Fascism / Public-Private Partnership / Corporatism

NAIS: RFID "Mark of the Beast" being Forced on Amish Community

RFID Chips being Forced on Amish Community
Indiana Amish resisting government chipping program

Concerned Amish Farmers Bring this to My Attention.

The Indiana Amish community has been informed by the Indiana State Board of Animal Health that they are required to participate in a 3 phase process which will, at the second phase, put RFID chips in each of their animals.

The 3 phases are:

  1. Premise identification.
  2. Animal identification (when chips will be implanted in the animals)
  3. Animal tracking.

In documents dated June 30, 2006, Jennifer Greiner, DVM, informs the small farmers that effective September 1, 2006, enrollment in the program will be MANDATORY, and all farm animals, defined as cattle, bison, swine, sheep, goats, and captive deer or elk, must be entered into the electronic database.

[Source Article] by Margaret Schaut on http://www.squidoo.com/

[Related Items on VoteKansas.org]

Topic: Sustainable Development and Agenda 21: Soviet Rule of America

The synthesis of the Hegelian dialectic between "Sustainable Development" and "Public/Private Partnerships" is the United Nations' Agenda 21 [Videos].

Collectivism is the suppression of individuality by the State.

Communism seeks "Equity." Fascism promotes "Economy." Sustainable Development enshrines the "Environment." These three goals are combined in Agenda 21 to form a world-wide tyranny.

The American Policy Center has some videos on the details of Agenda 21, how they are already turning America into a soviet bureaucracy, and the tyranny they promise for our immediate future.

[Related Items on VoteKansas.org]
[America Destroyed by Design Video]


Topic: Chuck Harder: Witness to the Success of the American Dream and its Engineered Demise

The following was taken from Chuck Harder's Biography Page:

"Chuck Harder began his radio career during high-school as a teen-age disc-jockey at WRMN, Elgin, Illinois and other local stations. Later he moved to Chicago at Gorden McLendon's famous WYNR 1390 AM top-40 outlet, then moved into national radio and TV production. Later in 1979 Chuck started in talk-radio at WPLP and WNSI in Tampa Bay, Florida and then moved to WFLA, Tampa then WMCA, New York and NBC Talknet.

"Most of Harder's shows contained calls from consumers relating to financial problems or trouble with products, government bureaus, and so forth. Soon Chuck became disillusioned with what he called the "velvet hammer" of corporate-media program directors that advised as to what were "taboo topics." Determined to tell listeners what he found to be accurate, Chuck soon turned to syndicating his broadcast nationwide by satellite under the umbrella of a non-profit organization. Chuck and wife Dianne then loaned their life-savings to start Peoples Network, Inc. and built the first studios in their Tampa garage, later buying an old hotel in White Springs with down-payment and original fix-up funds loaned by the Harder's from personal savings.

"His guests have included Ross Perot, James Earl Jones, Pat Buchanan, Representative Marcy Kaptur, Sir James Goldsmith, Hal Lindsey, William Greider, Ralph Nader, Gerry Spence, Father Malachi Martin, Alveda King, and many hundreds of others over 8,580 hours of national broadcasts.

"Chuck's show is on nationally via four satellite channels from 2-4 PM Eastern and syndicated jointly by Talk Star Radio Network and PNI."

[Chuck Harder Articles] [Chuck Harder Blog]
[Good Politics Radio Feedburner Feed w/ PodCasts]

[Chuck Harder Items on VoteKansas.org]

Topic: TerrorStorm: Documentary on State Sponsored Terrorism as the Tool of the Ruling Elite

Alex Jones, radio and cable TV host for over ten years and maker of over a dozen truth-seeking documentaries, recently finished his latest film, TerrorStorm, releasing it on DVD, selling it from his site http://www.InfoWars.com/, in many stores (some of which are refusing to sell it), and in particular on Amazon.com, and also making it available for viewing and/or download from Google Video (for free) and for the subscribers of his site http://www.PrisonPlanet.tv/.

[Related Items on VoteKansas.org]

Topic: NAIS - National Animal Identification System - International Control of Meat Production

The National Animal Identification System (NAIS) [Videos] is an international tracking system that favors the big corporate farmers, and it is already in place in several unfortunate countries and even in some states in the U.S.

NAIS forces RF-ID tagging of all livestock and even the tracking of their feed. Congress has passed a "law" that forces all states to make it mandatory by 2009.

