are being ignored and controlled. The people of Kansas are saying “No more! This has to stop!” Wake up America and vote for our American future and to support the constitutional laws of independence and liberty that made this state and country great! I support WE THE PEOPLE ACT (H.R. 5739) from Rep. Ron Paul to Stop Activist Judges! Representative Ron Paul introduced the We the People Act on June 29, 2006 with cosponsors Rep. John J. Duncan, Jr.; Rep. Sam Johnson; Rep. Walter B Jones, Jr.; Rep. John Sullivan; and Rep. Thomas G. Tancredo to “limit the jurisdiction of the federal courts, including the United States Supreme Court, in certain cases,” such as activist federal judges telling our children that they can’t say the Pledge of Allegiance, or federal courts telling us that there is a right to pornography in schools, but that God must be kept out of the classroom. Through H.R. 5739, Congress can stop them. Vote for Reform in Kansas Vote Judy Tucker for Kansas House Distr. #5. My Top Three Policy Issues
Vote for Judy Tucker Having watched the actions of Government in my many years as a Mother and Grandparent of two beautiful Grandchildren, I am now running for KS State Representative to make our Elected Government Officials accountable to the People instead of serving the Corporations and Special Interest Groups. If you want reform, Vote Reform! Please pass on Copies of This Flyer: Vote Judy Tucker For Who wants our elected officials to limit our freedoms and control our actions? Major Corporations – Major Parties Who wants our elected officials to refuse the lavish gifts of corporations and special interests and to defend our God-given rights? The VOTERS! Every Effort Helps! 1. Register and Vote on paper ballots! Tell your friends and neighbors to vote on paper ballots as well. The more verifiable ballots are cast, the harder it will be to steal an election. 2. Tell your friends and neighbors that Judy Tucker is running to hold our elected representatives accountable to We the People: their constituents. Visit and participate in our efforts. Send e-mails to your contacts; talk to your neighbors: Our children's futures depend on our involvement today. 3. Walk your neighborhood and tell them about the special interests that are buying our freedoms for their own profits and sponsors. 4. Contact local newspapers, TV stations, radio stations, and web-sites to promote this campaign. 5. Become a leader! This is a campaign for all Kansans to defend our God-given, constitutionally protected rights. Print out flyers, posters, cards, etc. Promote our web-site. People with skills in public relations, computers, fund raising, and organizing meetings are greatly needed. If you are interested in becoming active in this campaign, contact me. 6. If you would like me to speak to your community group, church, civic organization, etc. or answer questions, please contact me: Donations To send monetary contributions, make your checks payable to “Judy Tucker for State Representative” and mail them to: 621 S. Locust St. Anyone contributing more that $150 dollars must write their occupation on their check for reporting purposes. Per person limit is $500. I will not accept contributions from lobbyists.
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