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archivesTopic: Sustainable Development and Agenda 21: Soviet Rule of AmericaThe synthesis of the Hegelian dialectic between "Sustainable Development" and "Public/Private Partnerships" is the United Nations' Agenda 21 [Videos]. Collectivism is the suppression of individuality by the State. Communism seeks "Equity." Fascism promotes "Economy." Sustainable Development enshrines the "Environment." These three goals are combined in Agenda 21 to form a world-wide tyranny. The American Policy Center has some videos on the details of Agenda 21, how they are already turning America into a soviet bureaucracy, and the tyranny they promise for our immediate future. [Related Items on] Topic: Chlorine Bleach in our Drinking Water: Not All Bleach is the Same"Water should be pure and free of bad bacteria; it should bring us minerals, some oxygen, a proper magnetic polarization (to be discussed later) and it should even taste good. The Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have shared the responsibility for good water quality and have done their utmost to keep it so. "Water is usually treated with aluminum to help it filter clear of sediment as it is passed through sand beds. It is then disinfected with chlorine gas. This is done in nearly all water treatment plants. Chlorine gas bubbled through water produces assorted harmful and even carcinogenic chemicals, but, again, most people have been drinking such water and do not get cancer. After the water leaves the treatment plant it is tested for its "free" chlorine level at certain checkpoints, because this level tends to get lower and lower. A certain level needs to be kept up, about 1 part per million (ppm) of active chlorine. This is what kills bacteria. ... "Adding more chlorine gas on a small scale, if the free chlorine were low, would be prohibitively expensive at these numerous small checkpoints. Chlorine gas is also very dangerous to handle. Consequently, technicians have been trained to calculate how much liquid chlorine (bleach) needs to be added at any one checkpoint. This is much less expensive and dangerous. They have been taught which bleach has the EPA registration number and the National Standards Foundation (NSF) stamp to legalize its use in drinking water, and where to buy it. ... "Somewhere a myth got started. It stated that "bleach is bleach" and any bleach would do. It would justify stopping at the corner store for a bottle of bleach. Before there were many kinds of bleach on the market, perhaps purer than now, such a myth did little harm. Now that many kinds of bleaches are on the market, it does a great deal of harm. The new bleaches arriving in the supermarkets in the past few decades have changed considerably. Some have "whiteners and brighteners" added. Many have other additives. ..." Topic: Seven Principles of the Declaration of IndependenceSeven Principles of the Declaration of Independence Taken from Video on Modern Education (1:40:00 into it)
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