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KS Says NO to NAU - State Rep. Judy Morrison - Hearing on Resolution against KS Participation in North American Union

2025-03-31 03:34
2025-03-31 03:34

Hearing on a resolution against KS participation in the North American Union!
[Printable PDF Flyer]

KS State House (Capitol Building)

Room 313-S (third floor, south wing, the "old supreme court room")

Joseph Martin
Open to All Attending
Individual Reporter(s)

There is a hearing on a resolution by Judy Morrison at the KS state house on St. Patrick's Day, Monday, Mar 17, 2008, at 1:30 PM Central time in room 313-S (third floor, south wing, the "old supreme court room"). The resolution is supposed to be against KS participation in the NAU/SPP.

Please let everyone know about the meeting. Perhaps bring some medium sized posters with anti-NAU, pro-American sovereignty themes.

I hope to bring some DVDs with me.

Here is a link to the video EndGame, which has a section on the NAFTA Super-Highway, and the proponents and architects of the North American Union.

Here is some contact info for Judy Morrison:

Capitol Office
Room: 115-S
Phone: 785-296-7646
Email: morrisonj@house.state.ks.us

Committee Membership
Federal and State Affairs
Time: 1:30 p.m.
Room: 313-S

Below is a note from Daneen Peterson, who maintains http://www.stopthenorthamericanunion.com/ with lots of helpful information.

Jerome Corsi has a lot of good information on the SPP.

One group helping fund the NAFTA Super Highways is called Innovative Finance.

One prominent proponent for the NAU is David Rockefeller, of "Robber Baron" lineage. Hold on to your few remaining possesions!

Please consider running for office on Ron Paul's issues and/or helping us find candidates across Kansas and the US to do so:

For discussion of these and other issues in Kansas, please join http://www.votekansas.org/

Joseph Martin


Joseph . . . there is PLENTY of material for that in my "Treason Abounds ~ Gov't Cabal Plots North American Union (NAU)" which is linked to the top of my homepage. There are sections that talk about the Kansas City SmartPort and the 'non-profit' NASCO (North American SuperCorridor Coalition) that DOES receive our tax dollars (see the section by Nancy Boyda).

As for a speech which ties all that they are doing to the fact that it is violation of our Constitution . . . please read or listen to my Washington, DC speech titled "About the NAU ~ What You Don't Know CAN Hurt You!" which
can be found here: http://www.stopthenorthamericanunion.com/SpeakingEvents.html.

All my material is referenced with clickable URLs at the bottom of the article.

Founder and Author

KS-House-Says-NO-to-NAU-01.pdf119.51 KB


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