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Vote Fraud Hits HomeMy name is Bob Dacy. I am the host of “The Simple Truth”, a political TV talk show cablecast in Austin, Texas. This morning, I attempted to vote before going to work. I say “attempted” because the Hart Intercivic E-Slate machines we use in Travis county prevented me from doing so. I was the third voter in line, but, since one of the three machines at precinct 228 was not operational, I waited in line behind the first voter. She “voted” and left the booth. I entered the booth and put in my code number. The ballot that appeared before me was complete nonsense. It was asking for my vote on such propositions as whether wheels should be mandated on office chairs, whether poll workers should be exempt from having to pay taxes, whether we should mandate 4 week vacations instead of 2 week vacations, and whether we should have a 3 day workweek. I looked at the poll worker nearby, a neighbor of mine, and asked him if this was a joke. NM Gov. Richardson Declares State of Emergency Along NM Border With MexicoNew Mexico Governor Richardson Declares State of Emergency Along New Mexico Border With Mexico - Governor Makes $1.75 million available to assist state and local law enforcement in border communities [Executive Order 25-040] August 12, 2005 State of New Mexico Office of the Governor - News Release Bill Richardson, Governor For Immediate Release Contact: Pahl Shipley 505-476-2202 or Columbus, New Mexico - Governor Bill Richardson today issued an Executive Order declaring a state of emergency along the New Mexico-Mexico border, specifically in Dona Ana, Luna, Grant, and Hidalgo counties. The Governor made the announcement following a helicopter and ground tour of the border near Columbus, New Mexico. 2005 State Convention SummaryOn June 25, 2005, the Reform Party of Kansas held its 2005 State Convention in St. Marys, KS, at the meeting room of St. Marys State Bank on KS Hwy 24. All the current state party officers attended, as well as a number of active Reform Party of Kansas members. Some guests also attended portions of the meeting. Up for election were the state party vice-chairman and the state party secretary, members of the Executive Committee for the 2nd and 4th Congressional Districts as well as the three RPUSA National Committee members. Republican Linked to Chinagate, Media Empire, and Voting Machines Running for CongressChinagate was all about agents of the communist Chinese government and rocket industry funneling cash into President Clinton's re-election campaign in exchange for technology transfers that gave them the ability to launch and target intercontinental ballistic missles against the United States. One of the conduits for that cash was Johnny Chung. DOJ attorney Michael McCaul did indeed "prosecute" Chung, but McCaul agreed to a sentence of probation and community service.The truth: McCaul , while working for Janet Reno, let this smaller fish go and failed to go after the bigger fish. So Michael McCaul , the former Janet Reno employee who wimped out on Chinagate , befriends traitors, is married to big media, and whose financiers have links to a suspect voting machine is running for Congress. Heaven help us. Chuck Baldwin - Note on Reposting ArticlesChuck Baldwin's commentaries are copyrighted and may be republished, reposted, or emailed providing the person or organization doing so does not charge for subscriptions or advertising and that the column is copied intact and that full credit is given and that Chuck's web site address is included. Please visit Chuck's web site at Agribusiness Examiner - Congress Passes, Clinton Prepares to Sign Annual Freedom to Farm Bill Bailout MoneyExcerpt from The Agribusiness Examiner, Issue # 76, June 1, 2000 CONGRESS PASSES, CLINTON PREPARES TO SIGN ANNUAL FREEDOM TO FARM BILL BAILOUT MONEY Congress has passed and Bill Clinton is expected to sign a $15 billion package of farm assistance --- including $5.5 billion in direct payments that would reach farmers by September 30, in the midst of the congressional campaigns --- to compensate growers for a third straight year of low commodity prices and to allow growers to buy cheaper crop insurance. ... Yet, as Abner Deatherage, a retired U.S. foreign service officer who lives in Prairie Village, Kansas and James D. Baldwin, a former rancher from Independence, Missouri and chairman of Local 249 Retiree Chapter of the United Auto Workers, rightfully pointed out in a recent Kansas City Star op-ed essay, "these bailouts are unsatisfactory -- many farmers are underpaid while some are overpaid. "Also, bailouts are uncertain and cost taxpayers substantially more than would a dependable, fair permanent price support program. A basically reformed foreign policy --- especially its unconstitutional trade element --- is keenly needed. United States agricultural and other exports must recover and increase under a rational, mutually beneficial trade policy," they add. |
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