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archivesActivism Idea - Adopt a Public MeetingThe Bad Guys keep hoping that "good" people will despair and resort to "stupid" acts of retaliation against the system that keeps them in slavery, and there are many that fall to this temptation under the multiple, constant pressures imposed upon them. But, if only some people would start doing the "right" things: pay attention to what their officials are doing, care about the problems, and stand up to fill the obvious gaps in leadership, each one taking the closest gap at hand and sticking with it until momentum develops and the problems get turned around. One simple action is to start attending meetings of local elected officials, challenging any socialist or selfish actions, informing others of the issues, and becoming a focal point for people that want to becoming involved themselves. The persistence of one or two at each local meeting can be the nucleus of energy needed to spark off grassroots activism. Patriot Act - National Security Letters: Signed, Sealed, Delivered - You're GoneSome info on the gestapo tactics of the FBI under the Patriot Act. 2005/11/05/AR2005110501366.html Movie Review - It's a Wonderful LifeIt's a Wonderful Life The heroic sacrifice of a few can enable good people to prosper. This classic is about not discounting the significant long-term ramifications of seemingly insignificant actions. It is also a story about a group of people that, without most of them realizing how important it would be, sacrificed their lives and fortunes for something that had a profound, beneficial, and largely imperceptible effect on the people around them and on the town as a whole. Start of a Movie Review: It's a Wonderful LifeI started a movie review a while back on It's a Wonderful Life, which contains a powerful message of heroic sacrifice of personal ambitions to serve others. Do People Have Rights or Privileges?Is There Such a Thing as Injustice? Does a person have rights that he/she is entitled to or does he/she have (or lack) privileges that might be granted to him/her? These are basically the same question which indirectly asks another question: What is the source of a person's "rights," where a "right" in this question merely means "something that the person feels he should be able to do without restriction." Article Idea - Do People Have Rights or Privileges?Here is a start of an article about Rights vs. Privileges. College Course Seeks to Debunk Intelligent DesignA proposal made by an atheistic Professor and comments by many atheistic supporters. Issue Idea - Kansas Leadership Should Focus on Kansans - Not Big CorporationsWhy does Kansas court specific high-profile national corporations and yet at the same time tax and regulate the local families and businesses of Kansans into oblivion? Short answer: Issue Idea - On Career Politicians Serving ThemselvesWe pay (involuntarily through taxes) people to work on new ways to regulate our activity and are left with no money to support people who would help stay informed of these efforts and mobilize a large enough resistence to such new regulations. Here and there, certain new proposals of regulations are shocking enough to cause a sufficient negative reaction to stop them for the moment. If that negative reaction can't be managed (by the media, normally) to prevent it from stopping the proposal, then it is simply tabled for later, when it can be tried again. Seldom is a second wave of negative reaction to a regulation large enough to stop it (or at to overcome attempts to manage the reaction). Issue Idea - On Arrogant Officials Regarding Us as Their Ignorant ServantsLocal policy makers, instead of performing public service, arrogate to themselves the role of omniscient landlord: they know so much more about homes, business, families, education, finance, etc., that they insist on being a party to most of your personal affairs, to the point of penalizing you for failing to approach them like docile children for their blessing on your ideas (and of course failing to offer your tribute to them in the form of fees and/or higher property taxes). |
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