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Reform 2006, MP3Radio Ad - Roger Tucker - For Pro-Life and Limited Federal Government[Radio Ad MP3] [All Radio Ad MP3s] I am a strong advocate for states rights and limited federal government. I support legislation that will prevent federal judges from interferring with state laws dealing in areas that are not powers specifically given to the federal government by our United States Constitution and should be left up to the states as stated by the Constitution's Tenth Amendment. As such, I support (H.R. 5739) the We the People Act. This legislation has been recently introduced in Congress by Representative Ron Paul with at least 5 cosponsors. The stated purpose of this legislation is to "limit the jurisdiction of the federal courts, including the United States Supreme Court, in certain cases." Congressmen Ron Paul says, "Congress has the authority under Articles I, III and IV of the Constitution of the Untied States to set limits on the Supreme Court and lower federal courts in order to correct abuses of judicial power and continuing violations of the Constitution by federal courts." Radio Ad - Joseph Martin - Retake Your State and Country - Vote Reform![Radio Ad MP3] [All Radio Ad MP3s] Many Kansas voters have been disappointed by the choices they have had on the ballot, and they have chosen to be counted among those who do not vote at all. The Reform Party of Kansas has real Kansans on the ballot who are not running to please corporations or special interests but rather to serve the needs of Kansas families and small businesses. I'm Joseph Martin, running for Secretary of State. I will demand honest, verifiable elections with real, countable ballots. I will work to make sure only legal Kansas residents can register to vote. I will reduce costs in the Secretary of State's office in order to lower the fees paid by Kansas businesses as much as possible. Kansas voters, show the career politicians that you are ready to retake your state and country. Vote Reform! Vote for Joseph Martin for Secretary of State and for our other Reform Party of Kansas candidates on the ballot. Radio Ad - Joseph Martin - We Voters Must Demand a Verifiable Voting System[Radio Ad MP3] [All Radio Ad MP3s] Coordinated vote fraud is a great danger to our God-given, Constitutionally protected rights and freedoms. As a responsible electorate, fully aware of human nature and weakness (and avarice), we know that election officials might be tempted to skew the counting of our votes: well placed bribes and threats can be very hard to resist. We must demand an election process that makes large-scale vote fraud by officials difficult to commit and easy to detect by voters, thus safeguarding the democratic process of electing our public representatives as well as protecting the election officials from coercion. Radio Ad - Joseph Martin - Don't Waste Your Vote on Career Politicians - Vote Reform![Radio Ad MP3] [All Radio Ad MP3s] Many voters are not happy with the erosion of our Constitutionally protected rights. The political power in Kansas and in Washington, D.C., has been shared almost exclusively by Republicans and Democrats, many of whom receive substantial contributions from the lobbyists of major corporations while ignoring the urgent needs of their constituents. Don't waste your vote on career politicians that benefit personally from serving international corporations. Vote Reform! Vote for Joseph Martin for Secretary of State and for our other Reform Party of Kansas candidates on the ballot. Radio Ad - Roger Tucker - Why Reward Politicians that are Destroying America?[Radio Ad MP3] [All Radio Ad MP3s] Why are we losing thousands of good paying factory jobs to the competition of foreign factories that employ workers who traditionally have never experienced the right to bargain for a higher standard of living as our Constitution has given American labor the right? It is all tied in with those free trade agreements such as NAFTA and CAFTA, and we keep letting them do it. We keep voting for the same Republicans and Democrats who have set up those free trade agreements to make American economic standards compete against exploited workers who have never known the liberty afforded by our Constitution. When will it end? We must stop rewarding those same politicians with a return to office. We must stop rewarding both Republicans and Democrats and anyone else who can’t seem to understand what America is all about as Abraham Lincoln did, and as John F. Kennedy did and thousands of other patriots who have been willing to sacrifice so that we might have that gift of liberty in America that is the unalienable right of all mankind, but so rare in the world. Radio Ad - Roger Tucker - Stop NAFTA and CAFTA[Radio Ad MP3] [All Radio Ad MP3s] Why did 54 senators and 217 congressmen consider the profits of a few to be worth more than the sovereignty of their country? And judging from the results of a similary trade agreement, called NAFTA, passed ten years earlier, worth more than the rights of millions of people south of our border and in countries as far away as China, whose only hope is to either work as slave labor in free-trade production facilities that deny their right to bargain for a higher standard of living as the law of our Constitution gives us, or to travel North across the border as illegal immigrants for the hope of a brighter future. Why should we be losing family farms and good-paying factory jobs to competition from those who exploit foreign populations denied rights that Americans have fought for? Radio Ad - Joseph Martin for Kansas Secretary of State - Our Republic Needs Countable Ballots[Radio Ad MP3] [All Radio Ad MP3s] Our constitutional republic prevents tyranny by a separation of powers: legislative, executive, and judicial, all of which are subject ultimately to the vote of the citizens. But if the officials counting the votes can falsify the results in an undetectable way, then our freedoms are in jeopardy. We must have countable, verifiable ballots, and the current electronic voting machines do not allow votes to be independently verified. We cannot trust our democratic republic to invisible ballots. Flyers - Reform Party of Kansas Candidates - Print Them and Distribute!All Reform Candidate Flyers (RSS) [All Radio Ad MP3 Files] Here you'll find links to Reform Party of Kansas Candidate Flyers. Please print out these flyers and pass them out to your friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc. Leave several at doctors' offices, lobbies, post-offices, truck-stops, barber-shops, gas-stations. Include them in correspondence to Kansans. Joseph Martin - Candidate for KS Secretary of State[Flyers] [ Page] Joseph Martin is running for Kansas Secretary of State. Honesty in elections is essential to preserve our democratic republic. The separation of powers in the U.S. Constitution is not merely the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judicial; the largest and most important group is the voters, and their power to cast votes that are honestly and accurately counted is seriously compromised if the tallying of their votes cannot be verified beyond a doubt. Contact or send contributions to: ![]() |
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