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The Reform Party of KS supports passage of legislation designating English as the official language of the United States.
We, the Reform Party of KS, wholeheartedly support Second Amendment rights as guaranteed by the United States Constitution and as given to us by Almighty God. We hold this to be an individual's right. No law is legitimate that restricts this right. In keeping with this belief, We, the Reform Party of KS call for repeal of all Federal gun legislation and nullification of all federal, state and local laws that are not in accordance with an individual's Constitutional right to keep and bear arms.
The Reform Party of KS strongly supports the traditional family as ordained by God and built upon the marital union of one man and one woman.
A people cannot be considered free if they fear their own government. As control of the law enforcement apparatus has been slowly transferred to our federal government and the threat looms of control being transferred to unelected transnational overseers, fear of our own government will naturally rise. Additionally, as unconstitutional regulatory agencies are armed and military branches are granted competing enforcement powers, the incentives to arrest, harass, seize the property of, and even murder our fellow citizens rises and our Bill of Rights is shredded in the name of law and order. The Reform Party of KS takes a strong stand against the rise of state police powers and laws that allow for the people to be penalized in fines and property seizures without due process of law. We stand against the use of secret evidence in the attaining of search warrants or as cause for detaining citizens. We support the right of all our citizens to face our accusers and to know the evidence against them in a court of law. Finally, we hold dear that our citizens should be secure in the knowledge that no agency shall be allowed to monitor our citizens' communications, associations, or examine personal effects without due process of law and public disclosure of that process.
No society can survive in the absence of moral governance. In recognizing America's historic Christian roots, the Reform Party of KS firmly supports the necessary restoration of God to the public square.
The Reform Party of KS will not support any proposal that allows homosexuals into the military service of the United States of America, in any capacity. The United States military service is an honorable vocation for honorable men and women.
The Reform Party of KS unequivocally supports the return of all God-given rights for every family to decide how to discipline their children, what their children are allowed to do, and with whom their children are allowed to associate. Parents will decide where and how their child will be educated, whether in public, private or religious education. Parents will have the right to withdraw their child from sexual education classes if they believe the program is not in the best interest of their child -- such as the teaching of homosexual practices. These practices are completely against Godly and family values. Parents must be notified if their child asks for an abortion, or the taking of birth control pills. There should never be any type of sexual examination at school or on school time. An examination must be done with the parents' consent, and at their physician's office, or in extreme cases where abuse can and will be proved, by court order. No family should ever be threatened with the taking of their child if they do not conform to government rules and regulations. The government of the United States of America should never interfere with how a family decides to rear one's child. If it comes down to real child abuse, government involvement should revert to the county where the child lives, and then only with proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Every child should be allowed to have prayer at school, during recess, lunch, or after school on school property. They should be allowed to have religious classes on their own time. These schools are paid for by "We the People."
The Reform Party of KS is unalterably opposed to all so-called "hate crime" laws whether they be federal, state, county, or municipal. The elusive element of "hate" as a significant factor in the commission of a particular crime is something that can best be determined by God, not by man.
The mapping of the human genome at the dawn of this new century is a tremendous achievement that will propel us towards real cures for many diseases that baffle our medical community today. It has allowed us to learn how to read a complex code laid before us by our creator. However, we must be mindful of our obligations to use this technology wisely and with great reverence and using the highest moral standards. The Reform Party of KS calls for the following minimum guidelines to be codified into law regarding the further research and development of this technology ...
We affirm the principle espoused in the Declaration of Independence, that we are all endowed by our creator with certain unalienable rights, and among them is the right to life. The right to life is not superseded by any foreign or domestic law. Since the United States Supreme Court decision in the case of Roe v. Wade legalized abortion, there have been 40 million unborn babies slaughtered, laying to waste an entire generation. It is time that we end the American Holocaust. We are committed to protecting the lives of these innocent persons. We recognize that life begins at conception and support overturning Roe v. Wade. |
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