
Ron Paul - The Federal Reserve Monopoly over Money

The greatest threat facing America today is not terrorism, or foreign economic competition, or illegal immigration. The greatest threat facing America today is the disastrous fiscal policies of our own government, marked by shameless deficit spending and Federal Reserve currency devaluation. It is this one-two punch -- Congress spending more than it can tax or borrow, and the Fed printing money to make up the difference -- that threatens to impoverish us by further destroying the value of our dollars.

Full article here:

Ron Paul - The 2008 Federal Budget

The fiscal year 2008 budget, passed in the House of Representative last week, is a monument to irresponsibility and profligacy. It shows that Congress remains oblivious to the economic troubles facing the nation, and that political expediency trumps all common sense in Washington. To the extent that proponents and supporters of these unsustainable budget increases continue to win reelection, it also shows that many Americans unfortunately continue to believe government can provide them with a free lunch.

To summarize, Congress proposes spending roughly $3 trillion in 2008. When I first came to Congress in 1976, the federal government spent only about $300 billion. So spending has increased tenfold in thirty years, and tripled just since 1990.

Full article here:

Ron Paul - The 2008 Federal Budget

About one-third of this $3 trillion is so-called discretionary spending; the remaining two-thirds is deemed "mandatory" entitlement spending, which means mostly Social Security and Medicare. I'm sure many American voters would be shocked to know their elected representatives essentially have no say over two-thirds of the federal budget, but that is indeed the case. In fact the most disturbing problem with the budget is the utter lack of concern for the coming entitlement meltdown.

Entire article here:

Ron Paul - More Funding for the War in Iraq

Last week the House passed an emergency supplemental spending bill that was the worst of all worlds. The presidents request would have already set a spending record, but the Democratic leadership packed 21 billion additional dollars of mostly pork barrel spending in attempt to win Democrat votes. The total burden on the American taxpayer for this bill alone will be an astonishing 124 billion dollars. Democrats promised to oppose the war by adding more money to fight the war than even the president requested.

I am pleased to have joined with the majority of my Republican colleagues to oppose this bill.

Among the pork added to attract votes was more than 200 million dollars to the dairy industry, 74 million for peanut farmers, and 25 million dollars for spinach farmers. Also, the bill included more than two billion dollars in unconstitutional foreign aid, including half a billion dollars for Lebanon and Eastern Europe.

What might be most disturbing, however, is the treatment of veterans in the bill. Playing politics with the funding of critical veterans medical and other assistance by adding it onto a controversial bill to attract votes strikes me as highly inappropriate. Veterans funding should be included in a properly structured, comprehensive appropriations bill. Better still, veterans spending should be automatically funded and not subject to yearly politicking and nit-picking.

Full article here:

Ron Paul - The Upcoming Iraq War Funding Bill

The $124 billion supplemental appropriation is a good bill to oppose. I am pleased that many of my colleagues will join me in voting against this measure.

If one is unhappy with our progress in Iraq after four years of war, voting to de-fund the war makes sense. If one is unhappy with the manner in which we went to war, without a constitutional declaration, voting no makes equally good sense.

Voting no also makes the legitimate point that the Constitution does not authorize Congress to direct the management of any military operation the president clearly enjoys this authority as Commander in Chief.

But Congress just as clearly is responsible for making policy, by debating and declaring war, raising and equipping armies, funding military operations, and ending conflicts that do not serve our national interests.

Full article here:

Watch Ron Paul's speech on video.

Topic: Google Video Hosts "Must See" Informative Videos

Google is a great tool for researching information, and Google Video has a lot of very informative videos from such authorities and personalities as G. Edward Griffin, Alex Jones and his InfoWars, Ron Paul, and Lou Dobbs.

It also has information on many important topics, including JFK, 9/11, CIA, Taxes, Waco, and TWA 800.

I have tagged many very informative videos must see.

[Video Items on]

NAIS: RFID "Mark of the Beast" being Forced on Amish Community

RFID Chips being Forced on Amish Community
Indiana Amish resisting government chipping program

Concerned Amish Farmers Bring this to My Attention.

The Indiana Amish community has been informed by the Indiana State Board of Animal Health that they are required to participate in a 3 phase process which will, at the second phase, put RFID chips in each of their animals.

The 3 phases are:

  1. Premise identification.
  2. Animal identification (when chips will be implanted in the animals)
  3. Animal tracking.

