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Ideas for this Web-Site
I am hoping to make progress on the ideas that prompted me to put together a content management system (CMS) in the first place.
The web-site link is:
http://www.votekansas.org/ .
- Asynchronous Meeting Place
This is a place for members to meet asynchronously (whenever each has a little time rather than finding a time when two or more can talk voice-to-voice or in person at the same time).
Thus, people can discuss issues, write up ideas for articles, campaign literature, party growth, meetings, etc. without people needing to schedule simultaneous free-time.
- Bulletin Board
A place to put notifications of news items, news sources, up-coming events, etc.
- A Place to Vent!
Don't waste your frustration and good ideas on the furniture around you. Put them in forum topics, blog entries, comments, etc.
- Content Development
A place to develop more lengthy articles and flyers, have others comment on them, attach PDF samples, etc.
- Projects and Tasks
Identify projects and related tasks and take them on as your time and talents correspond to them. If all you do is break a project into sub-tasks, that is still a "task" that someone else doesn't have to do.
I hope to figure out a way to manage tasks better in the web-site, but simple notes will do in the meantime.
- Campaign and Issue Material
We need to develop candidate campaign platforms and similar issue-oriented literature. We can't wait until we have found a potential candidate to start figuring out what we want that candidate to stand for.
Instead of just looking for (and hoping for) candidates, let our portfolio of candidate platforms be an open invitation for interested people to consider stepping into the "gap".
This portfolio would also be a good tool for party building: showing people the kinds of candidates we are seeking will hopefully sharpen their understanding of the issues and also add enthusiasm to their activism.
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17 years 38 weeks ago
17 years 38 weeks ago
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17 years 43 weeks ago