This Orwellian NAIS attempts to force farmers and ranchers to register their premises (which is the pivotal first step locking each rancher into a binding contract; don't do this!), to invest in costly equipment, including RF-ID tags for every animal (costing from $5 to $10 each, not normally reimbursed by the packers), and even to tell the authorities whenever animals are moved off their property, whenever they are born, sold, or have died within days. Non-compliance is punished with a $1000 per day fine.

NAIS will be the final destruction of the small family farms and ranches, since it will add crushing expenses, regulations, and fines to their already high costs of staying in business. As more and more local farms and ranches shut down, to the delight of the multi-national "Big-Beef"/"Big-Bird" companies (like Cargill, ADM, and Tyson), our food quality will diminish from the reduced competition.

Do you Eat?! Then you should be against NAIS! There are groups in different states that have formed to fight NAIS in their respective states.

Informative Links on NAIS

NAIS items from The Power Hour Radio Show on Genesis Communications Network.
USDA NAIS Site or here
http://www.FarmAndRanchFreedom.org/ (Flyer, Myths)
NAIS Articles on http://www.freedom.org/news/

[NAIS and Related Items on VoteKansas.org]

Topic: North American Union - Traitors for Free Trade

The North American Union (NAU) [Videos] is the latest effort of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) [Videos] to dissolve further the national sovereignty of the United States of America.

Their goals have been made clear in their maneuvers to get NAFTA and, a decade later, CAFTA approved in Congress and in the accelerated erosion of the American economy ever since.

Now, the North American Union, started by Bush of America (sic!), Martin of Canada, and Fox of Mexico as the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) [Videos], and continuing unabated without Congressional approval, oversight, or even awareness, plans to end the United States of America as we know it.

[NAFTA / CAFTA / FTAA / American Union Items on VoteKansas.org]

Topic: America: From Freedom to Fascism

Aaron Russo's Recent Film, America: Freedom to Fascism, documents a quest for answers on the IRS and the Federal Reserve, and it uncovers the people and organizations that are seeking to enslave us and the entire world, with the help of the Major Media. To do this, they are undermining our God-given, constitutionally protected rights, using as their agents the very government officials at all levels and in all branches, even though these have all sworn oaths to uphold and defend the Constitution.

It is available for sale at http://www.freedomtofascism.com/, and it can be viewed for free on Google Video.

[Freedom To Fascism Forum Topic on VoteKansas.org]
[Freedom To Fascism Items on VoteKansas.org]

Election Day 2008

2024-05-08 00:56
2024-05-08 00:56

Closer than you think: Election Day 2008.

Kansas and America need Reform in the US Senate immediately. Please join us in the effort to put a patriotic Kansan into the Senate.

Radio Ad - Roger Tucker - Why Reward Politicians that are Destroying America?

[Radio Ad MP3] [All Radio Ad MP3s]

Why are we losing thousands of good paying factory jobs to the competition of foreign factories that employ workers who traditionally have never experienced the right to bargain for a higher standard of living as our Constitution has given American labor the right? It is all tied in with those free trade agreements such as NAFTA and CAFTA, and we keep letting them do it. We keep voting for the same Republicans and Democrats who have set up those free trade agreements to make American economic standards compete against exploited workers who have never known the liberty afforded by our Constitution. When will it end?

We must stop rewarding those same politicians with a return to office. We must stop rewarding both Republicans and Democrats and anyone else who can’t seem to understand what America is all about as Abraham Lincoln did, and as John F. Kennedy did and thousands of other patriots who have been willing to sacrifice so that we might have that gift of liberty in America that is the unalienable right of all mankind, but so rare in the world.

Flyer - Judy Tucker - Hold Elected Officials Accountable to We the People

[Printable Flyer PDF]
[External Page Link] [All Flyers]

Vote Judy Tucker for Kansas House Distr. #5.

My Top Three Policy Issues

  1. Hold Elected Officials Accountable to Kansas Voters and Stop Serving Corporations and Special Interests.
  2. Stop the Security and Prosperity Partnership in Kansas and its promises to legalize the millions of invading illegal aliens and to steal thousands of acres of private land with the abuse of Eminent Domain.
  3. Stop the enforcement of Codex Alimentarius, which will outlaw natural supplements and herbs and other maneuvers of corporations to block competition from Kansas businesses.

Vote for Judy Tucker

Having watched the actions of Government in my many years as a Mother and Grandparent of two beautiful Grandchildren, I am now running for KS State Representative to make our Elected Government Officials accountable to the People instead of serving the Corporations and Special Interest Groups.

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