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NOW IS THE TIME TO TAKE PARTWHY AM I HERE? Not so long ago there was a collection of individuals, 56 of them if I recall correctly, who came together from 13 colonies. These concerned individuals knew that their very existence was under attack by forces that did not share their ideas of what constituted a fair and representative government. They believed that the loose confederation of colonies should pull together and unite behind some universal ideas that simply reiterated that government should be of the people, by the people and for the people and that the cement that held this concept together was that a higher authority, even higher than the British crown, mandated that man should be entitled with life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Today we are seeing the results of our nation throwing away the sound doctrine that has served us so well, for so long. Today I see a nation where many of our children are having a difficult time judging right from wrong, a nation that my parents don't even recognize, a nation that has dramatically changed in just one generation. We have seen the results of our highly acclaimed two party system. We have a national debt that is in the tens of trillions of dollars - just ask Representative Ron Paul from Texas. We have wages falling behind rising inflation. We have a federal reserve system that now refuses to tell us how much money they're printing up every day (just before they refused to tell us, it was in the billions of dollars every day). We have an ever increasing amount of our goods (clothes, electronics, oil, food, etc) and services coming from the third world, and yet their citizens who manufacture these products are fleeing those countries to come here. We have the pictures of our men and women coming home in body bags all the while being told that the sacrifice is worth it. We have the pictures of those whom we trust the country to, people like Mr. Rumsfeld, shaking the hands of dictators while selling them weapons of mass destruction. We have our elected leaders meeting behind closed doors and forging ahead with a Pan-American union , the evisceration of the people's sovreignty. Right now our own government, republican and democrat alike, is planning on merging the currencies of the United States with the rest of the nations of North and South America. Right now our country is being sold a piece at a time to foreign interests. Right now our highly respected leaders are silently working on a NAFTA super highway that will connect shipping ports in southern Mexico with inland "smart ports" like Kansas City. This will effectively further place more strain on good working Americans by eliminating tens of thousands of long shoremen and possibly hundreds of thousands of teamsters. I suppose these are more of the jobs that Americans simply don't want to do. Honestly ask yourself this question: Is it wise to allow trucks into our nation unchecked, to drive thousands of miles before they stop somewhere like Kansas City? Those tasked with maintaining our security at our ports have already admitted that they can only check a small percentage of the containers coming in. I could continue ad nauseum about how broken our system truly is. Your care and concern is needed desperately. We are at a crossroads in our nation. Now is the time for good people to come to the aid of their country. IF YOU WANT REFORM VOTE REFORM. Reply |
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