Tax Reform

Tax Reform

  1. We shall create a new tax system.
  2. The new system shall be fair and simple.
  3. The new system shall raise the money needed to pay the nation's constitutionally legitimate bills.
  4. Analyze, model, and publicly debate the best options. All options should be considered, including tariffs, value-added taxes, and taxes on income, sales, assets, gasoline, and financial transactions.
  5. Allow voters to provide input on the new system.
  6. Any future tax increases under the new system must be approved by the people in the next federal election, in order to impose discipline on spending.
  7. Any tax law that benefits a discrete minority shall be subject to strict scrutiny and shall become law only if a compelling interest can be demonstrated.

Two thoughts on the tax reform platform

I see that the reform party platform states a willingness to consider an income tax. You can only tax what you own. You do not own me, therefore you should not tax my labor; I am not your slave.

Why not have a poll tax?