Heroic Self-Sacrifice for Others

Ideas for this Web-Site

I am hoping to make progress on the ideas that prompted me to put together a content management system (CMS) in the first place.

The web-site link is:
http://www.votekansas.org/ .

  • Asynchronous Meeting Place
    This is a place for members to meet asynchronously (whenever each has a little time rather than finding a time when two or more can talk voice-to-voice or in person at the same time).

    Thus, people can discuss issues, write up ideas for articles, campaign literature, party growth, meetings, etc. without people needing to schedule simultaneous free-time.

  • Bulletin Board
    A place to put notifications of news items, news sources, up-coming events, etc.

Issue Idea / Flyer Idea - We Need Mature, Responsible Candidates

We Need Mature, Responsible Candidates

a) Liberal politicians (as well as liberal lobbyists) seem intent of preventing traditional methods of effective child training.

b) Instead of controlling public spending to prevent going "bankrupt" (as we voting tax-payers would go broke if we over-spent our own budgets), spend-thrift legislators spend not only more money than they have - the taxes collected from us - but even more money than we have, as illustrated by the courts demanding 100s of millions more in taxes from us than even our representatives are willing to require of us and still show their faces for reelection.

Movie Review - It's a Wonderful Life

It's a Wonderful Life

The heroic sacrifice of a few can enable good people to prosper.

This classic is about not discounting the significant long-term ramifications of seemingly insignificant actions.

It is also a story about a group of people that, without most of them realizing how important it would be, sacrificed their lives and fortunes for something that had a profound, beneficial, and largely imperceptible effect on the people around them and on the town as a whole.

2006 State Convention/ Nominating Caucus - Announcement and Invitation

[RPKS Conventions|Page Link]

Please join us for the 2006 State Convention and Candidate Nominating Caucus of the Reform Party of Kansas!

Where: Puffy's Steak and Ice House
215 Main St.
Maple Hill, KS  66507-9400
Maps: Google Maps - Mapquest
When: Saturday, June 3rd, 2006
10:00 AM to 4:30 PM
Hour Lunch Break around Noon
RSVP: rsvp@votekansas.org
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