We Need Mature, Responsible Candidates
a) Liberal politicians (as well as liberal lobbyists) seem intent of preventing traditional methods of effective child training.
b) Instead of controlling public spending to prevent going "bankrupt" (as we voting tax-payers would go broke if we over-spent our own budgets), spend-thrift legislators spend not only more money than they have - the taxes collected from us - but even more money than we have, as illustrated by the courts demanding 100s of millions more in taxes from us than even our representatives are willing to require of us and still show their faces for reelection. Of course, many representatives don't seem that interested in fighting the court's effective raise in our taxes and usurpation of their taxing privilege, and so it might be that those representatives don't really mind the higher taxes and are just hoping the court will take the heat for them.
These two points are related in that spend-thrift representatives are acting like undisciplined, immature children themselves. They don't want to manage their expenses to stay comfortably below their income (our tax money), which is one of the defining elements of maturity. And they are also uncomfortable with the idea of anyone (except tax-payers) being told what they ought to do and ought not to do in any effective way.
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