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ARE YOU THROWING YOUR VOTE AWAY?We are constantly deluded into believing a false left-right paradigm. How many times have you been told that voting for anyone other than a candidate from either of established Republic-crat or Demo-con party is a wasted vote. We are told over and over that third party candidates are simply not viable because they have no hope of winning the election. So we continue to follow the same insanity, doing the same thing over and over only the get the same results. It seems that no matter who we elect, whether they Republican or Democrat we keep getting the same results. The whole Liberal v. Conservative, Democrat v. Republican, Labor v. Conservative, or Capitalism v. Socialism polarity, is a fraud. It does it matter whether it is Democrat or Republican, we continue to get bigger and bigger government, more and more oppressive taxation, our freedoms are evaporating as surely the ink fades on our constitutional guarantees. Judges, police, and unconstitutional agencies are exercising authority over our property and lives that are in direct violation to or alienable rights that have been granted to us from our creator. We are no longer secure in our homes, effects, properties, papers, or even the health choices over our own bodies. Our right to freedom of conscience is threatened by attacks against freedom of speech, assembly, and religious expression. They have consolidated the media and the school system to be controlled only by a few individuals and have conspired to keep us ignorant by simply controlling the information we are allowed to know. We have gotten the best legislators that money can buy and they have manipulated elections to keep and appoint their corrupt servants to serve them. They have surrendered our sovereignty and national security to international agencies, organization, and corporate interest. They have infested us with illegal aliens and turned a blind eye while we are slowly being colonized by foreign powers. They have destroyed the economy in trade deals to enhance corporate profits at expense of jobs and a falling dollar. Our military who are loyal to protecting America are sent overseas to die in foreign conflicts which are planned in advance and manipulated to promote corporate interests. Some how you are programmed to believe that to protect freedom in America, we have to destroy it here and we have wage war against innocent women and children around the globe with weapons of mass destruction. This government of the People, for the People, and by the People has become a government of the corporate money, by corporate money, and for the corporate money. If this is what you want then vote for an establishment candidate, if it is not then you are throwing your vote away if you do. Within the real matrix there is no difference. The establishment parties are all working toward the same end. Whether you believe in God does not matter but the real struggle is between God’s way versus that of men. The elite thinks you can achieve utopia by changing man from the outside through the use of force, rewards, and enlightenment. God says that you can only have the kingdom of God if you allow men to change from the inside. God’s way is to give men “freedom to choose”. The global matrix wants to take it way from you. They want to force you to do it their way, because they have brains the size of planets and they think know better than God. Remember this, the vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil. Don’t throw your vote away. Run for office yourself and vote for alternative third party choices. Richard Horn Great Entry on Voting for the Right CandidateThis is exactly the kind of item I am looking for. Hopefully, we can attract more readers and writers to make this a collaborative, educational tool for Reform in KS and the nation. Indeed, voting for candidates that sell us out to foreign (or domestic) interests is not just wasting a vote: it is effectively a treacherous vote! a sell-out of one's own family and one's neighbors for the empty return of pragmatism. What a bill of goods the elite and their media have sold us: that the majority are convinced that they must vote for people that are representing big money rather than their constituents, the ones voting. The primary complaint against England was against "Taxation without Representation:" that policies directing the affairs of the colonists and demanding money from them were being decided by officials outside of the influence of the colonists. (Did the English subjects in England have any more influence on similar policies?) The new republic that emerged from the Revolutionary War claimed to have resolved that injustice. The officials that wrote the laws, that levied taxes, and (to some degree) that enforced those laws were directly elected by the people or were selected by their representatives. But now we are faced with the corporate buy-out (and often even international) of the majority of our elected officials, putting us in the orwellian situation of having essentially no representation by our elected "representatives." Send the Corporate Lobbyists Back Home! Tell them to lobby the American corporations that have moved their factories to other countries to bring them back. Tell them to lobby the American companies that hire illegal aliens with impunity to cease their anti-American practices that expect Americans to buy their products and yet that refuse to offer them a living wage. The big national and international corporations have largely proven that they hold the American consumers in contempt. Our government has proven that they condone, share, and promote their contemptuous behavior. It is time for the American consumer to shun their selfishness and find pro-American businesses for their needs. The Reform Party of Kansas should become a leader in requesting pro-American companies unite in presenting to the American consumers a wide range of products and services. At the same time we should ask them to consider expanding their offerings to cover gaps in the availability of products and services, especially those that have been lost to foreign markets. In this effort, this loose coalition of pro-American companies can begin to discover new opportunities for employment for the increasing number of American workers that been unable to find work as hundreds of American factories have been closed due to the selfish greed of executives. Company executives have shown this type of greed in our country's past. Now they have thrown all pretense of civility to the gutters, as they lobby for NAFTA, GATT, CAFTA, FTAA, unfettered illegal entry of foreigners for cheap labor, and most recently, even unlimited "legal" hiring of both skilled and unskilled workers under George W. Bush's latest blanket amnesty guest worker bill. It is time to vote for America! It is time to vote for Kansas! It is time to Vote Reform! Don't waste your Vote! Vote Reform! Joseph Martin, Chairman By jlmartin at Mon, 2025-03-10 08:09 | reply | email this page
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