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archivesChuck Baldwin - Our Christian DutyI recently delivered an address to the people of Crossroad Baptist Church in Pensacola, Florida entitled, Our Christian Duty. For sure, "duty" is a much under-appreciated word among this irresponsible, avant-garde generation. Fortunately, this has not always been the case. America's history is replete with the stories of brave and selfless men and women who were willing to do their duty, regardless of personal cost or sacrifice. Without them, this country, and the prosperity we have enjoyed, would never have existed. Great American patriots from George Washington to Douglas MacArthur have paid eloquent tribute to the virtue and dignity of doing one's duty. In fact, it is no hyperbole to say that the difference between mediocrity and greatness is the attention, or lack thereof, to doing one's duty. In my address, I noted the duty that we Christians have to God, our families, and our country. Our duty to God is summarized in the Great Commandment, which is to love the Lord our God will all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. As Christian men, our duty to our families is to provide our children with firm, loving discipline. And our duty to America is eternal vigilance, that we might preserve the historic principles that birthed this free land. Are We Betraying Our Own Freedoms by Serving Power-Hungry Masters?For several generations up to the present day, selfish people have been openly planning and implementing a police state of total enslavement, in which they and their servants will have license to assault our freedoms, our property, our families, our health, and even our souls and minds. These self-appointed slave-masters are power-hungry and ruthless, and they do not care how many have to suffer for the success of their goals of domination. They do not see the people of the world as free individuals whose rights and freedoms are to be carefully regarded. Rather, they see other people as potential slaves if they can be manipulated into bondage. These ambitious masters are counting on all of us (their intended slaves) not to notice, not to understand, or not to care. They have developed a multitude of diversions in our lives to distract us from our duties to our families, our local communities, our cities, our state, and our nation. |
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