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EducationJoe Bellis - My response to President's State of the Union Address"I have given thought to how to respond the President's State of the Union address last night. There was so much wrong with that I just can't comment. I can only say that this is the speech The President should have given last night. "Madame Speaker, Vice President Biden, members of Congress, justices of the Supreme Court, distinguished guests, and fellow Americans, good evening: Our Constitution declares that I shall from time to time give the Congress information of the State of the Union and recommend for their consideration such measures I shall judge necessary and expedient. It is this event that brings us together tonight. The State of Union is grim and we, the Congress and I, all to blame for that. So starting now, things are going to change. First, stop with the applause. Our nation is suffering and doesn't want hear your applause. Secondly, sit down, listen and open your minds, as you are about to hear concepts never before made from this podium. Third, let's get down to business. Chuck Baldwin for President in 2008[This Page|Printable PDF|Flyers] Chuck Baldwin Stands for Constitutionally Limited Government, which would dramatically lower our taxes. ~ ISSUES ~ St. Joan of Arc: One of the Greatest Patriots in HistoryGary Melechinsky inspired me to make a page about Joan of Arc, I hope it lives up to his expectations. Below is a brief timeline of the life of this great Patriot. 1412 (?), Jan 6 - Joan of Arc was born Jehanne D’Arc at Domremy France to Jacques and Isabelle d'Arc, during the Truce of Leulinghen. Sporadic warfare continued between two rival French factions, the Armagnacs and Burgundians. 1413 - The Burgundians, including Joan's future judge, Pierre Cauchon, sparked the brutal Cabochien Revolt in Paris in an effort to gain power. Cauchon would be exiled as punishment for his role in this revolt. 1415 - The Truce of Leulinghen came to an end as Henry V invaded France, defeating the Armagnac-dominated French Royal army at the battle of Aginçourt. 1424 (?) - When Joan was about 12 years old, she began hearing "voices" of St. Michael, St. Catherine, and St. Margaret believing them to have been sent by God. These voices told her that it was her divine mission to free her country from the English and help the dauphin gain the French throne. They told her to cut her hair, dress in man's uniform and to pick up the arms. Al Cronkrite - Be Specific: Label a Provable CulpritThere is confusion about who is responsible for the continued slide of United States into World Government and Totalitarianism. A reliable yard stick is needed. When Karl Marx and Frederick Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto they listed ten steps necessary to overthrow the free enterprise system. These principles have all become part of the fabric of the United States Government. 1st Plank of Communism: Abolish Private Property. This is being accomplished by land use laws, property taxes, zoning laws, environmental laws, etc. 2nd Plank of Communism: A heavy progressive income tax. There was NO income tax until 1913 when it began at 1%, never to go above 2%. What are you paying? Open Letter to Congress - Vote NO to HR 984 the Grassroots MuzzleCongressman/Congresswoman: Democrats claim by that party designation to be for democracy, which demands grassroots participation on a large scale for that name to have any good meaning at all. Republicans claim by that party designation to be for a republican form of government, which is to have fair and equitable laws that preserve the personal rights and freedoms of citizens, even the weakest. Requiring small, private groups to meet lobbyist requirements of huge multi-national corporations, whose gross usurpations of power have been so successful precisely due to the lack of clear communication to the voters, is a major step toward cementing their unbridled dreams of complete fascist control over our lives. Such a direct affront to the growing desire by voters to participate in the democratic processes of this (once) great republic will necessarily result in open non-compliance (civil disobedience) to an openly un-Constitutional and anti-Constitutional "statute." Vote NO to HR 984 and its muzzle on grassroots activism or prove to your constituents that your oath to uphold the US Constitution was a lie. Eugenics - Book records American efforts to create pure Nordic raceThe initial reaction people have to Edwin Black's book, War Against the Weak Eugenics, Black writes in the introduction to his book, was a systematic plan to rid the United States of "undesirable" people. "Throughout the first six decades of the twentieth century, hundreds of thousands of Americans and untold numbers of others were not permitted to continue their families by reproducing. Selected because of their ancestry, national origin, race or religion, they were forcibly sterilized, wrongly committed to mental institutions where they died in great numbers, prohibited from marrying, and sometimes even unmarried by state bureaucrats," Black writes. "In America, this battle to wipe out whole ethnic groups was fought not by armies with guns nor by hate sects at the margins. Rather, this pernicious white-gloved war was prosecuted by esteemed professors, elite universities, wealthy industrialists and government officials colluding in a racist, pseudoscientific movement called eugenics. The purpose: create a superior Nordic race." TREASON 101: Arizona State University Promotes the Destruction of the United States of AmericaIn May of 2005, a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) task force released "Building a North American Community", a blueprint for merging the United States, Mexico and Canada into one country called "North America". The plan, which is being implemented via the Security and Prosperity Partnership agreement signed last year between the leaders of the three countries, will destroy the sovereignty of the USA. The United States will cease to exist as an independent nation. The United States Constitution, including the Bill of Rights, will be extinct. Implementation of such a plan is, therefore, by definition, an act of TREASON. No other word fits the crime. Critical to the execution of this high crime is the careful application of propaganda. To that end, the academic community within the United States is being enlisted to sell the idea that destroying America is a good idea. On page 29 of "Building a North American Community" is a recommendation to "Develop a network of centers for North American studies. We recommend that the three governments open a competition and provide grants to universities in each of the three countries to promote courses, education, and research on North America." Arizona State University is one of the first academic Judas to volunteer to sell out American sovereignty. Traitors at ASU have put up a website, intended to be an instructional tool to assist and encourage professors to teach the concept of "North America" to their unwitting student body. The site, appropriately titled "Building North America", was created in cooperation with the North American Center for Transborder Studies at ASU, which must, therefore, be the actual nest of the traitors residing at ASU. Have you ever heard of the Book: The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America?Yes, and I've read it. 50% (1 vote) Yes, and I'd like to read it or a review of it. 50% (1 vote) Yes, but I don't plan to read it. 0% (0 votes) No, but I'd like to read it or a review of it. 0% (0 votes) No, and I'm not interested in the subject. 0% (0 votes) Total votes: 2 By sylcain at 2025-03-04 04:49 | by sylcain | add new comment
Reform Education?We have a great school, there is nothing wrong with our school, none of that goes on... Take Action - Say "No" to More Student SearchesUPDATE: On 9/20/2006, Congress passed the Student and Teacher Safety Act by voice vote! That's right: no record of who was explicitly in favor of it, and no representative objected to it. Call 202/224-3121 to ask your representative's staff to explain why he/she raised no objection to warrantless searches of students! Students for Sensible Drug Policy is asking for your help to stop a bill that would further curtail the rights of students in public schools all across the country. The so-called “Student and Teacher Safety Act of 2006” (H.R. 5295) would make it easier for teachers and school administrators to search students’ lockers and bags for drugs and other contraband. SSDP needs your help to make sure that this bill never becomes law. H.R. 5295 would allow school officials to search dozens or even hundreds of students based on the mere suspicion that just one student brought drugs to school. This kind of justification allowed police officers to storm a high school in Goose Creek, SC, in 2003, forcing dozens of students to the ground and pointing guns directly at their faces during a misguided raid in which no drugs were found. This bill is nothing more than another attack on the constitutional rights of young people by the federal government. Students should never have to check their constitutional rights at the schoolhouse door. ![]() |
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