In documents dated June 30, 2006, Jennifer Greiner, DVM, informs the small farmers that effective September 1, 2006, enrollment in the program will be MANDATORY, and all farm animals, defined as cattle, bison, swine, sheep, goats, and captive deer or elk, must be entered into the electronic database.

[Source Article] by Margaret Schaut on

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Topic: Chuck Harder: Witness to the Success of the American Dream and its Engineered Demise

The following was taken from Chuck Harder's Biography Page:

"Chuck Harder began his radio career during high-school as a teen-age disc-jockey at WRMN, Elgin, Illinois and other local stations. Later he moved to Chicago at Gorden McLendon's famous WYNR 1390 AM top-40 outlet, then moved into national radio and TV production. Later in 1979 Chuck started in talk-radio at WPLP and WNSI in Tampa Bay, Florida and then moved to WFLA, Tampa then WMCA, New York and NBC Talknet.

"Most of Harder's shows contained calls from consumers relating to financial problems or trouble with products, government bureaus, and so forth. Soon Chuck became disillusioned with what he called the "velvet hammer" of corporate-media program directors that advised as to what were "taboo topics." Determined to tell listeners what he found to be accurate, Chuck soon turned to syndicating his broadcast nationwide by satellite under the umbrella of a non-profit organization. Chuck and wife Dianne then loaned their life-savings to start Peoples Network, Inc. and built the first studios in their Tampa garage, later buying an old hotel in White Springs with down-payment and original fix-up funds loaned by the Harder's from personal savings.

"His guests have included Ross Perot, James Earl Jones, Pat Buchanan, Representative Marcy Kaptur, Sir James Goldsmith, Hal Lindsey, William Greider, Ralph Nader, Gerry Spence, Father Malachi Martin, Alveda King, and many hundreds of others over 8,580 hours of national broadcasts.

"Chuck's show is on nationally via four satellite channels from 2-4 PM Eastern and syndicated jointly by Talk Star Radio Network and PNI."

[Chuck Harder Articles] [Chuck Harder Blog]
[Good Politics Radio Feedburner Feed w/ PodCasts]

[Chuck Harder Items on]

Topic: America: From Freedom to Fascism

Aaron Russo's Recent Film, America: Freedom to Fascism, documents a quest for answers on the IRS and the Federal Reserve, and it uncovers the people and organizations that are seeking to enslave us and the entire world, with the help of the Major Media. To do this, they are undermining our God-given, constitutionally protected rights, using as their agents the very government officials at all levels and in all branches, even though these have all sworn oaths to uphold and defend the Constitution.

It is available for sale at, and it can be viewed for free on Google Video.

[Freedom To Fascism Forum Topic on]
[Freedom To Fascism Items on]

Flyer - Joy Holt - Restore our Constitutional Republic - Reduce Federal Spending

[Printable Flyer PDF] [All Printable Flyers]
[External Page Link]

In 1963 the USA was #1 in education, health, industry, standard of living, the biggest creditor nation in the World, with a trade surplus of several billion dollars. Now we are #20-40 in education, #37 in health, #6 in industry, destruction of the Middle Class, the biggest debtor nation in the world, and billions in trade deficits.

Today the USA's National debt of $8.5 trillion with other obligations of over $50 trillion. We have an annual budget of $3.5 trillion, and then borrow hundreds of billions of dollars as annual budget deficit added to the National Debt. The USA has a Trade Deficit of $800 billion a year thanks to NAFTA, WTO, and all so-called “Free Trade” Agreements passed by the US Congress and President to export millions of good jobs that benefit only large campaign contributing Multi-national Corporations in search of “cheap labor” at any cost, destroying our tax-base.

When you find yourself in a deep hole the first thing you have to do is: “STOP DIGGING!”

Economists calculate we lose 20,000 jobs for every billion dollars in trade deficit: 20,000 X 800 = 16,000,000 jobs. Service jobs cutting each others' lawns and flipping burgers while Congress votes to increase salaries by thousands of dollars adds insult to injury.
A successful nation must have a sound dollar and economy, rule of law, and protection of personal and property rights. Success is based on a 3-legged stool - Agriculture, Mining, and Manufacturing. This assures the “value-added” jobs that made the U.S. the greatest economy the World has ever seen.

Moral - If it ain't broke, don't fix it!!!

Good salaries circulate through the economy of a town several times: stores, banks, etc.

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