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archivesEmergency Alert! NAIS Funding Sped Through House and Now in Senate! Contact Senators Now![This Page|Printable PDF Flyer] Every Thursday for the past 6 Months, Government Officials have raided homes and businesses -- sometimes at Gunpoint, sometimes with a Warrant, and sometimes with nothing more then the burly bodies that intimidate those about to be oppressed. Some cases of oppression by NAIS and government enforcers that deserve much wider attention: Stowers, Greg Niewendorp, Steve Hixon, Emmanuel Miller, Paul Griepentrog, Sharon Palmer. The oppressors plan to oppress us all. Today -- Thursday of course -- H.R. 1105 is awaiting assignment to Committee in the U.S. Senate. It stands poised to allocate $289 million to APHIS for the implementation of the National Animal Identification System. It also outlines the time frame to implement in 2009 the tracking of 33 species. The treacherous U.S. House managed to pass this "Omnibus 2009" in 24 hours, and we have no reason to believe that the U.S. Senate will not pass it quickly and eagerly as well. What are you going to do? We as living human beings do not go to the polls to elect officials to represent Multi-National Corporations or Lobbyists paid by groups attempting to get their piece of the pie. THE LARGEST UNPAID LOBBYIST GROUP IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS SITTING IN THAT CHAIR IN FRONT OF THE KEYBOARD! YOU BELONG TO IT! Contact your Elected Officials and related Organizations -- as many as you can right now, today, and for the next several days. The first person to contact is and then your U.S. Senators. Call Congressional switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Ask for Pat Roberts (KS) and then Sam Brownback (KS). Find complete contact info at The message is simple:
Then call (202) 224-3121 and complain to your Representatives that the fast-tracking of the "Omnibus" Bill was unconscionable, un-Constitutional, and a betrayal of all Americans: Jerry Moran (KS-1st), Lynn Jenkins (KS-2nd), Dennis Moore (KS-3rd), or Todd Tiahrt (KS-4th). |
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