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CAFTA / North American UnionGRASSROOTS AMERICA PROMOTES THE CAUSE OF OUR CONSTITUTION'S LAWS The political action that is explained and advocated in the following letter #1 needs to be adopted and accomplished by Committees of Correspondence everywhere. Every American needs to be concerned and join or recommit themselves in assuming the roll of a Committee of Correspondence Coordinator to inform others and promote the success of this vital project. There are thousands of truckers, union members and others who promote this project. Let's work to increase their numbers. The following letter #2 can be used as a recruiting tool for finding new concerned Americans in our neighborhoods and next door. We need numbers and action. To receive updated information for coordinated times of action, or for any related question, contact me. Sincerely, ***************************** NATIONAL GRASSROOTS DEMONSTRATION (NGD) WHY: GREATLY REDUCE AND STABILIZE GASOLINE PRICES (e.g. regular 87 octane close to $1.20/gal.). UTILITY BILLS, TRANSPORTATION COSTS, ETC.; SOLVE TRADE/BUDGET DEFICITS AND CREDIT CARD DEBT PROBLEMS; HELP SOLVE THE PROBLEMS OF ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION, TERRORISM, JOBS EXPORTED/OUT-SOURCED, AND OTHER NATIONAL AND WORLD PROBLEMS. WHEN: Now, at regular intervals and again at prearranged coordinated times, for Congress to act before it adjourns this Fall. WHERE: Every office in home states of all 100 Senators and 435 Representatives. WHO/HOW: Representatives of groups/organizations (with a hundred or more voters) should visit these Senators' / Representatives' offices in person. Individuals: Preferably, fax this NGD page to these offices, or phone the essence of NGD to them. Emphasize the following URGENT ISSUES to all offices and demand a written response. 1. UNCAP AND DRILL US. OIL WELLS - By 6/3/06, Congress should pass a Windfall Profits Tax bill, similar to S-1631 proposed in 2005; also a bill, added to HR-6 Energy Legislation of 2005, that provides a "price-support" (tax credits, etc.) of $23-25.00/barrel of oil and $3.00/1000 Cu. ft. of natural gas: and that adds incentives to increase USA oil refinery capacity. This would prevent OPEC monopoly (Cartel) from dropping its prices below these price supports to stop or greatly reduce U.S. domestic oil/natural gas production, as it did at $10/barrel in 1998. President Bush should sign this bill by 6/5/06, and it should require him to have his Departments of Interior & Agriculture & the Bureau of Land Management to promptly start properly and increasingly issuing leases for oil/natural gas production on Federal Lands in several western and other USA states - especially on Gull Island and other parts of Alaska's North Slope Petroleum Reserve separately west of Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). These actions should greatly start increasing our domestic oil/gas production in 2 mos. or so after President Bush signs this bill - ESPECIALLY from ALASKA'S LONG-CAPPED Gull Island Well - and in a year or so reduce our oil imports from 60 % to 20 % or so (most from Mexico) of our oil consumption, with NO IMPORTS from IRAQ/MIDEAST/OPEC monopoly. EXPORTS OF ALASKAN/OTHER USA OIL or NATURAL GAS production should be prohibited. 2. SUPPORT P.L. 480 Title I LOCAL CURRENCY SALES. including a mutually beneficial trade deal with Mexico involving P.L. 480 exports of U. S. agricultural products to Mexico and increased oil imports from Mexico (under Absolute Advantage Trade Policy instead of the current "Comparative Advantage" Free Trade Policy), for most of the 20 % of our imports. Tell your Congresspersons to add $5 - 10 billion in FY 2006 for this P.L. Title I 480 program with Mexico on concessional loan of pesos to Mexican Government for infrastructure/other economic development. Also, tell U.S. congresspersons to improve U.S. family farmers' price support program, especially by adding PARITY SUPPORT PRICES. A major result of this trade deal and revised trade policy with Mexico would economically force it to greatly improve economic/political conditions in Mexico and stop our open border/illegal immigration problems. This would also include the willful return of the many million illegal immigrants now in the U.S.A. to proper, good-paying infrastructure/other economic development work in Mexico. This would also keep Mexican truckers transporting goods only within Mexico. 3. Tell Congress to VOTE AGAINST FTAA-TYPE TRADE AGREEMENTS WITH ANY COUNTRY, and LEGISLATE an ABSOLUTE ADVANTAGE TRADE POLICY (i.e., an importing country imports only products - in most practicable finished form - it cannot reasonably produce itself). THIS WOULD SOLVE THE DISASTROUS USA TRADE DEFICIT and FOREIGN DEBT. ALSO, IT WOULD RETURN MOST OR ALL JOBS EXPORTED/OUT-SOURCED OVER THE PAST 35-45 YEARS, AND HELP SOLVE OTHER PROBLEMS UNDER "WHY" ABOVE. 4. In 2007, this Absolute Advantage Trade Policy and PL 480 Title 1 program should be applied to many 3rd world "less developed" Latin America, Asian and African countries. 5. Tell your Federal and State Senators and Representatives, and your Governor, to legislate and enforce a paper ballot voting system - in place of the machine/computer systems - by September 1, 2006 for honest, accurate voting systems nationwide. ALL ELIGIBLE VOTERS: Get active NOW per WHO/HOW (above)! These accomplishments will buy the time (5-10 or more years) to then develop wide-spread alternative energy sources, (wind, solar, etc.) and better energy conservation over the coming decade; also time to solve the other problems under "WHY" above. Also, these accomplishments will prevent a future economic (e.g. excessive gasoline, heating and other energy prices) disaster and the related terrible human sufferings, such as when the Katrina hurricane hit Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama. This NGD is coordinated and promoted by many concerned American citizens. To secure a free and prosperous future for America it needs to be promoted by every committee of correspondence and every American. ********************************** Committees of Correspondence "In November of 1772, Samuel Adams of Boston organized the Committees of Correspondence to send circular letters from town to town and colony to colony, keeping the people informed on happenings. The idea spread throughout the colonies. Groups of young men banded together as the Sons of Liberty. Riding their horses over country roads and woodland trails, they carried these messages from Boston to