State Party Officers

Chair: Joy Holt  Treas: Tony Mattia

Affiliated national political party:

Reform Party National (Reform Party Nation, et al.)

National Officers:
John Blare, Chair; Joy Holt, Vice Chair;
Virginia Brooks, Secretary; Barbara Dale Washer, Treasurer

National Address:
P.O. Box 2378; Mission, KS  66201

Call to Reform Party of Kansas Meeting Mon May 11, 2015

2025-03-25 12:33
2025-03-25 12:33

Reform Party of Kansas Call to 2014 (2015) Reform Party of Kansas Mon May 11, 2015 7 pm Nominating Convention and Caucus and Executive Committee Meeting (as continued) - rev 1

Mar 23, 2015 7 pm Nominating Convention and Caucus and Executive Committee Meeting

2025-03-25 12:33
2025-03-25 12:33

Reform Party of Kansas Call to 2014 (2015) Reform Party of Kansas Mon Mar 23, 2015 7 pm Nominating Convention and Caucus and Executive Committee Meeting

2015 Reform Party of Kansas 2/09 Nominating Convention and Caucus and Executive Committee Meeting (Continued)

2025-03-25 12:33
2025-03-25 12:33

Reform Party of Kansas Call to 2014 Reform Party of Kansas Mon Feb 09, 2015 7 pm Nominating Convention and Caucus and Executive Committee Meeting (as continued) - rev 1

This is a call to a Reform Party of Kansas
a) Executive Committee meeting
and severably,
b) the 2014 Reform Party of Kansas Nominating Convention and Caucus (continued into 2015)

each commencing at 7 pm Central time
Monday February 09, 2015

and as may be continued by recess or adjournment.

The call is by adjourned / recessed continuation of the 01/05/15 meeting(s) and

by severable call of the chair.

Contact Joy Holt at 913-677-3760 for details.

2015 Reform Party of Kansas 1/05 Nominating Convention and Caucus and Executive Committee Meeting (Continued)

2025-03-25 12:33
2025-03-25 12:33

Reform Party of Kansas Call to 2014 Reform Party of Kansas Mon Jan 05, 2015 7 pm Nominating Convention and Caucus and Executive Committee Meeting (as continued) - rev 1

This is a call to a Reform Party of Kansas
a) Executive Committee meeting
and severably,
b) the 2014 Reform Party of Kansas Nominating Convention and Caucus

each commencing at 7 pm Central time, Monday January 05, 2015,
and as may be continued by recess or adjournment.

The call is by adjourned / recessed continuation of the 11/24/14 meeting(s) and by severable call of the chair.

This will be by teleconference and / or in-person.

Contact Joy Holt at 913-677-3760 for details.

2014 Reform Party of Kansas 10/20 Nominating Convention and Caucus and Executive Committee Meeting (Continued)

2025-03-25 12:33
2025-03-25 12:33

Reform Party of Kansas Call to 2014 Reform Party of Kansas Mon Oct 20, 2014 7 pm Nominating Convention and Caucus and Executive Committee Meeting (as continued) - rev 1

This is a call to a Reform Party of Kansas
a) Executive Committee meeting
and severably,
b) the 2014 Reform Party of Kansas Nominating Convention and Caucus

each commencing at 7 pm Central time
Monday October 20, 2014

and as may be continued by recess or adjournment.

The call is by adjourned / recessed continuation of the 08/28/14 and 09/09/14 meeting(s) and

by severable call of the chair.

This will be by teleconference and / or in-person.

Contact Joy Holt at 913-677-3760 for details.

2014 Reform Party of Kansas 9/09 Nominating Convention and Caucus and Executive Committee Meeting (Continued)

2025-03-25 12:33
2025-03-25 12:33

Reform Party of Kansas Call to Reform Party of Kansas Tue Sept 9, 2014 7 pm Executive Committee Meeting (as continued)

This is a call to a Reform Party of Kansas
a) Executive Committee meeting

commencing at 7 pm Central time
Tuesday September 9, 2014

and as may be continued by recess or adjournment.

The call is by adjourned / recessed continuation of the 08/28/14 meeting(s) and

by severable call of the chair.

This will be by teleconference and / or in-person.

The Teleconference number is:

conference #: 712-432-8700
code : 9288170#

Help line for problems: 913-940-0641

Contact Joy Holt at 913-677-3760 for details.

2014 Reform Party of Kansas 8/28 Nominating Convention and Caucus and Executive Committee Meeting (Continued)

2025-03-25 12:33
2025-03-25 12:33

Reform Party of Kansas Call to 2014 Reform Party of Kansas Thur August 28, 2014 7 pm Nominating Convention and Caucus and Executive Committee Meeting (as continued)

This is a call to a Reform Party of Kansas
a) Executive Committee meeting
and severably,
b) the 2014 Reform Party of Kansas Nominating Convention and Caucus

each commencing at 7 pm Central time
Thursday August 28, 2014

and as may be continued by recess or adjournment.

The call is by adjourned / recessed continuation of the 08/24/14 meeting(s) and
by severable call of the chair.

This will be by teleconference and / or in-person.

Contact Joy Holt at 913-677-3760 for details.

2014 Reform Party of Kansas 8/24 Nominating Convention and Caucus and Executive Committee Meeting (Continued)

2025-03-25 12:33
2025-03-25 12:33

Reform Party of Kansas Call to 2014 Reform Party of Kansas August 24, 2014 3 pm Nominating Convention and Caucus and Executive Committee Meeting (as continued)

This is a call to a Reform Party of Kansas
a) Executive Committee meeting
and severably,
b) the 2014 Reform Party of Kansas Nominating Convention and Caucus

each commencing at 3 pm Central time
Sunday August 24, 2014
and as may be continued by recess or adjournment.

The call is by adjourned / recessed continuation of the 7/12/14 meeting(s) and
by severable call of the chair.

This will be by teleconference and / or in-person.

Contact Joy Holt at 913-677-3760 for details.