[This Page|Printable PDF Flyer|Text from O-No-Care S.1796]
Stop S.1796 The Healthy Family Act (aka The Happy Insurance Companies Act aka ObamaCare aka PelosiCare)!
This is based on the text from [Thomas: c111 S.1796] (based on the XML) in a hopefully more convenient format, with defined terms linked to a section showing all defined terms linked back to the point of definition.
Regarding coverage of abortions: It assures that there will be at least one plan that covers abortions that are prohibited from receiving federal funding! Nice contradiction in a federal bill.
- I|C|I|1201.C|1|2245.
- Special rules relating to coverage of abortion services
- I|C|I|1201.C|1|2245.(a)
- Voluntary choice of coverage of abortion services
- I|C|I|1201.C|1|2245.(a)(1)
- In general Notwithstanding any other provision of this subpart and subject to paragraph (3) -
- I|C|I|1201.C|1|2245.(a)(1)(A)
- nothing in this subpart shall be construed to require a health benefits plan to provide coverage of services described in paragraph (2)(A) or (2)(B) as part of its essential benefits package for any plan year; and
- I|C|I|1201.C|1|2245.(a)(1)(B)
- the offeror of a health benefits plan shall determine whether or not the plan provides coverage of services described in paragraph (2)(A) or (2)(B) as part of such package for the plan year.
- I|C|I|1201.C|1|2245.(a)(2)
- Abortion services
- I|C|I|1201.C|1|2245.(a)(2)(A)
- Abortions for which public funding is prohibited The services described in this subparagraph are abortions for which the expenditure of Federal funds appropriated for the Department of Health and Human Services is not permitted, based on the law as in effect as of the date that is 6 months before the beginning of the plan year involved.
- I|C|I|1201.C|1|2245.(a)(2)(B)
- Abortions for which public funding is allowed The services described in this subparagraph are abortions for which the expenditure of Federal funds appropriated for the Department of Health and Human Services is permitted, based on the law as in effect as of the date that is 6 months before the beginning of the plan year involved.
- I|C|I|1201.C|1|2245.(a)(3)
- Assured availability of varied coverage through exchanges
- I|C|I|1201.C|1|2245.(a)(3)(A)
- In general The Secretary shall assure that with respect to qualified health benefits plans offered in any exchange established pursuant to this title -
- I|C|I|1201.C|1|2245.(a)(3)(A)(i)
- there is at least one such plan that provides coverage of services described in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of paragraph (2); and
- I|C|I|1201.C|1|2245.(a)(3)(A)(ii)
- there is at least one such plan that does not provide coverage of services described in paragraph (2)(A).
Regarding the power of Congress to impose this fascist assault on our liberties and the Constitution: Pelosi said (of course) that the power is from the "Commerce Clause", and yet I do not see any reference to employers or employees being involved in interstate commerce or not.
- Call your SOBs (Servants Of Bankers) at 877 SOB U SOB - Call once for each Senator: ask by name and/or state.
- Tell his/her staffer that you are instructing the Senator to vote against this unconstitutional assault upon our personal rights and liberties, upon the privacy of Americans and our employers, and upon state sovereignty.
- Tell the staffer that residents and businesses in your state are not the slaves of the federal government, and that they will not be obliged to follow this unconstitutional seizure of power that was never granted to the federal government.
- Tell the staffer that you will work to instruct your state legislators to oppose enactment of this unconstitutional, illegal act in your state, and also to instruct them to impeach any Senator from your state that supported or voted for this assault upon the very Constitution that every Senator swears an oath to defend and uphold.
Call 877 SOB U SOB early and often to instruct our SOBs in D.C.
Joseph Martin
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