The conduct of the national media and their criminal conspiracy against (Libertarian) Republican Texas congressman Dr. Ron Paul is utterly amazing. For the first time in over one hundred years we have a true "patriot" running for the office of President, and the media is totally ignoring him like he has the plague. It is obvious that those who control our national media also seek a central world government. Also included in this conspiracy are the elite private International Bankers that own the Federal Reserve, who plotted years ago to gain control over the media. They have been very successful with that endeavor.
Let's look at the facts.
- Ron Paul stated in the first debate that he would get rid of the IRS.
That statement alone should have made him the talk of the nation; no other candidate has stated that. Surely this is newsworthy, but not a word about it from our controlled national media.
- In the second debate Ron Paul stated he would get rid of the inflation tax. A 1913-dollar now being worth only four cents. That statement implies he would get rid of the Federal Reserve.
No one has had the courage to do this since 1836 when Andrew Jackson threw out the bankers, calling them exactly what they are, "You are a den of vipers and thieves." This sure seems newsworthy but still no follow-up from our controlled national media.
- Ron Paul wants to get back on a Gold standard and actually have money that is worth something other than worthless paper.
This country became the greatest and most prosperous nation on earth when it was on a gold standard. Again this seems newsworthy but not a word from our controlled national media.
[Invisible Patriots Web Site]
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