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VideoKS Says NO to NAU - State Rep. Judy Morrison - Hearing on Resolution against KS Participation in North American Union2025-03-03 13:59 2025-03-03 13:59 US/Central Hearing on a resolution against KS participation in the North American Union! There is a hearing on a resolution by Judy Morrison at the KS state house on St. Patrick's Day, Monday, Mar 17, 2008, at 1:30 PM Central time in room 313-S (third floor, south wing, the "old supreme court room"). The resolution is supposed to be against KS participation in the NAU/SPP. Please let everyone know about the meeting. Perhaps bring some medium sized posters with anti-NAU, pro-American sovereignty themes. Chuck Baldwin - Our Christian DutyI recently delivered an address to the people of Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida entitled, Our Christian Duty. For sure, "duty" is a much under-appreciated word among this irresponsible, avant-garde generation. Fortunately, this has not always been the case. America's history is replete with the stories of brave and selfless men and women who were willing to do their duty, regardless of personal cost or sacrifice. Without them, this country, and the prosperity we have enjoyed, would never have existed. Great American patriots from George Washington to Douglas MacArthur have paid eloquent tribute to the virtue and dignity of doing one's duty. In fact, it is no hyperbole to say that the difference between mediocrity and greatness is the attention, or lack thereof, to doing one's duty. In my address, I noted the duty that we Christians have to God, our families, and our country. Our duty to God is summarized in the Great Commandment, which is to love the Lord our God will all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. As Christian men, our duty to our families is to provide our children with firm, loving discipline. And our duty to America is eternal vigilance, that we might preserve the historic principles that birthed this free land. Ron Paul - The Upcoming Iraq War Funding BillThe $124 billion supplemental appropriation is a good bill to oppose. I am pleased that many of my colleagues will join me in voting against this measure. If one is unhappy with our progress in Iraq after four years of war, voting to de-fund the war makes sense. If one is unhappy with the manner in which we went to war, without a constitutional declaration, voting no makes equally good sense. Voting no also makes the legitimate point that the Constitution does not authorize Congress to direct the management of any military operation the president clearly enjoys this authority as Commander in Chief. But Congress just as clearly is responsible for making policy, by debating and declaring war, raising and equipping armies, funding military operations, and ending conflicts that do not serve our national interests. Full article here: Topic: Google Video Hosts "Must See" Informative VideosGoogle is a great tool for researching information, and Google Video has a lot of very informative videos from such authorities and personalities as G. Edward Griffin, Alex Jones and his InfoWars, Ron Paul, and Lou Dobbs. It also has information on many important topics, including JFK, 9/11, CIA, Taxes, Waco, and TWA 800. I have tagged many very informative videos must see. Topic: Sustainable Development and Agenda 21: Soviet Rule of AmericaThe synthesis of the Hegelian dialectic between "Sustainable Development" and "Public/Private Partnerships" is the United Nations' Agenda 21 [Videos]. Collectivism is the suppression of individuality by the State. Communism seeks "Equity." Fascism promotes "Economy." Sustainable Development enshrines the "Environment." These three goals are combined in Agenda 21 to form a world-wide tyranny. The American Policy Center has some videos on the details of Agenda 21, how they are already turning America into a soviet bureaucracy, and the tyranny they promise for our immediate future. [Related Items on] Topic: TerrorStorm: Documentary on State Sponsored Terrorism as the Tool of the Ruling EliteAlex Jones, radio and cable TV host for over ten years and maker of over a dozen truth-seeking documentaries, recently finished his latest film, TerrorStorm, releasing it on DVD, selling it from his site, in many stores (some of which are refusing to sell it), and in particular on Topic: North American Union - Traitors for Free TradeThe North American Union (NAU) [Videos] is the latest effort of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) [Videos] to dissolve further the national sovereignty of the United States of America. Their goals have been made clear in their maneuvers to get NAFTA and, a decade later, CAFTA approved in Congress and in the accelerated erosion of the American economy ever since. Now, the North American Union, started by Bush of America (sic!), Martin of Canada, and Fox of Mexico as the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) [Videos], and continuing unabated without Congressional approval, oversight, or even awareness, plans to end the United States of America as we know it. [NAFTA / CAFTA / FTAA / American Union Items on] Topic: America: From Freedom to FascismAaron Russo's Recent Film, America: Freedom to Fascism, documents a quest for answers on the IRS and the Federal Reserve, and it uncovers the people and organizations that are seeking to enslave us and the entire world, with the help of the Major Media. To do this, they are undermining our God-given, constitutionally protected rights, using as their agents the very government officials at all levels and in all branches, even though these have all sworn oaths to uphold and defend the Constitution. It is available for sale at, and it can be viewed for free on Google Video. [Freedom To Fascism Forum Topic on] ![]() |
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