RPKS Members and Friends:
We are quickly approaching the 2006 State Convention of the Reform Party of Kansas. This meeting is also the nominating caucus for the selection of our slate of candidates to run in November 2006 (looks like Nov. 7th). The State Convention/Caucus will be on May 27th or June 3rd in Maple Hill, KS.
If you are interested in running for office on the Reform Party of Kansas ballot, or if you know someone who might be, please let me know, or let them know that they can contact me:
Joseph Martin
785-xxx-xxxx (cell)
We need to reclaim this country and state for Americans against the growing hostility against us, both domestic and foreign. Many of our problems today are due to the lack of good candidates over the last several decades (and an abundance of self-serving politicians).
Just a name on the ballot can give voters a real alternative to the two major parties that have led us arm in arm to our current perilous
Another benefit for having a candidate named on the ballot is that radio advertising is available at the lowest rates, which makes it a lot easier to reach voters (and those who have long since given up voting) with the pressing issues (some are listed below).
Please don't dismiss running for office just because you are "too busy." Other people can help with your campaign, but the name on the ballot is the necessary first step. The filing fees are not too high (except for the state-wide offices). With a willing candidate, raising the filing fee should not be too hard.
Let me know if you are interested. Our nominating caucus will be on May 27th or June 3rd in Maple Hill, KS (at our state convention). The filing deadline is June 12th at Noon (no exceptions! We need to be well ahead of this).
Please pass this on to other Kansans that might be able to run for
Thanks for your consideration and for all your efforts to make a better today and tomorrow in Kansas!
Joseph Martin, Chairman
Reform Party of Kansas
Offices include:
All four Congressional districts
Minor Party Fee: $20
Minimum Age: 25
Must be registered Reform in Kansas (any congressional district; winner must live in/move to given district)
Major issues:
- Trade and Sovereignty Repeal NAFTA, GATT, and CAFTA; stop
- Bringing Manufacturing Jobs back to America
- Support Private Farming and Ranching Make every effort to return to Parity; stop the National Animal Identification System, which will naturally lead to our being forced to take the same "mark of the
- Personal Privacy Rights Reverse the descent into a Police
State; repeal the REAL ID act that made our driver's licenses into
National ID Cards; enforce Posse Comitatus; promote freedom of speech;
freedom of assembly, responsible gun ownership, private property
ownership, and other Constitutionally protected, God-given rights.
- National Security Secure the borders from the unbridled invasion of illegal aliens.
- Break up the cemented relationship among multi-national corporations, international bankers, and our federal government Send the lobbyists away to find honest work saving America from the perils of insatiable corporate greed; shut down the Un-Federal Non-Reserve Private Bank deceptively named the Federal Reserve; return America to real money based on value rather than "federal reserve notes" based on debt that can never be repaid until the Creature from Jekyll Island is evicted.
- Return Morality to its Prominent place in the Education of Future Americans The atheists have ejected morality from the instruction of our future generations, and their answer to their resulting immorality is an ever growing Military-Industrial Complex and Fascist Police State.
- Stop the assaults on private property ownership. Repeal the
Federal Usurpation of all bodies of water.
- Return to Tariffs as the primary means of funding the federal
government and reduce the tax burden on citizens as much as possible.
All State-Wide Officers
Governor/Lt. Governor
Secretary of State
State Treasurer
Insurance Commissioner
Attorney General
Minor Party Fee: $500
Must be registered Reform in Kansas
Some State School Board Members
Minor Party Fee: $55
Must be registered Reform in given district
All Kansas State Representatives
Minor Party Fee: $55
Must be registered Reform in given district.
Issues include:
- Stop Eminent Domain for Private Development This must be
stopped without exceptions to remove the temptations of officials and
developers to conspire against lawful property owners.
- Stop the National Animal Identification System, which the USDA is bribing all the states to pass.
- Reverse Kansas's acceptance of the REAL ID Act that turned our
driver's licenses into National ID Cards.
- Stop Judicial Activism, especially attempts by unelected judges
to force tax increases.
- Decentralize administration and funding of Education
- Resist the land-grabs and other assaults on private property
ownership, especially the Federal Usurpation of all bodies of water.
- Discourage the influx of illegal aliens and admonish the companies that hire them.
- Stop the frequent intrusions into families' private lives and the break-up of healthy families.
- Stop the significant yearly increases in house and property
appraisals, which make it harder and harder to afford our own homes.
Some County Commissioners
Minor Party Fee: $35
Must be registered Reform in given county district.
Issues include:
- Hand-countable, paper ballots in all elections.
- Train law-enforcement officers to protect and defend their
neighbors, and repel any violations of Posse Comitatus, where military
personnel (foreign or domestic) attempt to usurp their authority.
- Maintain high standards of ethics in public officials to avoid
even the appearance of impropriety and self-serving.
- Strive to keep expenses low to reduce the tax burden on the
- Resist the significant yearly increases in house and property
appraisals, which make it harder and harder to afford our own homes.
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