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archivesJudy Tucker - A Pro-Life Candidate for KS State Representative, 5th District.Having watched the actions of Government in her many years as a Mother and Grandparent of 2 beautiful Grandchildren, Judy is now running for KS State Representative to make our Elected Government Officials accountable to the People instead of serving the Corporations and Special Interest Groups. The fundamental problem behind the betrayer of our Elected Representatives is the large amount of Money being passed around to many Officials who do not care about We the People. For example, Big Pharmaceutical Companies lobby for trade agreements that would enforce the international agreement called Codex Alimentarius, which will outlaw herbs and natural food supplements, only allowing them by prescription, if at all. "Big Pharma" doesn't want to see a reduction in their profits because of people keeping themselves stay healthy with healthy food and herbs; they don't want competition. Most people are not yet aware that while laws are being passed to infringe upon our constitutional civil liberties in the name of making us safer from terrorists, our borders are not being defended from the daily invasion of thousands of unidentified illegal immigrants who may well be the very terrorists of which the government and media are constantly warning us, on their way to destroy the future of our children. The contradictions in these ploicies are obvious. Most people are not yet aware that the Security and Prosperity Partnership Of North America (SPP) is already nearing completion. This anti-American partnership will dissolve the borders with Canada and Mexico, eliminate security at our current national borders, and complete the destructive "free trade" agreements that have been helping U.S. factories move to Mexico for cheaper labor for over a decade: under the SPP they will be able to hire legal immigrants, avoiding those costly moving expenses. This economic destruction, together with the so-called war on domestic terrorism, is double insanity without representation. We The People, who are supposed to control the people's government, have not asked for this. The money and power of large international corporations have the eyes and ears of our Elected Officials, directing them to ensure greater control, less competition, and increased profits for their wealthy sponsors. Sylvester Cain - Kansas Reform Candidate for U.S. Congress, 1st DistrictSylvester has worked behind the scenes in the tax honesty movement in various groups helping the general public understand the Internal Revenue Code and the administration thereof. He has done this in one capacity or another since 1960. Sylvester has learned that many of the early ideas of “how-to” understand the code has had to change with the broadening of his education on the subject. The advent of the computer and the internet enhanced this work greatly. No longer was there a need to have meeting late into the night miles and miles from home, no longer a need to make trips to the law library; all that is needed now is e-mail and the Internet websites. Bob Conroy - Kansas Reform Candidate for U.S. Congress, 3rd DistrictBob Conroy, Kansas Reform Candidate for U.S. Congress, 3rd District Leslie Martin - Reform Candidate for KS State Representative, 61st DistrictLeslie Martin, Reform Candidate for KS State Representative, 61st District Leslie Martin is a strong proponent of traditional family values. She is pro-life and against embryonic stem-cell research. Leslie is particularly concerned about the National Animal Identification System, which forces RF-ID tagging of all livestock and even the tracking of their feed, and which Congress has scheduled to become mandatory in all states by 2009. NAIS will be the final destruction of the small family farms and ranches, since it will add crushing expenses, regulations, and fines to their already high costs of staying in business. As more and more local farms and ranches shut down, to the delight of the multi-national "Big-Beef"/"Big-Bird" companies (like Cargill, ADM, and Tyson), our food quality will diminish from the reduced competition. Do you Eat?! Then you should be against NAIS! Vote for Leslie Martin for Kansas State Representative, District #61. Art Richmond - Reform Candidate for KS State Representative, 121st DistrictArt Richmond, Reform Candidate for KS State Representative, 121st District |
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