Williamsburg." Hello Fellow American, Just days before the July 28, 2005 House vote that passed CAFTA, Idaho’s Representative “Butch” Otter said, “I want all 435 members of this House, I want them to be prepared when they go home and explain to their folks at home exactly what they’ve done, for whatever of the 435 members voted for CAFTA, in selling down the drain the sovereignty of this country.” His speech is heard on mp3 audio on our “Focus On The Issues” CD. Influenced by “New World Order” global fascism, our politicians have given us trade agreements such as NAFTA and CAFTA that places “NWO” foreign authority over our nation’s commerce and enables business to bypass our people's labor union benefits for greater profits made through the sweat of people in foreign factories who suffer suppression of rights, rights that we have been willing to fight wars for to have and to keep. Our USA middle class economy now suffers from this unfair business practice that is taking place across national borders. “NWO” politicians are undermining what America built through our Constitution’s laws of liberty. The liberty of the American people ruled by our Constitution’s laws and the Golden Rule enabled our people to build factories for a prosperous middle class economy. When trade agreements are passed that go against the Golden Rule and enable business to profit by exploiting the labor of oppressed foreign people, the cheaper products they produce flood our market in unfair competition. This “NWO” trade policy not only violates the Golden Rule by exploiting and promoting conditions of oppression over foreign workers, it results in the loss of our good paying middle class factory jobs. If we fail to be concerned for other people’s rights, we will likely fail to keep our own? We ask, what respect do politicians have for mankind’s unalienable rights, including ours, when they support NWO trade agreements like NAFTA and CAFTA that foster oppression for profit? To keep our own rights, we need to stand up and vote in respect for mankind’s rights everywhere. Help us vote those politicians out of office. The President leads our nation in a crises in social security funding, terrorism, the need for security verses liberty, a national debt limit reaching $9 trillion and illegal immigrants who are mostly refugees of the corrupt trade agreements. Many issues confront us. For the most important need, we focus on the issue of trade agreements. All Americans, who value their rights, need to see and understand what is written here. We focus on these issues to promote unity in action for the preservation of our unalienable rights that are protected by the laws of our Constitution. See to join on-line and for Committee of Correspondence issues. To know which politicians we need to vote out of office, the “Focus On The Issues” mp3 CD includes documents on the US House and Senate CAFTA vote. The CD is available on request. Committee’s of Correspondence promote American patriotism for our Constitution’s Laws of Liberty. FOR MEETING or CD INFORMATION: Contact _________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ********************************* From The Declaration of Independence “—-WE hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness —-” A Dialogue For Concerned Citizens To Focus On The Issues Hello Fellow American, As you know, many American soldiers have fought and died for the laws of our Constitution and especially for the first ten amendments which we know of as our Bill of Rights? The First Amendment protects our freedom of speech, religion and the press. In your opinion, in keeping with the First Amendment, should the Pledge of Allegiance that includes the words “one nation under God” be taught in our public schools? Though such a case against this right has gone to the Supreme Court, the decision has been put off that could possibly make it against the law for public schools to give respect to a belief in God when saying the Pledge of Allegiance. As concerned citizens, we are also concerned with our nation’s foreign trade agreements and loss of factories. What free trade means to the large corporations is that they can pick up and move our good paying factory jobs to countries where cheap labor is available and maintained because the people's rights are suppressed. When our Government makes trade agreements like NAFTA and CAFTA, the conditions are actually made worse for the poor of foreign countries such as Mexico. The result is increasing illegal immigration -- refugees from conditions in Mexico that have actually been made worse because of our trade agreements that encourage large corporations to exploit and make worse the conditions of people whose rights are suppressed. Without doubt, better trade agreements can be made that will work to promote better living conditions for the people. If we just sit back and allow this corruption to continue unchallenged and do not use the rights that we have to promote better trade agreements to stop the license for greed that has enabled the corporations to exploit the labor of oppressed people, then we will lose our rights that we fail to use. We either use the rights we have, or we lose them. Our loss will be more than just factories and their good paying jobs. To help our country hold on to our factories and good jobs, search for news beyond the news given by the corporate media bias and discover more important issues and the reasons for voting out of office all those politicians who gave us the CAFTA and the like trade agreements that are causing the loss of our factories. We have the right and duty to organize and promote patriotism for our American factories and our independence. Would you be willing to vote the politicians out of office when assured that the free trade agreements they voted for are actually contributing to the oppression and poverty of foreign workers and the loss of our factories? You are invited to come to our concerned citizen’s Committee of Correspondence meetings where we get together with other concerned citizens to discuss the evidence of our concerns and make plans for accomplishing the needed influence upon our Government as our Constitution gives us the right through our vote. Sincerely, A Concerned American ******************************** North American Union Web-SitesHere are some web-sites related to the SPP and our border IN-security. Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America Joseph Martin By jlmartin at Mon, 2025-03-10 16:12 | reply | email this page
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